1.0.0 2242029661 2024-09-02T08:45:33Z 26 23 15 zh 欧洲研究型大学联盟 wikipedia ko 유럽 연구 대학 연맹 wikipedia fr Ligue européenne des universités de recherche wikipedia ru Лига европейских исследовательских университетов wikipedia en League of European Research Universities wikipedia es Liga de Universidades de Investigación Europeas wikipedia fi Euroopan tutkimusyliopistojen liitto wikipedia it League of European Research Universities wikipedia de League of European Research Universities wikipedia ja ヨーロッパ研究大学連盟 wikipedia nl LERU wikipedia ar رابطة الجامعات البحثية الأوروبية wikipedia th สหพันธ์มหาวิทยาลัยวิจัยแห่งยุโรป wikipedia da League of European Research Universities wikipedia az Avropa Tədqiqat Universitetləri Liqası wikipedia ca Lliga d'Universitats d'Investigació Europees wikipedia sh Liga evropskih istraživačkih univerziteta wikipedia pl Liga Europejskich Uniwersytetów Badawczych wikipedia he הליגה האירופית לאוניברסיטאות מחקר wikipedia arz رابطة الجامعات البحثيه الاوروبيه wikipedia tr 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Ewrop эўрапейская арганізацыя organització asociiĝo de esploraj universitatoj en Eŭropo організація 유럽연구대학연맹 LERU League of European Research Universities LERU Ligue europeenne des universites de recherche LERU Лига исследовательских университетов Европы Liga de Universidades de Investigacion Europeas LERU LERU LERU LERU League of European Research Universities League van Europese Research Universiteiten LERU groep رابطة الجامعات البحثية في أوروبا رابطة جامعات البحوث الأوروبية رابطة جامعات الأبحاث الأوروبية اتحاد الجامعات البحثية الأوروبية الاتحاد الأوروبي للجامعات البحثية LERU leru.org LERU LERU LERU Freebase ID Freebase ID Freebase ID identifier for a page in the Freebase database. Format: "/m/0" followed by 2 to 7 characters. For IDs starting with "/g/", use Google Knowledge Graph ID (P2671) university network university network university network group or consortium of universities instance of instance of instance of that class of which this subject is a particular example and member; different from P279 (subclass of); for example: K2 is an instance of mountain; volcano is a subclass of mountain (and an instance of volcanic landform) inception inception inception time when an entity begins to exist; for date of official opening use P1619 official website official website official website URL of the official page of an item (current or former). Usage: If a listed URL no longer points to the official website, do not remove it, but see the "Hijacked or dead websites" section of the Talk page Leuven Leuven Leuven capital city of Flemish Brabant, Belgium headquarters location headquarters location headquarters location city or town where an organization's headquarters is or has been situated. Use P276 qualifier for specific building logo image logo image logo image graphic mark or emblem commonly used by commercial enterprises, organizations and products located in the administrative territorial entity located in the administrative territorial entity located in the administrative territorial entity the item is located on the territory of the following administrative entity. Use P276 for specifying locations that are non-administrative places and for items about events. Use P1382 if the item falls only partially into the administrative entity. GRID ID GRID ID GRID ID institutional identifier from the GRID.ac global research identifier database member count member count member count number of entities that are part of an organization at a particular time Category:League of European Research Universities Category:League of European Research Universities Category:League of European Research Universities Wikimedia category topic's main category topic's main category topic's main category main Wikimedia category Belgium Belgium Belgium country in western Europe country country country sovereign state that this item is in (not to be used for human beings) Microsoft Academic ID Microsoft Academic ID Microsoft Academic ID identifier for an object or topic in the Microsoft Academic Graph (until 31 December 2021) YouTube channel ID YouTube channel ID YouTube channel ID ID of the YouTube channel of a person or organisation (not to be confused with the name of the channel) The ID can also be used for music.youtube.com IDs ROR ID ROR ID ROR ID identifier for the Research Organization Registry VIAF ID VIAF ID VIAF ID identifier for the Virtual International Authority File database [format: up to 22 digits] CANTIC ID (former scheme) CANTIC ID (former scheme) CANTIC ID (former scheme) old identifier for authority control managed by the Library of Catalonia. Format: "a", 7 digits, "x" or digit. Replaced with "CANTIC ID" (P9984) GND ID GND ID GND ID identifier from an international authority file of names, subjects, and organizations (please don't use type n = name, disambiguation) - Deutsche Nationalbibliothek NUKAT ID NUKAT ID NUKAT ID identifier for authority control in the Center of Warsaw University Library catalog X username X username X username username on X (formerly Twitter); do not include the '@' symbol CANTIC ID CANTIC ID CANTIC ID identifier for authority control managed by the Library of Catalonia EU Transparency Register ID EU Transparency Register ID EU Transparency Register ID identity code for an organisation, in the transparency register of the European Union social media followers social media followers social media followers number of subscribers on a particular social media website (use as main statement only; see P3744 instead for qualifier). Qualify with "point in time" and property for account. For Twitter, use numeric id. University of Barcelona authority ID University of Barcelona authority ID University of Barcelona authority ID register of authorities of the University of Barcelona UIA Open Yearbook organization website ID UIA Open Yearbook organization website ID UIA Open Yearbook organization website ID identifier for an international non-governmental organization (INGO) or intergovernmental organizations (IGO) on the UIA Open Yearbook org id Commons category Commons category Commons category name of the Wikimedia Commons category containing files related to this item (without the prefix "Category:") LinkedIn company or organization ID LinkedIn company or organization ID LinkedIn company or organization ID identifier for an official company, school, organisation page, or showcase page, on LinkedIn Freebase Data Dumps Freebase Data Dumps Freebase Data Dumps dumps of the public part of Google's Knowledge Graph stated in stated in stated in to be used in the references field to refer to the information document or database in which a claim is made; for qualifiers use P805; for the type of document in which a claim is made use P3865 publication date publication date publication date date or point in time when a work was first published or released French Wikipedia French Wikipedia French Wikipedia French-language edition of Wikipedia imported from Wikimedia project imported from Wikimedia project imported from Wikimedia project source of this claim's value; used in references section by bots or humans importing data from Wikimedia projects English English English West Germanic language language of work or name language of work or name language of work or name language associated with this creative work (such as books, shows, songs, broadcasts or websites) or a name (for persons use "native language" (P103) and "languages spoken, written or signed" (P1412)) GRID Release 2018-02-08 GRID Release 2018-02-08 GRID Release 2018-02-08 2018-02-08 release of the GRID database point in time point in time point in time date something took place, existed or a statement was true; for providing time use the "refine date" property (P4241) Russian Wikipedia Russian Wikipedia Russian Wikipedia Russian-language edition of Wikipedia reference URL reference URL reference URL should be used for Internet URLs as references. Use "Wikimedia import URL" (P4656) for imports from WMF sites retrieved retrieved retrieved date or point in time that information was retrieved from a database or website (for use in online sources) Arabic Wikipedia Arabic Wikipedia Arabic Wikipedia Arabic-language edition of Wikipedia Microsoft Academic Knowledge Graph Microsoft Academic Knowledge Graph Microsoft Academic Knowledge Graph RDF representation of the Microsoft Academic Graph subject named as subject named as subject named as name by which a subject is recorded in a database, mentioned as a contributor of a work, or is referred to in a particular context start time start time start time time an entity begins to exist or a statement starts being valid number of subscribers number of subscribers number of subscribers number of subscribers for subscription-based companies, e.g. telecommunication companies, newspapers, pay-TV channels, software, etc. number of works number of works number of works qualifier on identifiers, e.g. for creators or locations, giving the number of works in the external database associated with the subject of the identifier number of viewers/listeners number of viewers/listeners number of viewers/listeners number of viewers of a television or broadcasting program; web traffic on websites X numeric user ID X numeric user ID X numeric user ID numeric identifier for a user on X; use as qualifier for P2002 "X username" Google Knowledge Graph Google Knowledge Graph Google Knowledge Graph knowledge base used by Google to enhance its search engine's results +24 +120 +13 +7608 +10084 2013-10-28T00:00:00Z 11 0 2002-01-01T00:00:00Z 9 0 2024-02-01T00:00:00Z 10 0 2024-02-24T00:00:00Z 11 0 2019-01-19T00:00:00Z 11 0 2013-10-17T00:00:00Z 11 0 2020-12-20T00:00:00Z 11 0 2013-08-08T00:00:00Z 11 0 2021-03-01T00:00:00Z 11 0 2021-02-15T00:00:00Z 11 0 2022-08-23T00:00:00Z 11 0 2013-10-28T00:00:00Z 2024-02-24T00:00:00Z grid.493108.7 2019-01-19T00:00:00Z 2021-02-15T00:00:00Z /m/035qjm