@prefix rdf: . @prefix xsd: . @prefix ontolex: . @prefix dct: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix owl: . @prefix wikibase: . @prefix skos: . @prefix schema: . @prefix cc: . @prefix geo: . @prefix prov: . @prefix wd: . @prefix data: . @prefix s: . @prefix ref: . @prefix v: . @prefix wdt: . @prefix wdtn: . @prefix p: . @prefix ps: . @prefix psv: . @prefix psn: . @prefix pq: . @prefix pqv: . @prefix pqn: . @prefix pr: . @prefix prv: . @prefix prn: . @prefix wdno: . data:Q111545291 a schema:Dataset ; schema:about wd:Q111545291 ; cc:license ; schema:softwareVersion "1.0.0" ; schema:version "2264255377"^^xsd:integer ; schema:dateModified "2024-10-23T17:45:31Z"^^xsd:dateTime ; wikibase:statements "8"^^xsd:integer ; wikibase:sitelinks "0"^^xsd:integer ; wikibase:identifiers "0"^^xsd:integer . wd:Q111545291 a wikibase:Item ; wdt:P31 wd:Q171318 ; wdt:P279 wd:Q108812513, wd:Q105549760, wd:Q19595227 ; wdt:P1552 wd:Q6581097 ; wdt:P461 wd:Q111545260, wd:Q111545669, wd:Q111544778 ; p:P31 s:Q111545291-59421229-4b0b-b8f2-ada9-ba1b0440038d . s:Q111545291-59421229-4b0b-b8f2-ada9-ba1b0440038d a wikibase:Statement, wikibase:BestRank ; wikibase:rank wikibase:NormalRank ; ps:P31 wd:Q171318 . wd:Q111545291 p:P279 s:Q111545291-01d3151a-4656-3dff-510e-8565bc1df7d6 . s:Q111545291-01d3151a-4656-3dff-510e-8565bc1df7d6 a wikibase:Statement, wikibase:BestRank ; wikibase:rank wikibase:NormalRank ; ps:P279 wd:Q108812513 . wd:Q111545291 p:P279 s:Q111545291-7068881f-4003-8ece-ba0d-932461e43a99 . s:Q111545291-7068881f-4003-8ece-ba0d-932461e43a99 a wikibase:Statement, wikibase:BestRank ; wikibase:rank wikibase:NormalRank ; ps:P279 wd:Q105549760 . wd:Q111545291 p:P279 s:Q111545291-08d40024-469f-f0ee-cac1-f08fe96dcbbf . s:Q111545291-08d40024-469f-f0ee-cac1-f08fe96dcbbf a wikibase:Statement, wikibase:BestRank ; wikibase:rank wikibase:NormalRank ; ps:P279 wd:Q19595227 . wd:Q111545291 p:P1552 s:Q111545291-33fccade-4af9-e142-7d2c-f1deacb7cbed . s:Q111545291-33fccade-4af9-e142-7d2c-f1deacb7cbed a wikibase:Statement, wikibase:BestRank ; wikibase:rank wikibase:NormalRank ; ps:P1552 wd:Q6581097 . wd:Q111545291 p:P461 s:Q111545291-891b3b3e-403e-f321-3c59-9be54030bac7 . s:Q111545291-891b3b3e-403e-f321-3c59-9be54030bac7 a wikibase:Statement, wikibase:BestRank ; wikibase:rank wikibase:NormalRank ; ps:P461 wd:Q111545260 ; pq:P1013 wd:Q42302391 . wd:Q111545291 p:P461 s:Q111545291-5aff2099-44ec-b46b-177f-5ff470b33705 . s:Q111545291-5aff2099-44ec-b46b-177f-5ff470b33705 a wikibase:Statement, wikibase:BestRank ; wikibase:rank wikibase:NormalRank ; ps:P461 wd:Q111545669 ; pq:P1013 wd:Q5530970 ; pq:P518 wd:Q31184 . wd:Q111545291 p:P461 s:Q111545291-cbb01c15-4394-4537-c12f-9ef8080d9f5c . s:Q111545291-cbb01c15-4394-4537-c12f-9ef8080d9f5c a wikibase:Statement, wikibase:BestRank ; wikibase:rank wikibase:NormalRank ; ps:P461 wd:Q111544778 ; pq:P1013 wd:Q5530970 ; pq:P518 wd:Q7566 . wd:Q111545291 rdfs:label "younger maternal half-brother"@en ; skos:prefLabel "younger maternal half-brother"@en ; schema:name "younger maternal half-brother"@en ; rdfs:label "germà petit d'una sola mare"@ca ; skos:prefLabel "germà petit d'una sola mare"@ca ; schema:name "germà petit d'una sola mare"@ca ; rdfs:label "yngre halvbror på morssiden"@nb ; skos:prefLabel "yngre halvbror på morssiden"@nb ; schema:name "yngre halvbror på morssiden"@nb ; rdfs:label "pli juna patrina duonfrato"@eo ; skos:prefLabel "pli juna patrina duonfrato"@eo ; schema:name "pli juna patrina duonfrato"@eo ; rdfs:label "νεότερος ετεροθαλής αδερφός από τη μητέρα"@el ; skos:prefLabel "νεότερος ετεροθαλής αδερφός από τη μητέρα"@el ; schema:name "νεότερος ετεροθαλής αδερφός από τη μητέρα"@el ; rdfs:label "이부 남동생"@ko ; skos:prefLabel "이부 남동생"@ko ; schema:name "이부 남동생"@ko ; rdfs:label "frère cadet utérin"@fr ; skos:prefLabel "frère cadet utérin"@fr ; schema:name "frère cadet utérin"@fr ; rdfs:label "mlajša polsestra po očetovi strani"@sl ; skos:prefLabel "mlajša polsestra po očetovi strani"@sl ; schema:name "mlajša polsestra po očetovi strani"@sl ; rdfs:label "jüngerer Halbbruder mütterlicherseits"@de ; skos:prefLabel "jüngerer Halbbruder mütterlicherseits"@de ; schema:name "jüngerer Halbbruder mütterlicherseits"@de ; rdfs:label "同母異父弟弟"@zh-tw ; skos:prefLabel "同母異父弟弟"@zh-tw ; schema:name "同母異父弟弟"@zh-tw ; rdfs:label "同母異父弟弟"@zh ; skos:prefLabel "同母異父弟弟"@zh ; schema:name "同母異父弟弟"@zh ; rdfs:label "同母異父弟弟"@zh-hant ; skos:prefLabel "同母異父弟弟"@zh-hant ; schema:name "同母異父弟弟"@zh-hant ; rdfs:label "異父弟"@ja ; skos:prefLabel "異父弟"@ja ; schema:name "異父弟"@ja ; rdfs:label "единоутробный младший брат"@ru ; skos:prefLabel "единоутробный младший брат"@ru ; schema:name "единоутробный младший брат"@ru ; rdfs:label "fratello uterino minore"@it ; skos:prefLabel "fratello uterino minore"@it ; schema:name "fratello uterino minore"@it ; rdfs:label "yngre halvbror på moderns sida"@sv ; skos:prefLabel "yngre halvbror på moderns sida"@sv ; schema:name "yngre halvbror på moderns sida"@sv ; schema:description "younger male sibling which one shares a mother with"@en, "같은 항렬에서 아버지가 다른 남자인 손아랫사람"@ko, "jüngeres männliches Geschwisterteil, mit dem man die Mutter teilt"@de, "父が異なり母が同一の弟"@ja, "fratellastro da parte di madre che è più giovane"@it ; skos:altLabel "младший брат"@ru, "младший единоутробный брат"@ru, "fratellastro da parte di madre"@it . wd:Q171318 a wikibase:Item ; rdfs:label "kinship"@en ; skos:prefLabel "kinship"@en ; schema:name "kinship"@en ; schema:description "human relationship term; web of social relationships that form an important part of the lives of most humans in most societies; form of social connection"@en . wd:P31 a wikibase:Property ; rdfs:label "instance of"@en ; skos:prefLabel "instance of"@en ; schema:name "instance of"@en ; schema:description "that class of which this subject is a particular example and member; different from P279 (subclass of); for example: K2 is an instance of mountain; volcano is a subclass of mountain (and an instance of volcanic landform)"@en ; wikibase:propertyType ; wikibase:directClaim wdt:P31 ; wikibase:claim p:P31 ; wikibase:statementProperty ps:P31 ; wikibase:statementValue psv:P31 ; wikibase:qualifier pq:P31 ; wikibase:qualifierValue pqv:P31 ; wikibase:reference pr:P31 ; wikibase:referenceValue prv:P31 ; wikibase:novalue wdno:P31 . p:P31 a owl:ObjectProperty . psv:P31 a owl:ObjectProperty . pqv:P31 a owl:ObjectProperty . prv:P31 a owl:ObjectProperty . wdt:P31 a owl:ObjectProperty . ps:P31 a owl:ObjectProperty . pq:P31 a owl:ObjectProperty . pr:P31 a owl:ObjectProperty . wdno:P31 a owl:Class ; owl:complementOf _:0b8bd71b926a65ca3fa72e5d9103e4d6 . _:0b8bd71b926a65ca3fa72e5d9103e4d6 a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty wdt:P31 ; owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing . wd:Q108812513 a wikibase:Item ; rdfs:label "younger maternal half-sibling"@en ; skos:prefLabel "younger maternal half-sibling"@en ; schema:name "younger maternal half-sibling"@en ; schema:description "younger sibling from one's mother"@en . wd:P279 a wikibase:Property ; rdfs:label "subclass of"@en ; skos:prefLabel "subclass of"@en ; schema:name "subclass of"@en ; schema:description "this item is a subclass (subset) of that item; all instances of this item are instances of that item; different from P31 (instance of), e.g.: volcano is a subclass of mountain (and an instance of volcanic landform); K2 is an instance of mountain"@en ; wikibase:propertyType ; wikibase:directClaim wdt:P279 ; wikibase:claim p:P279 ; wikibase:statementProperty ps:P279 ; wikibase:statementValue psv:P279 ; wikibase:qualifier pq:P279 ; wikibase:qualifierValue pqv:P279 ; wikibase:reference pr:P279 ; wikibase:referenceValue prv:P279 ; wikibase:novalue wdno:P279 . p:P279 a owl:ObjectProperty . psv:P279 a owl:ObjectProperty . pqv:P279 a owl:ObjectProperty . prv:P279 a owl:ObjectProperty . wdt:P279 a owl:ObjectProperty . ps:P279 a owl:ObjectProperty . pq:P279 a owl:ObjectProperty . pr:P279 a owl:ObjectProperty . wdno:P279 a owl:Class ; owl:complementOf _:55a0a46aa65f620d17fa7dc3671280d4 . _:55a0a46aa65f620d17fa7dc3671280d4 a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty wdt:P279 ; owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing . wd:Q105549760 a wikibase:Item ; rdfs:label "younger half-brother"@en ; skos:prefLabel "younger half-brother"@en ; schema:name "younger half-brother"@en ; schema:description "younger male half-sibling"@en . wd:Q19595227 a wikibase:Item ; rdfs:label "maternal half-brother"@en ; skos:prefLabel "maternal half-brother"@en ; schema:name "maternal half-brother"@en ; schema:description "male maternal half-sibling"@en . wd:Q6581097 a wikibase:Item ; rdfs:label "male"@en ; skos:prefLabel "male"@en ; schema:name "male"@en ; schema:description "to be used in \"sex or gender\" (P21) to indicate that the human subject is a male or \"semantic gender\" (P10339) to indicate that a word refers to a male person"@en . wd:P1552 a wikibase:Property ; rdfs:label "has characteristic"@en ; skos:prefLabel "has characteristic"@en ; schema:name "has characteristic"@en ; schema:description "inherent or distinguishing quality or feature of the entity. Use a more specific property when possible"@en ; wikibase:propertyType ; wikibase:directClaim wdt:P1552 ; wikibase:claim p:P1552 ; wikibase:statementProperty ps:P1552 ; wikibase:statementValue psv:P1552 ; wikibase:qualifier pq:P1552 ; wikibase:qualifierValue pqv:P1552 ; wikibase:reference pr:P1552 ; wikibase:referenceValue prv:P1552 ; wikibase:novalue wdno:P1552 . p:P1552 a owl:ObjectProperty . psv:P1552 a owl:ObjectProperty . pqv:P1552 a owl:ObjectProperty . prv:P1552 a owl:ObjectProperty . wdt:P1552 a owl:ObjectProperty . ps:P1552 a owl:ObjectProperty . pq:P1552 a owl:ObjectProperty . pr:P1552 a owl:ObjectProperty . wdno:P1552 a owl:Class ; owl:complementOf _:d646ce684b92dfe343f574cfbd061458 . _:d646ce684b92dfe343f574cfbd061458 a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty wdt:P1552 ; owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing . wd:Q111545260 a wikibase:Item ; rdfs:label "elder maternal half-brother"@en ; skos:prefLabel "elder maternal half-brother"@en ; schema:name "elder maternal half-brother"@en ; schema:description "elder male sibling which one shares a mother with"@en . wd:P461 a wikibase:Property ; rdfs:label "opposite of"@en ; skos:prefLabel "opposite of"@en ; schema:name "opposite of"@en ; schema:description "item that is in some way the opposite of this item"@en ; wikibase:propertyType ; wikibase:directClaim wdt:P461 ; wikibase:claim p:P461 ; wikibase:statementProperty ps:P461 ; wikibase:statementValue psv:P461 ; wikibase:qualifier pq:P461 ; wikibase:qualifierValue pqv:P461 ; wikibase:reference pr:P461 ; wikibase:referenceValue prv:P461 ; wikibase:novalue wdno:P461 . p:P461 a owl:ObjectProperty . psv:P461 a owl:ObjectProperty . pqv:P461 a owl:ObjectProperty . prv:P461 a owl:ObjectProperty . wdt:P461 a owl:ObjectProperty . ps:P461 a owl:ObjectProperty . pq:P461 a owl:ObjectProperty . pr:P461 a owl:ObjectProperty . wdno:P461 a owl:Class ; owl:complementOf _:7c6b4349f2e51cd4f621a4581e9beb4f . _:7c6b4349f2e51cd4f621a4581e9beb4f a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty wdt:P461 ; owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing . wd:Q111545669 a wikibase:Item ; rdfs:label "younger maternal half-sister"@en ; skos:prefLabel "younger maternal half-sister"@en ; schema:name "younger maternal half-sister"@en ; schema:description "younger female sibling with whom one shares a mother"@en . wd:Q111544778 a wikibase:Item ; rdfs:label "younger paternal half-brother"@en ; skos:prefLabel "younger paternal half-brother"@en ; schema:name "younger paternal half-brother"@en ; schema:description "younger male sibling with whom one shares a father"@en . wd:Q42302391 a wikibase:Item ; rdfs:label "relative age"@en ; skos:prefLabel "relative age"@en ; schema:name "relative age"@en ; schema:description "age of one person compared to that of another"@en . wd:P1013 a wikibase:Property ; rdfs:label "criterion used"@en ; skos:prefLabel "criterion used"@en ; schema:name "criterion used"@en ; schema:description "property by which a distinction or classification is made"@en ; wikibase:propertyType ; wikibase:directClaim wdt:P1013 ; wikibase:claim p:P1013 ; wikibase:statementProperty ps:P1013 ; wikibase:statementValue psv:P1013 ; wikibase:qualifier pq:P1013 ; wikibase:qualifierValue pqv:P1013 ; wikibase:reference pr:P1013 ; wikibase:referenceValue prv:P1013 ; wikibase:novalue wdno:P1013 . p:P1013 a owl:ObjectProperty . psv:P1013 a owl:ObjectProperty . pqv:P1013 a owl:ObjectProperty . prv:P1013 a owl:ObjectProperty . wdt:P1013 a owl:ObjectProperty . ps:P1013 a owl:ObjectProperty . pq:P1013 a owl:ObjectProperty . pr:P1013 a owl:ObjectProperty . wdno:P1013 a owl:Class ; owl:complementOf _:5273a0069dacad510b42ec771f79d93a . _:5273a0069dacad510b42ec771f79d93a a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty wdt:P1013 ; owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing . wd:Q5530970 a wikibase:Item ; rdfs:label "gender binary"@en ; skos:prefLabel "gender binary"@en ; schema:name "gender binary"@en ; schema:description "classification of sex and gender into two distinct, opposite and disconnected forms of masculine and feminine"@en . wd:Q31184 a wikibase:Item ; rdfs:label "sibling"@en ; skos:prefLabel "sibling"@en ; schema:name "sibling"@en ; schema:description "one of two or more individuals having at least one parent in common"@en . wd:P518 a wikibase:Property ; rdfs:label "applies to part, aspect, or form"@en ; skos:prefLabel "applies to part, aspect, or form"@en ; schema:name "applies to part, aspect, or form"@en ; schema:description "part, aspect, or form of the item to which the claim applies"@en ; wikibase:propertyType ; wikibase:directClaim wdt:P518 ; wikibase:claim p:P518 ; wikibase:statementProperty ps:P518 ; wikibase:statementValue psv:P518 ; wikibase:qualifier pq:P518 ; wikibase:qualifierValue pqv:P518 ; wikibase:reference pr:P518 ; wikibase:referenceValue prv:P518 ; wikibase:novalue wdno:P518 . p:P518 a owl:ObjectProperty . psv:P518 a owl:ObjectProperty . pqv:P518 a owl:ObjectProperty . prv:P518 a owl:ObjectProperty . wdt:P518 a owl:ObjectProperty . ps:P518 a owl:ObjectProperty . pq:P518 a owl:ObjectProperty . pr:P518 a owl:ObjectProperty . wdno:P518 a owl:Class ; owl:complementOf _:09e75a31c8d32be13e36125a65aa1c9b . _:09e75a31c8d32be13e36125a65aa1c9b a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty wdt:P518 ; owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing . wd:Q7566 a wikibase:Item ; rdfs:label "parent"@en ; skos:prefLabel "parent"@en ; schema:name "parent"@en ; schema:description "progenitor or caregiver of the offspring in their own species, inverse label for property P40"@en .