1.0.0 2032346923 2023-12-18T18:07:25Z 13 1 0 en Siege of Inverness (1689) wikipedia 1689-01-01T00:00:00Z 1689-01-01T00:00:00Z 1689-01-01T00:00:00Z Point(-4.225833333 57.483888888) 1689-01-01T00:00:00Z 1689-01-01T00:00:00Z 1689-01-01T00:00:00Z Point(-4.225833333 57.483888888) Siege of Inverness Siege of Inverness Siege of Inverness siège d'Inverness siège d'Inverness siège d'Inverness המצור על אינוורנס המצור על אינוורנס המצור על אינוורנס Asèdio d'Inverness Asèdio d'Inverness Asèdio d'Inverness Léigear Inbhir Nis Léigear Inbhir Nis Léigear Inbhir Nis 1689 1689 part of a feud between the Clan MacDonald of Keppoch and the city of Inverness point in time point in time point in time date something took place, existed or a statement was true; for providing time use the "refine date" property (P4241) siege siege siege military blockade of a city or fortress instance of instance of instance of that class of which this subject is a particular example and member; different from P279 (subclass of); for example: K2 is an instance of mountain; volcano is a subclass of mountain (and an instance of volcanic landform) Inverness Inverness Inverness city in the Highlands of Scotland, UK location location location location of the object, structure or event. In the case of an administrative entity as containing item use P131. For statistical entities use P8138. In the case of a geographic entity use P706. Use P7153 for locations associated with the object start time start time start time time an entity begins to exist or a statement starts being valid end time end time end time moment when an entity ceases to exist or a statement stops being valid coordinate location coordinate location coordinate location geocoordinates of the subject. For Earth, please note that only WGS84 coordinating system is supported at the moment Siege of Inverness Siege of Inverness Siege of Inverness 1650 siege of the Scottish civil war that formed part of the Wars of the Three Kingdoms different from different from different from item that is different from another item, with which it may be confused Siege of Inverness Siege of Inverness Siege of Inverness siege in Highland, Scotland, UK Siege of Inverness Siege of Inverness Siege of Inverness part of the Mary, Queen of Scots civil war Siege of Inverness Siege of Inverness Siege of Inverness 1429 part of the conflict between the Lord of the Isles and the Scottish crown Siege of Inverness Siege of Inverness Siege of Inverness 1746 military event in Scotland Siege of Inverness Siege of Inverness Siege of Inverness part of the 1715 Jacobite rising Clan MacDonald of Keppoch Clan MacDonald of Keppoch Clan MacDonald of Keppoch Highland Scottish clan participant participant participant person, group of people or organization (object) that actively takes/took part in an event or process (subject). Preferably qualify with "object has role" (P3831). Use P1923 for participants that are teams. 57.483888888 -4.225833333 1.0E-6 1689-01-01T00:00:00Z 9 0