1.0.0 2236475774 2024-08-26T09:47:30Z 15 4 6 pms Lenga mixtec, San Miguel piedras wikipedia ru Сан-мигель-пьедрасский миштекский язык wikipedia en San Miguel Piedras Mixtec wikipedia br Mikstekeg San Miguel Piedras wikipedia xtp sanm1294 967 xtp xtp /m/02hxv9b xtp sanm1294 967 xtp 2009-07-29T00:00:00Z xtp /m/02hxv9b San Miguel Piedras Mixtec San Miguel Piedras Mixtec San Miguel Piedras Mixtec Сан-мигель-пьедрасский миштекский язык Сан-мигель-пьедрасский миштекский язык Сан-мигель-пьедрасский миштекский язык Lenga mixtec, San Miguel piedras Lenga mixtec, San Miguel piedras Lenga mixtec, San Miguel piedras mikstekeg San Miguel Piedras mikstekeg San Miguel Piedras mikstekeg San Miguel Piedras San Miguel Piedras Mixtec San Miguel Piedras Mixtec San Miguel Piedras Mixtec Sprache שפה yezh langue lengua lingua language taal lingua iaith мова くとぅば լեզու ISO 639-3 code ISO 639-3 code ISO 639-3 code 3-letter identifier for language defined in ISO 639-3, extension of ISO 639-2 language language language particular system of communication, often named for the region or peoples that use it instance of instance of instance of that class of which this subject is a particular example and member; different from P279 (subclass of); for example: K2 is an instance of mountain; volcano is a subclass of mountain (and an instance of volcanic landform) modern language modern language modern language language in current use unwritten language unwritten language unwritten language languages without letters Glottolog code Glottolog code Glottolog code identifier for a languoid in the Glottolog database UNESCO Atlas of the World's Languages in Danger ID UNESCO Atlas of the World's Languages in Danger ID UNESCO Atlas of the World's Languages in Danger ID identifier for endangered languages listed by UNESCO IETF language tag IETF language tag IETF language tag identifier for language or languoid per the Internet Engineering Task Force; can include a primary language subtag, subtags for script, region, variant, extension, or private-use. Format: 2 or 3 letters, followed by "-" if subtags present writing system writing system writing system alphabet, character set or other system of writing used by a language, word, or text, supported by a typeface Ethnologue.com language code Ethnologue.com language code Ethnologue.com language code identifier for a language in ethnologue.com 8a Moribund 8a Moribund 8a Moribund language status by Ethnologue.com using EGIDS scale Ethnologue language status Ethnologue language status Ethnologue language status language status identifier by Ethnologue.com using EGIDS scale Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico country in North America country country country sovereign state that this item is in (not to be used for human beings) Oaxaca Oaxaca Oaxaca state of Mexico indigenous to indigenous to indigenous to place or ethnic group where a language, art genre, cultural tradition or expression, cooking style or food, or biological species or variety is found (or was originally found) exact match exact match exact match URL used to link two items or properties, indicating a high degree of confidence that the concepts can be used interchangeably 4 severely endangered 4 severely endangered 4 severely endangered UNESCO language status UNESCO language status UNESCO language status UNESCO language status degree of endangerment of a language conferred by the UNESCO Atlas of World Languages in Danger Freebase ID Freebase ID Freebase ID identifier for a page in the Freebase database. Format: "/m/0" followed by 2 to 7 characters. For IDs starting with "/g/", use Google Knowledge Graph ID (P2671) Language Language Language controlled vocabulary that lists concepts associated with languages stated in stated in stated in to be used in the references field to refer to the information document or database in which a claim is made; for qualifiers use P805; for the type of document in which a claim is made use P3865 reference URL reference URL reference URL should be used for Internet URLs as references. Use "Wikimedia import URL" (P4656) for imports from WMF sites English Wikipedia English Wikipedia English Wikipedia English-language edition of Wikipedia imported from Wikimedia project imported from Wikimedia project imported from Wikimedia project source of this claim's value; used in references section by bots or humans importing data from Wikimedia projects Ethnologue Ethnologue Ethnologue database of world's languages published on web and in print retrieved retrieved retrieved date or point in time that information was retrieved from a database or website (for use in online sources) start time start time start time time an entity begins to exist or a statement starts being valid IANA language subtag registry IANA language subtag registry IANA language subtag registry registry for IETF language codes publication date publication date publication date date or point in time when a work was first published or released title title title published name of a work, such as a newspaper article, a literary work, piece of music, a website, or a performance work 2019-07-27T00:00:00Z 11 0 2009-07-29T00:00:00Z 11 0 2019-02-08T00:00:00Z 11 0 2019-05-09T00:00:00Z 11 0 2023-08-21T00:00:00Z 11 0 2019-07-27T00:00:00Z 2019-02-08T00:00:00Z 2009-07-29T00:00:00Z San Miguel Piedras Mixtec 2019-05-09T00:00:00Z ScriptSource - Mexico 2023-08-21T00:00:00Z