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wikibase:rank wikibase:NormalRank ; ps:P528 "TIC 86336880" ; pq:P972 wd:Q81305744 ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ref:8ba559d5760a03bedaaacc3c347bbfe4981560bf . wd:Q676940 p:P528 s:Q676940-2c91d0ec-2c96-49a8-b943-8ac0b78e675a . s:Q676940-2c91d0ec-2c96-49a8-b943-8ac0b78e675a a wikibase:Statement, wikibase:BestRank ; wikibase:rank wikibase:NormalRank ; ps:P528 "AG+63 544" ; pq:P972 wd:Q68660262 ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ref:8ba559d5760a03bedaaacc3c347bbfe4981560bf . wd:Q676940 p:P528 s:Q676940-251f920c-0ec5-495c-a589-342d59be4cdd . s:Q676940-251f920c-0ec5-495c-a589-342d59be4cdd a wikibase:Statement, wikibase:BestRank ; wikibase:rank wikibase:NormalRank ; ps:P528 "UBV M 15435" ; pq:P972 wd:Q7863886 ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ref:8ba559d5760a03bedaaacc3c347bbfe4981560bf . wd:Q676940 p:P31 s:Q676940-09c09d9e-2551-4bc6-9945-99ae82e3fa24 . s:Q676940-09c09d9e-2551-4bc6-9945-99ae82e3fa24 a wikibase:Statement, wikibase:BestRank ; wikibase:rank wikibase:NormalRank ; ps:P31 wd:Q6243 ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ref:8ba559d5760a03bedaaacc3c347bbfe4981560bf . wd:Q676940 p:P31 s:Q676940-e6174173-c591-4b59-a8a2-4ccd4ab5c8cf . s:Q676940-e6174173-c591-4b59-a8a2-4ccd4ab5c8cf a wikibase:Statement, wikibase:BestRank ; wikibase:rank wikibase:NormalRank ; ps:P31 wd:Q67206691 ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ref:8ba559d5760a03bedaaacc3c347bbfe4981560bf . wd:Q676940 p:P31 s:Q676940-1bea883e-b50f-490b-9c72-577696c31170 . s:Q676940-1bea883e-b50f-490b-9c72-577696c31170 a wikibase:Statement, wikibase:BestRank ; wikibase:rank wikibase:NormalRank ; ps:P31 wd:Q2247863 ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ref:8ba559d5760a03bedaaacc3c347bbfe4981560bf . wd:Q676940 p:P31 s:Q676940-d84a82a1-1564-4870-b972-2dca790aa104 . s:Q676940-d84a82a1-1564-4870-b972-2dca790aa104 a wikibase:Statement, wikibase:BestRank ; wikibase:rank wikibase:NormalRank ; ps:P31 wd:Q13890 ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ref:8ba559d5760a03bedaaacc3c347bbfe4981560bf . wd:Q676940 p:P31 s:Q676940-7c24df17-86f8-47e9-9cd8-f264c03066a3 . s:Q676940-7c24df17-86f8-47e9-9cd8-f264c03066a3 a wikibase:Statement, wikibase:BestRank ; wikibase:rank wikibase:NormalRank ; ps:P31 wd:Q67206785 ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ref:8ba559d5760a03bedaaacc3c347bbfe4981560bf . wd:Q676940 p:P31 s:Q676940-44173f5b-f0f1-4697-9a26-79614847d960 . s:Q676940-44173f5b-f0f1-4697-9a26-79614847d960 a wikibase:Statement, wikibase:BestRank ; wikibase:rank wikibase:NormalRank ; ps:P31 wd:Q71798788 ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ref:8ba559d5760a03bedaaacc3c347bbfe4981560bf . wd:Q676940 p:P31 s:Q676940-160123d4-ebf2-44d8-8887-36376d7d0871 . s:Q676940-160123d4-ebf2-44d8-8887-36376d7d0871 a wikibase:Statement, wikibase:BestRank ; wikibase:rank wikibase:NormalRank ; ps:P31 wd:Q2154519 ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ref:8ba559d5760a03bedaaacc3c347bbfe4981560bf . wd:Q676940 p:P646 s:Q676940-7BD5E1C1-FB28-438E-AE01-64295EE3A165 . s:Q676940-7BD5E1C1-FB28-438E-AE01-64295EE3A165 a wikibase:Statement, wikibase:BestRank ; wikibase:rank wikibase:NormalRank ; ps:P646 "/m/081w90" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ref:2b00cb481cddcac7623114367489b5c194901c4a . wd:Q676940 p:P3083 s:Q676940-6E0E7CC4-770D-4CE8-8C80-95DCCB49147B . s:Q676940-6E0E7CC4-770D-4CE8-8C80-95DCCB49147B a wikibase:Statement, wikibase:BestRank ; wikibase:rank wikibase:NormalRank ; ps:P3083 "* h UMa" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ref:d4bd87b862b12d99d26e86472d44f26858dee639, ref:8ba559d5760a03bedaaacc3c347bbfe4981560bf . wd:Q676940 p:P1215 s:Q676940-344fa896-9af0-4791-bef0-3b36934319b1 . s:Q676940-344fa896-9af0-4791-bef0-3b36934319b1 a wikibase:Statement ; 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wikibase:rank wikibase:DeprecatedRank ; ps:P2216 "-8.0"^^xsd:decimal ; psv:P2216 v:6d8afe2570f15c0227ff0fd269621546 ; psn:P2216 v:39a3eda87fac4443bda502ecaa5e19e1 ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ref:09e95ac3069a088d5840e73d6a3b37f809073899, ref:fe66b294b1aaa58445decad21abca7ef7feb3dc3 . wd:Q676940 p:P2216 s:Q676940-36f16513-f09a-42d0-9382-10a48436b1bc . s:Q676940-36f16513-f09a-42d0-9382-10a48436b1bc a wikibase:Statement ; wikibase:rank wikibase:DeprecatedRank ; ps:P2216 "-11.0"^^xsd:decimal ; psv:P2216 v:7af1f9f84d236ec7f8e46717e1544003 ; psn:P2216 v:54bbc07ec3230a5af609c577c6b6f949 ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ref:83ab34b9a323ee112e72ee02bd4b6ad02f3ee7ac . wd:Q676940 p:P2216 s:Q676940-c11b6f16-611d-4159-808f-b0c8ca96114c . s:Q676940-c11b6f16-611d-4159-808f-b0c8ca96114c a wikibase:Statement, wikibase:BestRank ; wikibase:rank wikibase:NormalRank ; ps:P2216 "-1.38"^^xsd:decimal ; psv:P2216 v:9c2f648e530678791b4b539ca33846aa ; psn:P2216 v:4185f71923098873c0edce5ed38ae0ea ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ref:dcc746f72e4daa17fa873d564204f6401e960865 . wd:Q676940 p:P4296 s:Q676940-cf001a21-f5e7-41ea-9e82-78daaf9f79eb . s:Q676940-cf001a21-f5e7-41ea-9e82-78daaf9f79eb a wikibase:Statement ; wikibase:rank wikibase:DeprecatedRank ; ps:P4296 "+154"^^xsd:decimal ; psv:P4296 v:1a7756856aba5cf73283616dfbe02b2d ; psn:P4296 v:0ccfaf4ad94029313e15e2a895fce7e7 ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ref:0c2b03154767959eab917db9a35da11df417ba36, ref:24d2d3c5315277a9fe0b092b8e29d18af3714526 . wd:Q676940 p:P4296 s:Q676940-88fc5a2f-14c9-4ffe-b4fd-3fbce2356d43 . s:Q676940-88fc5a2f-14c9-4ffe-b4fd-3fbce2356d43 a wikibase:Statement ; wikibase:rank wikibase:DeprecatedRank ; ps:P4296 "+140"^^xsd:decimal ; psv:P4296 v:070677eb23bec343c31c8fd31a806486 ; psn:P4296 v:90509516cc35bb5761415054a689734a ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ref:5fb1cd0c11fbe4343a782c8f8a5fc01d9c1bb495, ref:9236234eae2b798f9e4568c650db8ec35ac4e092 . wd:Q676940 p:P4296 s:Q676940-8088cf3f-22e0-4045-81c2-0ecd043b9f28 . s:Q676940-8088cf3f-22e0-4045-81c2-0ecd043b9f28 a wikibase:Statement ; wikibase:rank wikibase:DeprecatedRank ; ps:P4296 "+150"^^xsd:decimal ; psv:P4296 v:a2113f8bfc7e7a7625cf06016561a4a3 ; psn:P4296 v:353cc3d9f16f6fac2f3b0c51efa5b00f ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ref:d54de2f2f6093cd0796d2cf499080d49c38f400c . wd:Q676940 p:P4296 s:Q676940-489a28cd-040c-4e0d-b601-17136496fb50 . s:Q676940-489a28cd-040c-4e0d-b601-17136496fb50 a wikibase:Statement, wikibase:BestRank ; wikibase:rank wikibase:NormalRank ; ps:P4296 "+155.3"^^xsd:decimal ; psv:P4296 v:4d73e537c685afaa137d322284425948 ; psn:P4296 v:a61f0777096182402759369f1da4b19d ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ref:034a7f0e2ae9421d554d4152e3503eb3dc64cdc2 . wd:Q676940 p:P2214 s:Q676940-2e1b703c-e3e6-4546-8768-7b0ae43cc506 . s:Q676940-2e1b703c-e3e6-4546-8768-7b0ae43cc506 a wikibase:Statement ; wikibase:rank wikibase:DeprecatedRank ; ps:P2214 "+42.4432"^^xsd:decimal ; psv:P2214 v:0e0b82bcfb0111c8d8343aec6f6189cd ; psn:P2214 v:ec81d9013551ff25fff2faa86c64f29c ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ref:930587e73b5b66c983eb1a1b6178ebadc15ac870 . wd:Q676940 p:P2214 s:Q676940-413fb12c-1d57-4a46-93b5-933139d3fd5d . s:Q676940-413fb12c-1d57-4a46-93b5-933139d3fd5d a wikibase:Statement ; wikibase:rank wikibase:DeprecatedRank ; ps:P2214 "+39.5"^^xsd:decimal ; psv:P2214 v:575bc2ec0e995667aec0b574f2c55457 ; psn:P2214 v:09528ccf37d00144a5c121d21c563a08 ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ref:26f42ee1dee68a8d7469fb684ba58fafe01c1778 . wd:Q676940 p:P2214 s:Q676940-6be1b59a-abcd-49e8-a332-fd5098176cb6 . s:Q676940-6be1b59a-abcd-49e8-a332-fd5098176cb6 a wikibase:Statement ; wikibase:rank wikibase:DeprecatedRank ; ps:P2214 "+41.99"^^xsd:decimal ; psv:P2214 v:28866d1c95753b97777b42ee221fe068 ; psn:P2214 v:5d811ebb6ef44f2147342811838e9422 ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ref:8edd049ced48440d6882cc10b733308727e81acc . wd:Q676940 p:P2214 s:Q676940-acfed9f3-2e8e-4e40-b107-81c6cb608341 . s:Q676940-acfed9f3-2e8e-4e40-b107-81c6cb608341 a wikibase:Statement ; wikibase:rank wikibase:DeprecatedRank ; ps:P2214 "+43.20"^^xsd:decimal ; psv:P2214 v:8fc83f46077e10ec71ef4b448a4b5f5c ; psn:P2214 v:ca193561c3c1921d10aab7bbec41b4d6 ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ref:2db82c77f09e9dce4a66454d57d822225d3b00ea . wd:Q676940 p:P2214 s:Q676940-1584e4a8-ab1c-471c-aef1-b5404f4ebd56 . s:Q676940-1584e4a8-ab1c-471c-aef1-b5404f4ebd56 a wikibase:Statement, wikibase:BestRank ; wikibase:rank wikibase:NormalRank ; ps:P2214 "+42.0904"^^xsd:decimal ; psv:P2214 v:f47a29e5e8aa8fb688dd412f35adb516 ; psn:P2214 v:17886c623e931b1abd5fd23e105fb043 ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ref:88f46fab9cce60c7e274ff942763157775017282 . wd:Q676940 p:P6259 s:Q676940-3ca08c19-38b0-4bf0-9cf6-863274f8019f . s:Q676940-3ca08c19-38b0-4bf0-9cf6-863274f8019f a wikibase:Statement, wikibase:BestRank ; wikibase:rank wikibase:NormalRank ; ps:P6259 wd:Q1264450 ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ref:8e44f98b341f30b3364d0e4d57e8f5829bdd4a1d, ref:8ba559d5760a03bedaaacc3c347bbfe4981560bf . wd:Q676940 p:P2067 s:Q676940-43B5E5B5-2E51-46BD-8447-DFF51A8B5319 . s:Q676940-43B5E5B5-2E51-46BD-8447-DFF51A8B5319 a wikibase:Statement, wikibase:BestRank ; wikibase:rank wikibase:NormalRank ; ps:P2067 "+1.862"^^xsd:decimal ; psv:P2067 v:1bba78ae8394c3ae265e468f5fc7e22f ; psn:P2067 v:dae8d5bdf86fd0285816aec5dcf47add ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ref:acce93a47ee3135c4124dfb0ab289ac467d586ac . wd:Q676940 p:P999 s:Q676940-0DB1FB10-760E-411A-89E0-FDF48E6BC688 . s:Q676940-0DB1FB10-760E-411A-89E0-FDF48E6BC688 a wikibase:Statement, wikibase:BestRank ; wikibase:rank wikibase:NormalRank ; ps:P999 "03796" . wd:Q676940 p:P10752 s:Q676940-D32C4BE6-A89C-4A09-9F2D-0CED7B3BC20F . s:Q676940-D32C4BE6-A89C-4A09-9F2D-0CED7B3BC20F a wikibase:Statement ; wikibase:rank wikibase:DeprecatedRank ; ps:P10752 "+106.810"^^xsd:decimal ; psv:P10752 v:d73514bb46d1bfcee346ed5dedcff728 ; psn:P10752 v:c610c7d0abbfe361e367744369f5d33d ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ref:930587e73b5b66c983eb1a1b6178ebadc15ac870 . wd:Q676940 p:P10752 s:Q676940-15A8F723-D00A-409E-A6F7-1384E282B8AC . s:Q676940-15A8F723-D00A-409E-A6F7-1384E282B8AC a wikibase:Statement ; wikibase:rank wikibase:DeprecatedRank ; ps:P10752 "+107.99"^^xsd:decimal ; psv:P10752 v:43411a1c041f7bd5f4f0251d4718f98b ; psn:P10752 v:c610c7d0abbfe361e367744369f5d33d ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ref:8edd049ced48440d6882cc10b733308727e81acc . wd:Q676940 p:P10752 s:Q676940-F695FD26-48C0-402E-B5FC-2BE6190C78DC . s:Q676940-F695FD26-48C0-402E-B5FC-2BE6190C78DC a wikibase:Statement ; wikibase:rank wikibase:DeprecatedRank ; ps:P10752 "+107.55"^^xsd:decimal ; psv:P10752 v:6b6547c854564ffc7cb5c87891cbafc5 ; psn:P10752 v:c610c7d0abbfe361e367744369f5d33d ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ref:2db82c77f09e9dce4a66454d57d822225d3b00ea . wd:Q676940 p:P10752 s:Q676940-E2A4B5D3-7771-46C0-8C06-CBCF77AC5BB9 . s:Q676940-E2A4B5D3-7771-46C0-8C06-CBCF77AC5BB9 a wikibase:Statement ; wikibase:rank wikibase:DeprecatedRank ; ps:P10752 "+110"^^xsd:decimal ; psv:P10752 v:9096a34d7cee714f2aa9582afc08a833 ; psn:P10752 v:555e2d0aea6495cef367645e73abaaa5 ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ref:8ba559d5760a03bedaaacc3c347bbfe4981560bf . wd:Q676940 p:P10752 s:Q676940-40C68883-ED4B-4687-8DBA-CC4E654E388B . s:Q676940-40C68883-ED4B-4687-8DBA-CC4E654E388B a wikibase:Statement ; wikibase:rank wikibase:DeprecatedRank ; ps:P10752 "+112"^^xsd:decimal ; psv:P10752 v:872f131eda4a960ab57b110f9d304cc1 ; psn:P10752 v:e0a7fd960a6ba10c5b3c1a40b94c3543 ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ref:d9dae1d6cbefcff9e2854594b703695601644169 . wd:Q676940 p:P10752 s:Q676940-66647bf7-5a66-4faa-929d-cd198250bb13 . s:Q676940-66647bf7-5a66-4faa-929d-cd198250bb13 a wikibase:Statement, wikibase:BestRank ; wikibase:rank wikibase:NormalRank ; ps:P10752 "+107.818"^^xsd:decimal ; psv:P10752 v:cc9bba999a877f72117eeafb818b84da ; psn:P10752 v:c610c7d0abbfe361e367744369f5d33d ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ref:88f46fab9cce60c7e274ff942763157775017282 . wd:Q676940 p:P10751 s:Q676940-32A89F1A-BC5A-4A8A-BDCF-7003E5841396 . s:Q676940-32A89F1A-BC5A-4A8A-BDCF-7003E5841396 a wikibase:Statement ; wikibase:rank wikibase:DeprecatedRank ; ps:P10751 "+26.197"^^xsd:decimal ; psv:P10751 v:84565f76e3020499eefba76db00c2810 ; psn:P10751 v:c610c7d0abbfe361e367744369f5d33d ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ref:930587e73b5b66c983eb1a1b6178ebadc15ac870 . wd:Q676940 p:P10751 s:Q676940-82E9CCD8-90E3-42BB-8243-2DD9E7DE006A . s:Q676940-82E9CCD8-90E3-42BB-8243-2DD9E7DE006A a wikibase:Statement ; wikibase:rank wikibase:DeprecatedRank ; ps:P10751 "+27.15"^^xsd:decimal ; psv:P10751 v:ff3f6c39437dfe4c4c6a7848c7833eca ; psn:P10751 v:c610c7d0abbfe361e367744369f5d33d ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ref:8edd049ced48440d6882cc10b733308727e81acc . wd:Q676940 p:P10751 s:Q676940-1F9CB212-940D-4F3B-8486-742675D85E1F . s:Q676940-1F9CB212-940D-4F3B-8486-742675D85E1F a wikibase:Statement ; wikibase:rank wikibase:DeprecatedRank ; ps:P10751 "+26.86"^^xsd:decimal ; psv:P10751 v:0d31242f338de55b08d6c124c50eb495 ; psn:P10751 v:c610c7d0abbfe361e367744369f5d33d ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ref:2db82c77f09e9dce4a66454d57d822225d3b00ea . wd:Q676940 p:P10751 s:Q676940-A6D27A8C-3FA7-4573-834A-A86FA08BF6BB . s:Q676940-A6D27A8C-3FA7-4573-834A-A86FA08BF6BB a wikibase:Statement ; wikibase:rank wikibase:DeprecatedRank ; ps:P10751 "+24"^^xsd:decimal ; psv:P10751 v:c05a30eaf850a6271774836b3aeeb915 ; psn:P10751 v:7cac5299ee6ab20c55247af3191bc6f4 ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ref:d9dae1d6cbefcff9e2854594b703695601644169 . wd:Q676940 p:P10751 s:Q676940-191a85e0-c759-4515-9b82-6ecab9fb87ca . s:Q676940-191a85e0-c759-4515-9b82-6ecab9fb87ca a wikibase:Statement, wikibase:BestRank ; wikibase:rank wikibase:NormalRank ; ps:P10751 "+26.791"^^xsd:decimal ; psv:P10751 v:2f45c5bb356531ffe5c7209f5bcb6009 ; psn:P10751 v:c610c7d0abbfe361e367744369f5d33d ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ref:88f46fab9cce60c7e274ff942763157775017282 . wd:Q676940 p:P7584 s:Q676940-0359F3BF-7B9E-4FCB-B88F-77BBC6B36AEA . s:Q676940-0359F3BF-7B9E-4FCB-B88F-77BBC6B36AEA a wikibase:Statement, wikibase:BestRank ; wikibase:rank wikibase:NormalRank ; ps:P7584 "+1.3"^^xsd:decimal ; psv:P7584 v:8062006c2df0f59e4a2d13802d0ef98e ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ref:f9d78780746aedb0f66cec3d985e3a7cfa7476bc . wd:Q676940 p:P6257 s:Q676940-f7dd229d-d70d-408c-9397-7951abafce1d . s:Q676940-f7dd229d-d70d-408c-9397-7951abafce1d a wikibase:Statement, wikibase:BestRank ; wikibase:rank wikibase:NormalRank ; ps:P6257 "+142.88211696306456"^^xsd:decimal ; psv:P6257 v:8853555ba6c642b8cb0340866a962162 ; psn:P6257 v:f89aa64329b664983c857bc48fefd68e ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ref:88f46fab9cce60c7e274ff942763157775017282 . wd:Q676940 p:P6258 s:Q676940-b1b7806a-ed87-46e0-bd77-4433b4823adb . s:Q676940-b1b7806a-ed87-46e0-bd77-4433b4823adb a wikibase:Statement, wikibase:BestRank ; wikibase:rank wikibase:NormalRank ; ps:P6258 "+63.06185995089555"^^xsd:decimal ; psv:P6258 v:e0c41ee5fb2e372b1a80a97a2adc7314 ; psn:P6258 v:93638678e304386ee21bd65c2d47a451 ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ref:88f46fab9cce60c7e274ff942763157775017282 . wd:Q676940 rdfs:label "23 Ursae Majoris"@it ; skos:prefLabel "23 Ursae Majoris"@it ; schema:name "23 Ursae Majoris"@it ; rdfs:label "23 Ursae Majoris"@en ; skos:prefLabel "23 Ursae Majoris"@en ; schema:name "23 Ursae Majoris"@en ; rdfs:label "23 Ursae Majoris"@es ; skos:prefLabel "23 Ursae Majoris"@es ; schema:name "23 Ursae Majoris"@es ; rdfs:label "۲۳ خرس بزرگ"@fa ; skos:prefLabel "۲۳ خرس بزرگ"@fa ; schema:name "۲۳ خرس بزرگ"@fa ; rdfs:label "23 Ursae Majoris"@fr ; skos:prefLabel "23 Ursae Majoris"@fr ; schema:name "23 Ursae Majoris"@fr ; rdfs:label "23 Ursae Majoris"@pl ; skos:prefLabel "23 Ursae Majoris"@pl ; schema:name "23 Ursae Majoris"@pl ; rdfs:label "23 Ursae Majoris"@pt ; skos:prefLabel "23 Ursae Majoris"@pt ; schema:name "23 Ursae Majoris"@pt ; rdfs:label "23 Ursae Majoris"@nl ; skos:prefLabel "23 Ursae Majoris"@nl ; schema:name "23 Ursae Majoris"@nl ; rdfs:label "23 Ursae Majoris"@ast ; skos:prefLabel "23 Ursae Majoris"@ast ; schema:name "23 Ursae Majoris"@ast ; rdfs:label "內階四"@zh ; skos:prefLabel "內階四"@zh ; schema:name "內階四"@zh ; rdfs:label "23 Ursae Majoris"@de ; skos:prefLabel "23 Ursae Majoris"@de ; schema:name "23 Ursae Majoris"@de ; rdfs:label "23 Ursae Majoris"@sv ; skos:prefLabel "23 Ursae Majoris"@sv ; schema:name "23 Ursae Majoris"@sv ; rdfs:label "23 Ursae Majoris"@da ; skos:prefLabel "23 Ursae Majoris"@da ; schema:name "23 Ursae Majoris"@da ; rdfs:label "23 Ursae Majoris"@nb ; skos:prefLabel "23 Ursae Majoris"@nb ; schema:name "23 Ursae Majoris"@nb ; rdfs:label "23 Большой Медведицы"@ru ; skos:prefLabel "23 Большой Медведицы"@ru ; schema:name "23 Большой Медведицы"@ru ; rdfs:label "23 Ursae Majoris"@ga ; skos:prefLabel "23 Ursae Majoris"@ga ; schema:name "23 Ursae Majoris"@ga ; rdfs:label "23 Ursae Majoris"@ar ; skos:prefLabel "23 Ursae Majoris"@ar ; schema:name "23 Ursae Majoris"@ar ; rdfs:label "23 de l'Ossa Major"@ca ; skos:prefLabel "23 de l'Ossa Major"@ca ; schema:name "23 de l'Ossa Major"@ca ; rdfs:label "23 യുആര്‍എസ്എഇ എംഎജെഒആര്‍ഐഎസ്"@ml ; skos:prefLabel "23 യുആര്‍എസ്എഇ എംഎജെഒആര്‍ഐഎസ്"@ml ; schema:name "23 യുആര്‍എസ്എഇ എംഎജെഒആര്‍ഐഎസ്"@ml ; rdfs:label "23 Ursae Majoris"@dv ; skos:prefLabel "23 Ursae Majoris"@dv ; schema:name "23 Ursae Majoris"@dv ; rdfs:label "おおぐま座h星"@ja ; skos:prefLabel "おおぐま座h星"@ja ; schema:name "おおぐま座h星"@ja ; rdfs:label "23 Великої Ведмедиці"@uk ; skos:prefLabel "23 Великої Ведмедиці"@uk ; schema:name "23 Великої Ведмедиці"@uk ; schema:description "estrella"@es, "étoile binaire de la constellation de la Grande Ourse"@fr, "sistema binario nella costellazione dell'Orsa Maggiore"@it, "kaksoistähti"@fi, "Stern im Sternbild Großer Bär"@de, "stjärna i stjärnbilden Stora björnen"@sv, "star in the constellation Ursa Major"@en, "bintang yang terletak di rasi bintang Ursa Mayor"@id, "gwiazda w gwiazdozbiorze Wielkiej Niedźwiedzicy"@pl, "estrela"@pt, "stjerne"@da, "ster in Grote Beer"@nl, "stjerne"@nb, "réalta"@ga, "двойная звезда в созвездии Большой Медведицы"@ru, "সপ্তর্ষি তারামণ্ডলের একটি তারা"@bn, "зоря в сузір'ї Великої Ведмедиці"@uk, "おおぐま座の恒星"@ja, "އަރސާ މޭޖާ ނަކަތުގައިވާ ތަރިއެއް"@dv ; skos:altLabel "HD 81937"@zh, "大熊座23"@zh, "h Большой Медведицы"@ru, "HD 81937"@ru, "HD 81937"@en, "h Ursae Majoris"@en, "おおぐま座23番星"@ja . wd:Q8918 a wikibase:Item ; rdfs:label "Ursa Major"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Ursa Major"@en ; schema:name "Ursa Major"@en ; schema:description "constellation visible throughout the year in most of the northern hemisphere"@en . wd:P59 a wikibase:Property ; rdfs:label "constellation"@en ; skos:prefLabel "constellation"@en ; schema:name "constellation"@en ; schema:description "the area of the celestial sphere of which the subject is a part (from a scientific standpoint, not an astrological one)"@en ; wikibase:propertyType ; wikibase:directClaim wdt:P59 ; wikibase:claim p:P59 ; wikibase:statementProperty ps:P59 ; wikibase:statementValue psv:P59 ; wikibase:qualifier pq:P59 ; wikibase:qualifierValue pqv:P59 ; wikibase:reference pr:P59 ; wikibase:referenceValue prv:P59 ; wikibase:novalue wdno:P59 . p:P59 a owl:ObjectProperty . psv:P59 a owl:ObjectProperty . pqv:P59 a owl:ObjectProperty . prv:P59 a owl:ObjectProperty . wdt:P59 a owl:ObjectProperty . ps:P59 a owl:ObjectProperty . pq:P59 a owl:ObjectProperty . pr:P59 a owl:ObjectProperty . wdno:P59 a owl:Class ; owl:complementOf _:4267f7b52f7592ff6eed7e8fca6c99b7 . _:4267f7b52f7592ff6eed7e8fca6c99b7 a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty wdt:P59 ; owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing . wd:P215 a wikibase:Property ; rdfs:label "spectral class"@en ; skos:prefLabel "spectral class"@en ; schema:name "spectral class"@en ; schema:description "spectral class of an astronomical object"@en ; wikibase:propertyType ; wikibase:directClaim wdt:P215 ; wikibase:claim p:P215 ; wikibase:statementProperty ps:P215 ; wikibase:statementValue psv:P215 ; wikibase:qualifier pq:P215 ; wikibase:qualifierValue pqv:P215 ; wikibase:reference pr:P215 ; wikibase:referenceValue prv:P215 ; wikibase:novalue wdno:P215 . p:P215 a owl:ObjectProperty . psv:P215 a owl:ObjectProperty . pqv:P215 a owl:ObjectProperty . prv:P215 a owl:ObjectProperty . wdt:P215 a owl:DatatypeProperty . ps:P215 a owl:DatatypeProperty . pq:P215 a owl:DatatypeProperty . pr:P215 a owl:DatatypeProperty . wdno:P215 a owl:Class ; owl:complementOf _:18d8cbe2e3bec5249afdbc7d24b2e364 . _:18d8cbe2e3bec5249afdbc7d24b2e364 a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty wdt:P215 ; owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing . wd:P528 a wikibase:Property ; rdfs:label "catalog code"@en ; skos:prefLabel "catalog code"@en ; schema:name "catalog code"@en ; schema:description "catalog name of an object, use with qualifier P972"@en ; wikibase:propertyType ; wikibase:directClaim wdt:P528 ; wikibase:claim p:P528 ; wikibase:statementProperty ps:P528 ; wikibase:statementValue psv:P528 ; wikibase:qualifier pq:P528 ; wikibase:qualifierValue pqv:P528 ; wikibase:reference pr:P528 ; wikibase:referenceValue prv:P528 ; wikibase:novalue wdno:P528 . p:P528 a owl:ObjectProperty . psv:P528 a owl:ObjectProperty . pqv:P528 a owl:ObjectProperty . prv:P528 a owl:ObjectProperty . wdt:P528 a owl:DatatypeProperty . ps:P528 a owl:DatatypeProperty . pq:P528 a owl:DatatypeProperty . pr:P528 a owl:DatatypeProperty . wdno:P528 a owl:Class ; owl:complementOf _:614c5935c64bfba86175cc59e08e03ec . _:614c5935c64bfba86175cc59e08e03ec a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty wdt:P528 ; owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing . wd:Q6243 a wikibase:Item ; rdfs:label "variable star"@en ; skos:prefLabel "variable star"@en ; schema:name "variable star"@en ; schema:description "star whose brightness as seen from Earth fluctuates"@en . wd:P31 a wikibase:Property ; rdfs:label "instance of"@en ; skos:prefLabel "instance of"@en ; schema:name "instance of"@en ; schema:description "that class of which this subject is a particular example and member; different from P279 (subclass of); for example: K2 is an instance of mountain; volcano is a subclass of mountain (and an instance of volcanic landform)"@en ; wikibase:propertyType ; wikibase:directClaim wdt:P31 ; wikibase:claim p:P31 ; wikibase:statementProperty ps:P31 ; wikibase:statementValue psv:P31 ; wikibase:qualifier pq:P31 ; wikibase:qualifierValue pqv:P31 ; wikibase:reference pr:P31 ; wikibase:referenceValue prv:P31 ; wikibase:novalue wdno:P31 . p:P31 a owl:ObjectProperty . psv:P31 a owl:ObjectProperty . pqv:P31 a owl:ObjectProperty . prv:P31 a owl:ObjectProperty . wdt:P31 a owl:ObjectProperty . ps:P31 a owl:ObjectProperty . pq:P31 a owl:ObjectProperty . pr:P31 a owl:ObjectProperty . wdno:P31 a owl:Class ; owl:complementOf _:0b8bd71b926a65ca3fa72e5d9103e4d6 . _:0b8bd71b926a65ca3fa72e5d9103e4d6 a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty wdt:P31 ; owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing . wd:Q67206691 a wikibase:Item ; rdfs:label "infrared source"@en ; skos:prefLabel "infrared source"@en ; schema:name "infrared source"@en ; schema:description "astronomical object that produces infrared light"@en . wd:Q2247863 a wikibase:Item ; rdfs:label "high proper-motion star"@en ; skos:prefLabel "high proper-motion star"@en ; schema:name "high proper-motion star"@en ; schema:description "total proper motion >= 50 mas/yr"@en . wd:Q13890 a wikibase:Item ; rdfs:label "double star"@en ; skos:prefLabel "double star"@en ; schema:name "double star"@en ; schema:description "pair of stars that appear close to each other in the sky"@en . wd:Q67206785 a wikibase:Item ; rdfs:label "near-IR source"@en ; skos:prefLabel "near-IR source"@en ; schema:name "near-IR source"@en ; schema:description "λ < 10 µm"@en . wd:Q71798788 a wikibase:Item ; rdfs:label "UV-emission source"@en ; skos:prefLabel "UV-emission source"@en ; schema:name "UV-emission source"@en . wd:Q2154519 a wikibase:Item ; rdfs:label "astrophysical X-ray source"@en ; skos:prefLabel "astrophysical X-ray source"@en ; schema:name "astrophysical X-ray source"@en ; schema:description "astronomical object emitting X-rays"@en . wd:P646 a wikibase:Property ; rdfs:label "Freebase ID"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Freebase ID"@en ; schema:name "Freebase ID"@en ; schema:description "identifier for a page in the Freebase database. Format: \"/m/0\" followed by 2 to 7 characters. For IDs starting with \"/g/\", use Google Knowledge Graph ID (P2671)"@en ; wikibase:propertyType ; wikibase:directClaim wdt:P646 ; wikibase:claim p:P646 ; wikibase:statementProperty ps:P646 ; wikibase:statementValue psv:P646 ; wikibase:qualifier pq:P646 ; wikibase:qualifierValue pqv:P646 ; wikibase:reference pr:P646 ; wikibase:referenceValue prv:P646 ; wikibase:novalue wdno:P646 ; wikibase:directClaimNormalized wdtn:P646 ; wikibase:statementValueNormalized psn:P646 ; wikibase:qualifierValueNormalized pqn:P646 ; wikibase:referenceValueNormalized prn:P646 . p:P646 a owl:ObjectProperty . psv:P646 a owl:ObjectProperty . pqv:P646 a owl:ObjectProperty . prv:P646 a owl:ObjectProperty . wdt:P646 a owl:DatatypeProperty . ps:P646 a owl:DatatypeProperty . pq:P646 a owl:DatatypeProperty . pr:P646 a owl:DatatypeProperty . psn:P646 a owl:ObjectProperty . pqn:P646 a owl:ObjectProperty . prn:P646 a owl:ObjectProperty . wdtn:P646 a owl:ObjectProperty . wdno:P646 a owl:Class ; owl:complementOf _:38db277a4b10d59fd38a3fd995cbe570 . _:38db277a4b10d59fd38a3fd995cbe570 a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty wdt:P646 ; owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing . wd:P3083 a wikibase:Property ; rdfs:label "SIMBAD ID"@en ; skos:prefLabel "SIMBAD ID"@en ; schema:name "SIMBAD ID"@en ; schema:description "identifier for an astronomical object, in the University of Strasbourg's SIMBAD database"@en ; wikibase:propertyType ; wikibase:directClaim wdt:P3083 ; wikibase:claim p:P3083 ; wikibase:statementProperty ps:P3083 ; wikibase:statementValue psv:P3083 ; wikibase:qualifier pq:P3083 ; wikibase:qualifierValue pqv:P3083 ; wikibase:reference pr:P3083 ; wikibase:referenceValue prv:P3083 ; wikibase:novalue wdno:P3083 ; wikibase:directClaimNormalized wdtn:P3083 ; wikibase:statementValueNormalized psn:P3083 ; wikibase:qualifierValueNormalized pqn:P3083 ; wikibase:referenceValueNormalized prn:P3083 . p:P3083 a owl:ObjectProperty . psv:P3083 a owl:ObjectProperty . pqv:P3083 a owl:ObjectProperty . prv:P3083 a owl:ObjectProperty . wdt:P3083 a owl:DatatypeProperty . ps:P3083 a owl:DatatypeProperty . pq:P3083 a owl:DatatypeProperty . pr:P3083 a owl:DatatypeProperty . psn:P3083 a owl:ObjectProperty . pqn:P3083 a owl:ObjectProperty . prn:P3083 a owl:ObjectProperty . wdtn:P3083 a owl:ObjectProperty . wdno:P3083 a owl:Class ; owl:complementOf _:e51da2f2d7be269b2a190dbb90b6dbba . _:e51da2f2d7be269b2a190dbb90b6dbba a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty wdt:P3083 ; owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing . wd:P1215 a wikibase:Property ; rdfs:label "apparent magnitude"@en ; skos:prefLabel "apparent magnitude"@en ; schema:name "apparent magnitude"@en ; schema:description "measurement of the brightness of an astronomic object, as seen from the Earth"@en ; wikibase:propertyType ; wikibase:directClaim wdt:P1215 ; wikibase:claim p:P1215 ; wikibase:statementProperty ps:P1215 ; wikibase:statementValue psv:P1215 ; wikibase:qualifier pq:P1215 ; wikibase:qualifierValue pqv:P1215 ; wikibase:reference pr:P1215 ; wikibase:referenceValue prv:P1215 ; wikibase:novalue wdno:P1215 ; wikibase:directClaimNormalized wdtn:P1215 ; wikibase:statementValueNormalized psn:P1215 ; wikibase:qualifierValueNormalized pqn:P1215 ; wikibase:referenceValueNormalized prn:P1215 . p:P1215 a owl:ObjectProperty . psv:P1215 a owl:ObjectProperty . pqv:P1215 a owl:ObjectProperty . prv:P1215 a owl:ObjectProperty . wdt:P1215 a owl:DatatypeProperty . ps:P1215 a owl:DatatypeProperty . pq:P1215 a owl:DatatypeProperty . pr:P1215 a owl:DatatypeProperty . psn:P1215 a owl:ObjectProperty . pqn:P1215 a owl:ObjectProperty . prn:P1215 a owl:ObjectProperty . wdtn:P1215 a owl:DatatypeProperty . wdno:P1215 a owl:Class ; owl:complementOf _:7533a1880e2bd3745e9867b64b28229c . _:7533a1880e2bd3745e9867b64b28229c a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty wdt:P1215 ; owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing . wd:Q836976 a wikibase:Item ; rdfs:label "Delta Scuti variable"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Delta Scuti variable"@en ; schema:name "Delta Scuti variable"@en ; schema:description "type of variable star"@en . wd:P881 a wikibase:Property ; rdfs:label "type of variable star"@en ; skos:prefLabel "type of variable star"@en ; schema:name "type of variable star"@en ; schema:description "type of star"@en ; wikibase:propertyType ; wikibase:directClaim wdt:P881 ; wikibase:claim p:P881 ; wikibase:statementProperty ps:P881 ; wikibase:statementValue psv:P881 ; wikibase:qualifier pq:P881 ; wikibase:qualifierValue pqv:P881 ; wikibase:reference pr:P881 ; wikibase:referenceValue prv:P881 ; wikibase:novalue wdno:P881 . p:P881 a owl:ObjectProperty . psv:P881 a owl:ObjectProperty . pqv:P881 a owl:ObjectProperty . prv:P881 a owl:ObjectProperty . wdt:P881 a owl:ObjectProperty . ps:P881 a owl:ObjectProperty . pq:P881 a owl:ObjectProperty . pr:P881 a owl:ObjectProperty . wdno:P881 a owl:Class ; owl:complementOf _:1a7a4d30e776932d6332c6f271aa1a20 . _:1a7a4d30e776932d6332c6f271aa1a20 a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty wdt:P881 ; owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing . wd:P6879 a wikibase:Property ; rdfs:label "effective temperature"@en ; skos:prefLabel "effective temperature"@en ; schema:name "effective temperature"@en ; schema:description "the temperature of a black body that would emit the same total amount of electromagnetic radiation as measured star or planet"@en ; wikibase:propertyType ; wikibase:directClaim wdt:P6879 ; wikibase:claim p:P6879 ; wikibase:statementProperty ps:P6879 ; wikibase:statementValue psv:P6879 ; wikibase:qualifier pq:P6879 ; wikibase:qualifierValue pqv:P6879 ; wikibase:reference pr:P6879 ; wikibase:referenceValue prv:P6879 ; wikibase:novalue wdno:P6879 ; wikibase:directClaimNormalized wdtn:P6879 ; wikibase:statementValueNormalized psn:P6879 ; wikibase:qualifierValueNormalized pqn:P6879 ; wikibase:referenceValueNormalized prn:P6879 . p:P6879 a owl:ObjectProperty . psv:P6879 a owl:ObjectProperty . pqv:P6879 a owl:ObjectProperty . prv:P6879 a owl:ObjectProperty . wdt:P6879 a owl:DatatypeProperty . ps:P6879 a owl:DatatypeProperty . pq:P6879 a owl:DatatypeProperty . pr:P6879 a owl:DatatypeProperty . psn:P6879 a owl:ObjectProperty . pqn:P6879 a owl:ObjectProperty . prn:P6879 a owl:ObjectProperty . wdtn:P6879 a owl:DatatypeProperty . wdno:P6879 a owl:Class ; owl:complementOf _:d76822fd2b34761cbf7ccb7c29e86dbe . _:d76822fd2b34761cbf7ccb7c29e86dbe a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty wdt:P6879 ; owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing . wd:P2583 a wikibase:Property ; rdfs:label "distance from Earth"@en ; skos:prefLabel "distance from Earth"@en ; schema:name "distance from Earth"@en ; schema:description "estimated distance to astronomical objects"@en ; wikibase:propertyType ; wikibase:directClaim wdt:P2583 ; wikibase:claim p:P2583 ; wikibase:statementProperty ps:P2583 ; wikibase:statementValue psv:P2583 ; wikibase:qualifier pq:P2583 ; wikibase:qualifierValue pqv:P2583 ; wikibase:reference pr:P2583 ; wikibase:referenceValue prv:P2583 ; wikibase:novalue wdno:P2583 ; wikibase:directClaimNormalized wdtn:P2583 ; wikibase:statementValueNormalized psn:P2583 ; wikibase:qualifierValueNormalized pqn:P2583 ; wikibase:referenceValueNormalized prn:P2583 . p:P2583 a owl:ObjectProperty . psv:P2583 a owl:ObjectProperty . pqv:P2583 a owl:ObjectProperty . prv:P2583 a owl:ObjectProperty . wdt:P2583 a owl:DatatypeProperty . ps:P2583 a owl:DatatypeProperty . pq:P2583 a owl:DatatypeProperty . pr:P2583 a owl:DatatypeProperty . psn:P2583 a owl:ObjectProperty . pqn:P2583 a owl:ObjectProperty . prn:P2583 a owl:ObjectProperty . wdtn:P2583 a owl:DatatypeProperty . wdno:P2583 a owl:Class ; owl:complementOf _:0664cfa4171adcefe64a4c75df6bfa20 . _:0664cfa4171adcefe64a4c75df6bfa20 a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty wdt:P2583 ; owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing . wd:P2216 a wikibase:Property ; rdfs:label "radial velocity"@en ; skos:prefLabel "radial velocity"@en ; schema:name "radial velocity"@en ; schema:description "component of the object's velocity that points in the direction of the radius connecting the object and the point"@en ; wikibase:propertyType ; wikibase:directClaim wdt:P2216 ; wikibase:claim p:P2216 ; wikibase:statementProperty ps:P2216 ; wikibase:statementValue psv:P2216 ; wikibase:qualifier pq:P2216 ; wikibase:qualifierValue pqv:P2216 ; wikibase:reference pr:P2216 ; wikibase:referenceValue prv:P2216 ; wikibase:novalue wdno:P2216 ; wikibase:directClaimNormalized wdtn:P2216 ; wikibase:statementValueNormalized psn:P2216 ; wikibase:qualifierValueNormalized pqn:P2216 ; wikibase:referenceValueNormalized prn:P2216 . p:P2216 a owl:ObjectProperty . psv:P2216 a owl:ObjectProperty . pqv:P2216 a owl:ObjectProperty . prv:P2216 a owl:ObjectProperty . wdt:P2216 a owl:DatatypeProperty . ps:P2216 a owl:DatatypeProperty . pq:P2216 a owl:DatatypeProperty . pr:P2216 a owl:DatatypeProperty . psn:P2216 a owl:ObjectProperty . pqn:P2216 a owl:ObjectProperty . prn:P2216 a owl:ObjectProperty . wdtn:P2216 a owl:DatatypeProperty . wdno:P2216 a owl:Class ; owl:complementOf _:709e1536d868574029081db23854361f . _:709e1536d868574029081db23854361f a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty wdt:P2216 ; owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing . wd:P4296 a wikibase:Property ; rdfs:label "stellar rotational velocity"@en ; skos:prefLabel "stellar rotational velocity"@en ; schema:name "stellar rotational velocity"@en ; schema:description "measured parameter for stars"@en ; wikibase:propertyType ; wikibase:directClaim wdt:P4296 ; wikibase:claim p:P4296 ; wikibase:statementProperty ps:P4296 ; wikibase:statementValue psv:P4296 ; wikibase:qualifier pq:P4296 ; wikibase:qualifierValue pqv:P4296 ; wikibase:reference pr:P4296 ; wikibase:referenceValue prv:P4296 ; wikibase:novalue wdno:P4296 ; wikibase:directClaimNormalized wdtn:P4296 ; wikibase:statementValueNormalized psn:P4296 ; wikibase:qualifierValueNormalized pqn:P4296 ; wikibase:referenceValueNormalized prn:P4296 . p:P4296 a owl:ObjectProperty . psv:P4296 a owl:ObjectProperty . pqv:P4296 a owl:ObjectProperty . prv:P4296 a owl:ObjectProperty . wdt:P4296 a owl:DatatypeProperty . ps:P4296 a owl:DatatypeProperty . pq:P4296 a owl:DatatypeProperty . pr:P4296 a owl:DatatypeProperty . psn:P4296 a owl:ObjectProperty . pqn:P4296 a owl:ObjectProperty . prn:P4296 a owl:ObjectProperty . wdtn:P4296 a owl:DatatypeProperty . wdno:P4296 a owl:Class ; owl:complementOf _:349609c034552490a82e95300d7fcadd . _:349609c034552490a82e95300d7fcadd a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty wdt:P4296 ; owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing . wd:P2214 a wikibase:Property ; rdfs:label "parallax"@en ; skos:prefLabel "parallax"@en ; schema:name "parallax"@en ; schema:description "parallax of nearest stars"@en ; wikibase:propertyType ; wikibase:directClaim wdt:P2214 ; wikibase:claim p:P2214 ; wikibase:statementProperty ps:P2214 ; wikibase:statementValue psv:P2214 ; wikibase:qualifier pq:P2214 ; wikibase:qualifierValue pqv:P2214 ; wikibase:reference pr:P2214 ; wikibase:referenceValue prv:P2214 ; wikibase:novalue wdno:P2214 ; wikibase:directClaimNormalized wdtn:P2214 ; wikibase:statementValueNormalized psn:P2214 ; wikibase:qualifierValueNormalized pqn:P2214 ; wikibase:referenceValueNormalized prn:P2214 . p:P2214 a owl:ObjectProperty . psv:P2214 a owl:ObjectProperty . pqv:P2214 a owl:ObjectProperty . prv:P2214 a owl:ObjectProperty . wdt:P2214 a owl:DatatypeProperty . ps:P2214 a owl:DatatypeProperty . pq:P2214 a owl:DatatypeProperty . pr:P2214 a owl:DatatypeProperty . psn:P2214 a owl:ObjectProperty . pqn:P2214 a owl:ObjectProperty . prn:P2214 a owl:ObjectProperty . wdtn:P2214 a owl:DatatypeProperty . wdno:P2214 a owl:Class ; owl:complementOf _:f7737335f8992a6c7833a62196125137 . _:f7737335f8992a6c7833a62196125137 a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty wdt:P2214 ; owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing . wd:Q1264450 a wikibase:Item ; rdfs:label "J2000.0"@en ; skos:prefLabel "J2000.0"@en ; schema:name "J2000.0"@en ; schema:description "epoch in astronomy"@en . wd:P6259 a wikibase:Property ; rdfs:label "epoch"@en ; skos:prefLabel "epoch"@en ; schema:name "epoch"@en ; schema:description "epoch of an astronomical object coordinate"@en ; wikibase:propertyType ; wikibase:directClaim wdt:P6259 ; wikibase:claim p:P6259 ; wikibase:statementProperty ps:P6259 ; wikibase:statementValue psv:P6259 ; wikibase:qualifier pq:P6259 ; wikibase:qualifierValue pqv:P6259 ; wikibase:reference pr:P6259 ; wikibase:referenceValue prv:P6259 ; wikibase:novalue wdno:P6259 . p:P6259 a owl:ObjectProperty . psv:P6259 a owl:ObjectProperty . pqv:P6259 a owl:ObjectProperty . prv:P6259 a owl:ObjectProperty . wdt:P6259 a owl:ObjectProperty . ps:P6259 a owl:ObjectProperty . pq:P6259 a owl:ObjectProperty . pr:P6259 a owl:ObjectProperty . wdno:P6259 a owl:Class ; owl:complementOf _:99552d45b2a1aa691360698864a2ba99 . _:99552d45b2a1aa691360698864a2ba99 a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty wdt:P6259 ; owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing . wd:P2067 a wikibase:Property ; rdfs:label "mass"@en ; skos:prefLabel "mass"@en ; schema:name "mass"@en ; schema:description "mass (in colloquial usage also known as weight) of the item"@en ; wikibase:propertyType ; wikibase:directClaim wdt:P2067 ; wikibase:claim p:P2067 ; wikibase:statementProperty ps:P2067 ; wikibase:statementValue psv:P2067 ; wikibase:qualifier pq:P2067 ; wikibase:qualifierValue pqv:P2067 ; wikibase:reference pr:P2067 ; wikibase:referenceValue prv:P2067 ; wikibase:novalue wdno:P2067 ; wikibase:directClaimNormalized wdtn:P2067 ; wikibase:statementValueNormalized psn:P2067 ; wikibase:qualifierValueNormalized pqn:P2067 ; wikibase:referenceValueNormalized prn:P2067 . p:P2067 a owl:ObjectProperty . psv:P2067 a owl:ObjectProperty . pqv:P2067 a owl:ObjectProperty . prv:P2067 a owl:ObjectProperty . wdt:P2067 a owl:DatatypeProperty . ps:P2067 a owl:DatatypeProperty . pq:P2067 a owl:DatatypeProperty . pr:P2067 a owl:DatatypeProperty . psn:P2067 a owl:ObjectProperty . pqn:P2067 a owl:ObjectProperty . prn:P2067 a owl:ObjectProperty . wdtn:P2067 a owl:DatatypeProperty . wdno:P2067 a owl:Class ; owl:complementOf _:3d3a130459ca63e754c24766df03efa4 . _:3d3a130459ca63e754c24766df03efa4 a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty wdt:P2067 ; owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing . wd:P999 a wikibase:Property ; rdfs:label "ARICNS"@en ; skos:prefLabel "ARICNS"@en ; schema:name "ARICNS"@en ; schema:description "identifier for stars in ARICNS"@en ; wikibase:propertyType ; wikibase:directClaim wdt:P999 ; wikibase:claim p:P999 ; wikibase:statementProperty ps:P999 ; wikibase:statementValue psv:P999 ; wikibase:qualifier pq:P999 ; wikibase:qualifierValue pqv:P999 ; wikibase:reference pr:P999 ; wikibase:referenceValue prv:P999 ; wikibase:novalue wdno:P999 ; wikibase:directClaimNormalized wdtn:P999 ; wikibase:statementValueNormalized psn:P999 ; wikibase:qualifierValueNormalized pqn:P999 ; wikibase:referenceValueNormalized prn:P999 . p:P999 a owl:ObjectProperty . psv:P999 a owl:ObjectProperty . pqv:P999 a owl:ObjectProperty . prv:P999 a owl:ObjectProperty . wdt:P999 a owl:DatatypeProperty . ps:P999 a owl:DatatypeProperty . pq:P999 a owl:DatatypeProperty . pr:P999 a owl:DatatypeProperty . psn:P999 a owl:ObjectProperty . pqn:P999 a owl:ObjectProperty . prn:P999 a owl:ObjectProperty . wdtn:P999 a owl:ObjectProperty . wdno:P999 a owl:Class ; owl:complementOf _:f84a9b60ff28f2cafc2b998a98916c2b . _:f84a9b60ff28f2cafc2b998a98916c2b a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty wdt:P999 ; owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing . wd:P10752 a wikibase:Property ; rdfs:label "right ascension component of proper motion"@en ; skos:prefLabel "right ascension component of proper motion"@en ; schema:name "right ascension component of proper motion"@en ; schema:description "the value μᵅ as a component of the proper motion of a star"@en ; wikibase:propertyType ; wikibase:directClaim wdt:P10752 ; wikibase:claim p:P10752 ; wikibase:statementProperty ps:P10752 ; wikibase:statementValue psv:P10752 ; wikibase:qualifier pq:P10752 ; wikibase:qualifierValue pqv:P10752 ; wikibase:reference pr:P10752 ; wikibase:referenceValue prv:P10752 ; wikibase:novalue wdno:P10752 ; wikibase:directClaimNormalized wdtn:P10752 ; wikibase:statementValueNormalized psn:P10752 ; wikibase:qualifierValueNormalized pqn:P10752 ; wikibase:referenceValueNormalized prn:P10752 . p:P10752 a owl:ObjectProperty . psv:P10752 a owl:ObjectProperty . pqv:P10752 a owl:ObjectProperty . prv:P10752 a owl:ObjectProperty . wdt:P10752 a owl:DatatypeProperty . ps:P10752 a owl:DatatypeProperty . pq:P10752 a owl:DatatypeProperty . pr:P10752 a owl:DatatypeProperty . psn:P10752 a owl:ObjectProperty . pqn:P10752 a owl:ObjectProperty . prn:P10752 a owl:ObjectProperty . wdtn:P10752 a owl:DatatypeProperty . wdno:P10752 a owl:Class ; owl:complementOf _:3936f86bceb5361ff12500ffd1f65493 . _:3936f86bceb5361ff12500ffd1f65493 a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty wdt:P10752 ; owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing . wd:P10751 a wikibase:Property ; rdfs:label "declination component of proper motion"@en ; skos:prefLabel "declination component of proper motion"@en ; schema:name "declination component of proper motion"@en ; schema:description "the value μᵟ as a component of the proper motion of a star"@en ; wikibase:propertyType ; wikibase:directClaim wdt:P10751 ; wikibase:claim p:P10751 ; wikibase:statementProperty ps:P10751 ; wikibase:statementValue psv:P10751 ; wikibase:qualifier pq:P10751 ; wikibase:qualifierValue pqv:P10751 ; wikibase:reference pr:P10751 ; wikibase:referenceValue prv:P10751 ; wikibase:novalue wdno:P10751 ; wikibase:directClaimNormalized wdtn:P10751 ; wikibase:statementValueNormalized psn:P10751 ; wikibase:qualifierValueNormalized pqn:P10751 ; wikibase:referenceValueNormalized prn:P10751 . p:P10751 a owl:ObjectProperty . psv:P10751 a owl:ObjectProperty . pqv:P10751 a owl:ObjectProperty . prv:P10751 a owl:ObjectProperty . wdt:P10751 a owl:DatatypeProperty . ps:P10751 a owl:DatatypeProperty . pq:P10751 a owl:DatatypeProperty . pr:P10751 a owl:DatatypeProperty . psn:P10751 a owl:ObjectProperty . pqn:P10751 a owl:ObjectProperty . prn:P10751 a owl:ObjectProperty . wdtn:P10751 a owl:DatatypeProperty . wdno:P10751 a owl:Class ; owl:complementOf _:d820342bab1c189403ac0cc910eddf7b . _:d820342bab1c189403ac0cc910eddf7b a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty wdt:P10751 ; owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing . wd:P7584 a wikibase:Property ; rdfs:label "age estimated by a dating method"@en ; skos:prefLabel "age estimated by a dating method"@en ; schema:name "age estimated by a dating method"@en ; schema:description "estimation of the age of a star, geological feature, fossil or object"@en ; wikibase:propertyType ; wikibase:directClaim wdt:P7584 ; wikibase:claim p:P7584 ; wikibase:statementProperty ps:P7584 ; wikibase:statementValue psv:P7584 ; wikibase:qualifier pq:P7584 ; wikibase:qualifierValue pqv:P7584 ; wikibase:reference pr:P7584 ; wikibase:referenceValue prv:P7584 ; wikibase:novalue wdno:P7584 ; wikibase:directClaimNormalized wdtn:P7584 ; wikibase:statementValueNormalized psn:P7584 ; wikibase:qualifierValueNormalized pqn:P7584 ; wikibase:referenceValueNormalized prn:P7584 . p:P7584 a owl:ObjectProperty . psv:P7584 a owl:ObjectProperty . pqv:P7584 a owl:ObjectProperty . prv:P7584 a owl:ObjectProperty . wdt:P7584 a owl:DatatypeProperty . ps:P7584 a owl:DatatypeProperty . pq:P7584 a owl:DatatypeProperty . pr:P7584 a owl:DatatypeProperty . psn:P7584 a owl:ObjectProperty . pqn:P7584 a owl:ObjectProperty . prn:P7584 a owl:ObjectProperty . wdtn:P7584 a owl:DatatypeProperty . wdno:P7584 a owl:Class ; owl:complementOf _:663eddfe69d3c7cbaa8231a1d6c7beca . _:663eddfe69d3c7cbaa8231a1d6c7beca a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty wdt:P7584 ; owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing . wd:P6257 a wikibase:Property ; rdfs:label "right ascension"@en ; skos:prefLabel "right ascension"@en ; schema:name "right ascension"@en ; schema:description "astronomical equivalent of longitude"@en ; wikibase:propertyType ; wikibase:directClaim wdt:P6257 ; wikibase:claim p:P6257 ; wikibase:statementProperty ps:P6257 ; wikibase:statementValue psv:P6257 ; wikibase:qualifier pq:P6257 ; wikibase:qualifierValue pqv:P6257 ; wikibase:reference pr:P6257 ; wikibase:referenceValue prv:P6257 ; wikibase:novalue wdno:P6257 ; wikibase:directClaimNormalized wdtn:P6257 ; wikibase:statementValueNormalized psn:P6257 ; wikibase:qualifierValueNormalized pqn:P6257 ; wikibase:referenceValueNormalized prn:P6257 . p:P6257 a owl:ObjectProperty . psv:P6257 a owl:ObjectProperty . pqv:P6257 a owl:ObjectProperty . prv:P6257 a owl:ObjectProperty . wdt:P6257 a owl:DatatypeProperty . ps:P6257 a owl:DatatypeProperty . pq:P6257 a owl:DatatypeProperty . pr:P6257 a owl:DatatypeProperty . psn:P6257 a owl:ObjectProperty . pqn:P6257 a owl:ObjectProperty . prn:P6257 a owl:ObjectProperty . wdtn:P6257 a owl:DatatypeProperty . wdno:P6257 a owl:Class ; owl:complementOf _:ab2101d48cded50747c3a67d4b11099c . _:ab2101d48cded50747c3a67d4b11099c a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty wdt:P6257 ; owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing . wd:P6258 a wikibase:Property ; rdfs:label "declination"@en ; skos:prefLabel "declination"@en ; schema:name "declination"@en ; schema:description "astronomical equivalent of latitude"@en ; wikibase:propertyType ; wikibase:directClaim wdt:P6258 ; wikibase:claim p:P6258 ; wikibase:statementProperty ps:P6258 ; wikibase:statementValue psv:P6258 ; wikibase:qualifier pq:P6258 ; wikibase:qualifierValue pqv:P6258 ; wikibase:reference pr:P6258 ; wikibase:referenceValue prv:P6258 ; wikibase:novalue wdno:P6258 ; wikibase:directClaimNormalized wdtn:P6258 ; wikibase:statementValueNormalized psn:P6258 ; wikibase:qualifierValueNormalized pqn:P6258 ; wikibase:referenceValueNormalized prn:P6258 . p:P6258 a owl:ObjectProperty . psv:P6258 a owl:ObjectProperty . pqv:P6258 a owl:ObjectProperty . prv:P6258 a owl:ObjectProperty . wdt:P6258 a owl:DatatypeProperty . ps:P6258 a owl:DatatypeProperty . pq:P6258 a owl:DatatypeProperty . pr:P6258 a owl:DatatypeProperty . psn:P6258 a owl:ObjectProperty . pqn:P6258 a owl:ObjectProperty . prn:P6258 a owl:ObjectProperty . wdtn:P6258 a owl:DatatypeProperty . wdno:P6258 a owl:Class ; owl:complementOf _:4371ef41baa6449d6caef7b7690aa8a7 . _:4371ef41baa6449d6caef7b7690aa8a7 a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty wdt:P6258 ; owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing . wd:Q123764736 a wikibase:Item ; rdfs:label "inferred from equatorial coordinates"@en ; skos:prefLabel "inferred from equatorial coordinates"@en ; schema:name "inferred from equatorial coordinates"@en ; schema:description "heuristic for sourcing Wikidata statements about the belonging of celestial bodies to constellations"@en . wd:P887 a wikibase:Property ; rdfs:label "based on heuristic"@en ; skos:prefLabel "based on heuristic"@en ; schema:name "based on heuristic"@en ; schema:description "indicates that the property value is determined based on some heuristic (Q201413); to be used as source"@en ; wikibase:propertyType ; wikibase:directClaim wdt:P887 ; wikibase:claim p:P887 ; wikibase:statementProperty ps:P887 ; wikibase:statementValue psv:P887 ; wikibase:qualifier pq:P887 ; wikibase:qualifierValue pqv:P887 ; wikibase:reference pr:P887 ; wikibase:referenceValue prv:P887 ; wikibase:novalue wdno:P887 . p:P887 a owl:ObjectProperty . psv:P887 a owl:ObjectProperty . pqv:P887 a owl:ObjectProperty . prv:P887 a owl:ObjectProperty . wdt:P887 a owl:ObjectProperty . ps:P887 a owl:ObjectProperty . pq:P887 a owl:ObjectProperty . pr:P887 a owl:ObjectProperty . wdno:P887 a owl:Class ; owl:complementOf _:e011110d3fc77cb743b2b08b63c4f19a . _:e011110d3fc77cb743b2b08b63c4f19a a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty wdt:P887 ; owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing . wd:Q66616990 a wikibase:Item ; rdfs:label "Space-velocity vectors for 3483 stars with proper motion and radial velocity"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Space-velocity vectors for 3483 stars with proper motion and radial velocity"@en ; schema:name "Space-velocity vectors for 3483 stars with proper motion and radial velocity"@en ; schema:description "scholarly article"@en . wd:P248 a wikibase:Property ; rdfs:label "stated in"@en ; skos:prefLabel "stated in"@en ; schema:name "stated in"@en ; schema:description "to be used in the references field to refer to the information document or database in which a claim is made; for qualifiers use P805; for the type of document in which a claim is made use P3865"@en ; wikibase:propertyType ; wikibase:directClaim wdt:P248 ; wikibase:claim p:P248 ; wikibase:statementProperty ps:P248 ; wikibase:statementValue psv:P248 ; wikibase:qualifier pq:P248 ; wikibase:qualifierValue pqv:P248 ; wikibase:reference pr:P248 ; wikibase:referenceValue prv:P248 ; wikibase:novalue wdno:P248 . p:P248 a owl:ObjectProperty . psv:P248 a owl:ObjectProperty . pqv:P248 a owl:ObjectProperty . prv:P248 a owl:ObjectProperty . wdt:P248 a owl:ObjectProperty . ps:P248 a owl:ObjectProperty . pq:P248 a owl:ObjectProperty . pr:P248 a owl:ObjectProperty . wdno:P248 a owl:Class ; owl:complementOf _:a2b31078afaf5caae811f4ac846f5f35 . _:a2b31078afaf5caae811f4ac846f5f35 a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty wdt:P248 ; owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing . wd:Q654724 a wikibase:Item ; rdfs:label "SIMBAD"@en ; skos:prefLabel "SIMBAD"@en ; schema:name "SIMBAD"@en ; schema:description "astronomical database"@en . wd:P12132 a wikibase:Property ; rdfs:label "stated in source according to"@en ; skos:prefLabel "stated in source according to"@en ; schema:name "stated in source according to"@en ; schema:description "to be used together with P248 if the statement is taken from an aggregator rather than directly from the source"@en ; wikibase:propertyType ; wikibase:directClaim wdt:P12132 ; wikibase:claim p:P12132 ; wikibase:statementProperty ps:P12132 ; wikibase:statementValue psv:P12132 ; wikibase:qualifier pq:P12132 ; wikibase:qualifierValue pqv:P12132 ; wikibase:reference pr:P12132 ; wikibase:referenceValue prv:P12132 ; wikibase:novalue wdno:P12132 . p:P12132 a owl:ObjectProperty . psv:P12132 a owl:ObjectProperty . pqv:P12132 a owl:ObjectProperty . prv:P12132 a owl:ObjectProperty . wdt:P12132 a owl:ObjectProperty . ps:P12132 a owl:ObjectProperty . pq:P12132 a owl:ObjectProperty . pr:P12132 a owl:ObjectProperty . wdno:P12132 a owl:Class ; owl:complementOf _:3cce65bb08d030f19608b283d5c07c68 . _:3cce65bb08d030f19608b283d5c07c68 a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty wdt:P12132 ; owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing . wd:Q66616927 a wikibase:Item ; rdfs:label "Stellar groups. VIII. The structure of the Sirius group"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Stellar groups. VIII. The structure of the Sirius group"@en ; schema:name "Stellar groups. VIII. The structure of the Sirius group"@en ; schema:description "scientific article"@en . wd:Q66616798 a wikibase:Item ; rdfs:label "Distribution of the nearer bright stars in the color-luminosity array"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Distribution of the nearer bright stars in the color-luminosity array"@en ; schema:name "Distribution of the nearer bright stars in the color-luminosity array"@en ; schema:description "article by Eggen O. published 1957 in The Astronomical Journal"@en . wd:Q66616743 a wikibase:Item ; rdfs:label "The spectra and rotational velocities of the bright stars of Draper types A3-G0"@en ; skos:prefLabel "The spectra and rotational velocities of the bright stars of Draper types A3-G0"@en ; schema:name "The spectra and rotational velocities of the bright stars of Draper types A3-G0"@en ; schema:description "scientific article"@en . wd:Q66616693 a wikibase:Item ; rdfs:label "Some characteristics of color systems"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Some characteristics of color systems"@en ; schema:name "Some characteristics of color systems"@en ; schema:description "scientific article published in January 1953"@en . wd:Q66617668 a wikibase:Item ; rdfs:label "VizieR Online Data Catalog: Henry Draper Catalogue and Extension, published in Ann. Harvard Obs. 91-100 (1918-1925)"@en ; skos:prefLabel "VizieR Online Data Catalog: Henry Draper Catalogue and Extension, published in Ann. Harvard Obs. 91-100 (1918-1925)"@en ; schema:name "VizieR Online Data Catalog: Henry Draper Catalogue and Extension, published in Ann. Harvard Obs. 91-100 (1918-1925)"@en ; schema:description "scientific article"@en . wd:Q29037620 a wikibase:Item ; rdfs:label "The Relation between Rotational Velocities and Spectral Peculiarities among A-Type Stars"@en ; skos:prefLabel "The Relation between Rotational Velocities and Spectral Peculiarities among A-Type Stars"@en ; schema:name "The Relation between Rotational Velocities and Spectral Peculiarities among A-Type Stars"@en ; schema:description "scientific article published in 'The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series' in July 1995"@en . wd:Q112612784 a wikibase:Item ; rdfs:label "Application of convolutional neural networks for stellar spectral classification"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Application of convolutional neural networks for stellar spectral classification"@en ; schema:name "Application of convolutional neural networks for stellar spectral classification"@en ; schema:description "scientific article published in January 2020"@en . wd:Q1454942 a wikibase:Item ; rdfs:label "2MASS"@en ; skos:prefLabel "2MASS"@en ; schema:name "2MASS"@en ; schema:description "astronomical survey"@en . wd:P972 a wikibase:Property ; rdfs:label "catalog"@en ; skos:prefLabel "catalog"@en ; schema:name "catalog"@en ; schema:description "catalog for the item, or, as a qualifier of P528 – catalog for which the 'catalog code' is valid"@en ; wikibase:propertyType ; wikibase:directClaim wdt:P972 ; wikibase:claim p:P972 ; wikibase:statementProperty ps:P972 ; wikibase:statementValue psv:P972 ; wikibase:qualifier pq:P972 ; wikibase:qualifierValue pqv:P972 ; wikibase:reference pr:P972 ; wikibase:referenceValue prv:P972 ; wikibase:novalue wdno:P972 . p:P972 a owl:ObjectProperty . psv:P972 a owl:ObjectProperty . pqv:P972 a owl:ObjectProperty . prv:P972 a owl:ObjectProperty . wdt:P972 a owl:ObjectProperty . ps:P972 a owl:ObjectProperty . pq:P972 a owl:ObjectProperty . pr:P972 a owl:ObjectProperty . wdno:P972 a owl:Class ; owl:complementOf _:64c44d4492eef92d2d32dd9421b556f5 . _:64c44d4492eef92d2d32dd9421b556f5 a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty wdt:P972 ; owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing . wd:Q143003 a wikibase:Item ; rdfs:label "Guide Star Catalog"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Guide Star Catalog"@en ; schema:name "Guide Star Catalog"@en ; schema:description "star catalog compiled to support the Hubble Space Telescope with targeting off-axis stars"@en . wd:Q111130 a wikibase:Item ; rdfs:label "Henry Draper Catalogue"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Henry Draper Catalogue"@en ; schema:name "Henry Draper Catalogue"@en ; schema:description "astronomical star catalogue"@en . wd:Q537199 a wikibase:Item ; rdfs:label "Hipparcos Catalogue"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Hipparcos Catalogue"@en ; schema:name "Hipparcos Catalogue"@en ; schema:description "catalogue of stars and their positions"@en . wd:Q499138 a wikibase:Item ; rdfs:label "Bright Star Catalogue"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Bright Star Catalogue"@en ; schema:name "Bright Star Catalogue"@en ; schema:description "star catalogue; lists all stars of magnitude 6.5 or brighter; contains 9110 objects: 9095 stars, 11 (super)novae, 2 globular clusters (47 Tuc, NGC 2808), and 2 open clusters (NGC 2281, M67)"@en . wd:Q27891161 a wikibase:Item ; rdfs:label "IRAS"@en ; skos:prefLabel "IRAS"@en ; schema:name "IRAS"@en ; schema:description "astronomical catalog"@en . wd:Q984158 a wikibase:Item ; rdfs:label "Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory Star Catalog"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory Star Catalog"@en ; schema:name "Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory Star Catalog"@en ; schema:description "astrometric star catalogue"@en . wd:Q1045111 a wikibase:Item ; rdfs:label "Gliese Catalogue of Nearby Stars"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Gliese Catalogue of Nearby Stars"@en ; schema:name "Gliese Catalogue of Nearby Stars"@en ; schema:description "star catalogue"@en . wd:Q105616 a wikibase:Item ; rdfs:label "Bayer designation"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Bayer designation"@en ; schema:name "Bayer designation"@en ; schema:description "star naming system in which a specific star is identified by a Greek or Latin letter followed by the genitive form of its parent constellation's Latin name"@en . wd:Q328 a wikibase:Item ; rdfs:label "English Wikipedia"@en ; 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owl:complementOf _:66a2156e9cbfe8d655274b862fca1b59 . _:66a2156e9cbfe8d655274b862fca1b59 a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty wdt:P143 ; owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing . wd:Q937529 a wikibase:Item ; rdfs:label "Aitken Double Star Catalogue"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Aitken Double Star Catalogue"@en ; schema:name "Aitken Double Star Catalogue"@en ; schema:description "star catalogue"@en . wd:Q845735 a wikibase:Item ; rdfs:label "Durchmusterung"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Durchmusterung"@en ; schema:name "Durchmusterung"@en ; schema:description "star catalogue"@en . wd:Q2624735 a wikibase:Item ; rdfs:label "Catalog of Components of Double and Multiple Stars"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Catalog of Components of Double and Multiple Stars"@en ; schema:name "Catalog of Components of Double and Multiple Stars"@en ; schema:description "star catalogue"@en . wd:Q28914856 a wikibase:Item ; rdfs:label "Catalogue of suspected variable stars"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Catalogue of suspected variable stars"@en ; schema:name "Catalogue of suspected variable stars"@en ; schema:description "star catalogue"@en . wd:Q15817338 a wikibase:Item ; rdfs:label "FK5"@en ; skos:prefLabel "FK5"@en ; schema:name "FK5"@en ; schema:description "astronomical catalogue"@en . wd:Q2911554 a wikibase:Item ; rdfs:label "Boss General Catalogue"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Boss General Catalogue"@en ; schema:name "Boss General Catalogue"@en ; schema:description "astronomical catalogue"@en . wd:Q1606717 a wikibase:Item ; rdfs:label "General Catalogue of Stellar Radial Velocities"@en ; skos:prefLabel "General Catalogue of Stellar Radial Velocities"@en ; schema:name "General Catalogue of Stellar Radial Velocities"@en ; schema:description "star catalogue"@en . wd:Q28914996 a wikibase:Item ; rdfs:label "Hipparcos Input Catalogue"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Hipparcos Input Catalogue"@en ; schema:name "Hipparcos Input Catalogue"@en ; schema:description "star catalogue"@en . wd:Q6017813 a wikibase:Item ; rdfs:label "Index Catalogue of Visual Double Stars"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Index Catalogue of Visual Double Stars"@en ; schema:name "Index Catalogue of Visual Double Stars"@en ; schema:description "star catalogue"@en . wd:Q7858668 a wikibase:Item ; rdfs:label "Two-Micron Sky Survey"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Two-Micron Sky Survey"@en ; schema:name "Two-Micron Sky Survey"@en ; schema:description "astronomical catalogue"@en . wd:Q6108661 a wikibase:Item ; rdfs:label "JP11"@en ; skos:prefLabel "JP11"@en ; schema:name "JP11"@en ; schema:description "star catalog"@en . wd:Q5051307 a wikibase:Item ; rdfs:label "Catalog of 5,268 Standard Stars Based on the Normal System N30"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Catalog of 5,268 Standard Stars Based on the Normal System N30"@en ; schema:name "Catalog of 5,268 Standard Stars Based on the Normal System N30"@en ; schema:description "star catalogue"@en . wd:Q3875194 a wikibase:Item ; rdfs:label "New Catalogue of Suspected Variable Stars"@en ; skos:prefLabel "New Catalogue of Suspected Variable Stars"@en ; schema:name "New Catalogue of Suspected Variable Stars"@en ; schema:description "star catalogue"@en . wd:Q9301600 a wikibase:Item ; rdfs:label "General Catalogue of Trigonometric Stellar Parallaxes"@en ; skos:prefLabel "General Catalogue of Trigonometric Stellar Parallaxes"@en ; schema:name "General Catalogue of Trigonometric Stellar Parallaxes"@en ; schema:description "star catalogue"@en . wd:Q28916890 a wikibase:Item ; rdfs:label "Tokyo Photoelectric Meridian Circle Catalog"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Tokyo Photoelectric Meridian Circle Catalog"@en ; schema:name "Tokyo Photoelectric Meridian Circle Catalog"@en . wd:Q1449592 a wikibase:Item ; rdfs:label "PPM Star Catalogue"@en ; skos:prefLabel "PPM Star Catalogue"@en ; schema:name "PPM Star Catalogue"@en ; schema:description "star catalogue"@en . wd:Q7275111 a wikibase:Item ; rdfs:label "The Revised AFGL (RAFGL) catalogue"@en ; skos:prefLabel "The Revised AFGL (RAFGL) catalogue"@en ; schema:name "The Revised AFGL (RAFGL) catalogue"@en ; schema:description "infrared astronomical catalogue"@en . wd:Q5051328 a wikibase:Item ; rdfs:label "Catalogue of rotational velocities of the stars"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Catalogue of rotational velocities of the stars"@en ; schema:name "Catalogue of rotational velocities of the stars"@en ; schema:description "catalogue of projected stellar rotation, published in 1982 by Uesugi, A. and Fukuda, I."@en . wd:Q7669825 a wikibase:Item ; rdfs:label "TD1 Catalog of Stellar Ultraviolet Fluxes"@en ; skos:prefLabel "TD1 Catalog of Stellar Ultraviolet Fluxes"@en ; schema:name "TD1 Catalog of Stellar Ultraviolet Fluxes"@en ; schema:description "astronomical catalogue"@en . wd:Q1563455 a wikibase:Item ; rdfs:label "Tycho Catalogue"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Tycho Catalogue"@en ; schema:name "Tycho Catalogue"@en ; schema:description "star catalogue"@en . wd:Q7863886 a wikibase:Item ; rdfs:label "UBV Photoelectric Photometry Catalogue"@en ; skos:prefLabel "UBV Photoelectric Photometry Catalogue"@en ; schema:name "UBV Photoelectric Photometry Catalogue"@en ; schema:description "star catalogue"@en . wd:Q28920135 a wikibase:Item ; rdfs:label "uvbyβ Photoelectric Photometric Catalogue"@en ; 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Catalogue WEB: Wilson Evans Batten. Radial velocities: The Wilson-Evans-Batten catalogue"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Vitesses radiales. Catalogue WEB: Wilson Evans Batten. Radial velocities: The Wilson-Evans-Batten catalogue"@en ; schema:name "Vitesses radiales. Catalogue WEB: Wilson Evans Batten. 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wikibase:referenceValue prv:P577 ; wikibase:novalue wdno:P577 . p:P577 a owl:ObjectProperty . psv:P577 a owl:ObjectProperty . pqv:P577 a owl:ObjectProperty . prv:P577 a owl:ObjectProperty . wdt:P577 a owl:DatatypeProperty . ps:P577 a owl:DatatypeProperty . pq:P577 a owl:DatatypeProperty . pr:P577 a owl:DatatypeProperty . wdno:P577 a owl:Class ; owl:complementOf _:eca5fcd2c546d0e0c20e05f61e0aa797 . _:eca5fcd2c546d0e0c20e05f61e0aa797 a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty wdt:P577 ; owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing . wd:Q8447 a wikibase:Item ; rdfs:label "French Wikipedia"@en ; skos:prefLabel "French Wikipedia"@en ; schema:name "French Wikipedia"@en ; schema:description "French-language edition of Wikipedia"@en . wd:Q15977921 a wikibase:Item ; rdfs:label "U band"@en ; skos:prefLabel "U band"@en ; schema:name "U band"@en ; schema:description "region of the ultraviolet electromagnetic spectrum used in astronomy (centered on 365 nm)"@en . wd:P1227 a wikibase:Property ; rdfs:label "astronomical filter"@en ; 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rdfs:label "G band"@en ; skos:prefLabel "G band"@en ; schema:name "G band"@en ; schema:description "region of the visible electromagnetic spectrum used in astronomy (centered on 464 nm)"@en . wd:Q8449 a wikibase:Item ; rdfs:label "Spanish Wikipedia"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Spanish Wikipedia"@en ; schema:name "Spanish Wikipedia"@en ; schema:description "Spanish-language edition of Wikipedia"@en . wd:Q29392459 a wikibase:Item ; rdfs:label "Rotational velocities of A-type stars. 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Main-sequence A, F, and G stars"@en ; schema:name "Stellar diameters and temperatures. I. Main-sequence A, F, and G stars"@en ; schema:description "scientific article (publication date: 27 January 2012)"@en . wd:Q54226145 a wikibase:Item ; rdfs:label "Stellar diameters and temperatures. III. Main-sequence A, F, G, and K stars: additional high-precision measurements and empirical relations"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Stellar diameters and temperatures. III. Main-sequence A, F, G, and K stars: additional high-precision measurements and empirical relations"@en ; schema:name "Stellar diameters and temperatures. III. Main-sequence A, F, G, and K stars: additional high-precision measurements and empirical relations"@en ; schema:description "scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal published in June 2013"@en . wd:Q98668919 a wikibase:Item ; rdfs:label "Gaia Early Data Release 3"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Gaia Early Data Release 3"@en ; schema:name "Gaia Early Data Release 3"@en ; schema:description "early version of the third release of the Gaia star catalogue"@en . wd:Q54126358 a wikibase:Item ; rdfs:label "Pulkovo Compilation of Radial Velocities for 35 495 Hipparcos stars in a common system"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Pulkovo Compilation of Radial Velocities for 35 495 Hipparcos stars in a common system"@en ; schema:name "Pulkovo Compilation of Radial Velocities for 35 495 Hipparcos stars in a common system"@en ; schema:description "article published in 'Astronomy Letters' in November 2006"@en . wd:Q66617407 a wikibase:Item ; rdfs:label "The revision of the general catalogue of radial velocities"@en ; skos:prefLabel "The revision of the general catalogue of radial velocities"@en ; schema:name "The revision of the general catalogue of radial velocities"@en . wd:Q66617024 a wikibase:Item ; rdfs:label "The frequency of binaries among normal A-type stars"@en ; skos:prefLabel "The frequency of binaries among normal A-type stars"@en ; schema:name "The frequency of binaries among normal A-type stars"@en ; schema:description "scholarly article"@en . wd:Q66616573 a wikibase:Item ; rdfs:label "The radial velocities of 917 stars"@en ; skos:prefLabel "The radial velocities of 917 stars"@en ; schema:name "The radial velocities of 917 stars"@en ; schema:description "scientific article published in January 1937"@en . wd:Q66616519 a wikibase:Item ; rdfs:label "Catalogue of observed velocities"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Catalogue of observed velocities"@en ; schema:name "Catalogue of observed velocities"@en ; schema:description "scientific article published in January 1928"@en . wd:Q66616520 a wikibase:Item ; rdfs:label "The radial velocities of 741 stars"@en ; skos:prefLabel "The radial velocities of 741 stars"@en ; schema:name "The radial velocities of 741 stars"@en ; schema:description "scientific article published in January 1929"@en . wd:Q66616361 a wikibase:Item ; rdfs:label "The radial velocities of 915 stars"@en ; skos:prefLabel "The radial velocities of 915 stars"@en ; schema:name "The radial velocities of 915 stars"@en ; schema:description "scientific article published in January 1913"@en . wd:Q29029228 a wikibase:Item ; rdfs:label "Rotational velocities of A-type stars. III. Velocity distributions"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Rotational velocities of A-type stars. III. Velocity distributions"@en ; schema:name "Rotational velocities of A-type stars. III. Velocity distributions"@en ; schema:description "scientific article published in 'Astronomy and Astrophysics' in February 2007"@en . wd:Q54150462 a wikibase:Item ; rdfs:label "Rotational velocities of A-type stars in the northern hemisphere. II. Measurement of v sin i"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Rotational velocities of A-type stars in the northern hemisphere. II. Measurement of v sin i"@en ; schema:name "Rotational velocities of A-type stars in the northern hemisphere. II. Measurement of v sin i"@en ; schema:description "scholarly article published in 'Astronomy and Astrophysics' in October 2002"@en . wd:Q66617164 a wikibase:Item ; rdfs:label "A catalogue of stellar rotational velocities"@en ; skos:prefLabel "A catalogue of stellar rotational velocities"@en ; schema:name "A catalogue of stellar rotational velocities"@en ; schema:description "scientific article"@en . wd:Q30047731 a wikibase:Item ; rdfs:label "Ca II HK emission in rapidly rotating stars"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Ca II HK emission in rapidly rotating stars"@en ; schema:name "Ca II HK emission in rapidly rotating stars"@en ; schema:description "scientific article (publication date: 2009)"@en . wd:Q63614970 a wikibase:Item ; rdfs:label "The General Catalogue of Trigonometric Stellar Parallaxes, Fourth Edition"@en ; skos:prefLabel "The General Catalogue of Trigonometric Stellar Parallaxes, Fourth Edition"@en ; schema:name "The General Catalogue of Trigonometric Stellar Parallaxes, Fourth Edition"@en ; schema:description "star catalog published in 1995"@en . wd:Q28315126 a wikibase:Item ; rdfs:label "Validation of the new Hipparcos reduction"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Validation of the new Hipparcos reduction"@en ; schema:name "Validation of the new Hipparcos reduction"@en ; schema:description "scientific article (publication date: November 2007)"@en . wd:Q66310660 a wikibase:Item ; rdfs:label "The HIPPARCOS Catalogue"@en ; skos:prefLabel "The HIPPARCOS Catalogue"@en ; schema:name "The HIPPARCOS Catalogue"@en ; schema:description "scientific article"@en . wd:Q169514 a wikibase:Item ; rdfs:label "Swedish Wikipedia"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Swedish Wikipedia"@en ; schema:name "Swedish Wikipedia"@en ; schema:description "Swedish-language edition of Wikipedia"@en . wd:P4656 a wikibase:Property ; rdfs:label "Wikimedia import URL"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Wikimedia import URL"@en ; schema:name "Wikimedia import URL"@en ; schema:description "URL of source to indicate the page or revision of an import source from another Wikimedia project (except actual references, such as Wikisource source texts). Use instead of \"reference URL\" (P854). Permalinks are preferred."@en ; wikibase:propertyType ; wikibase:directClaim wdt:P4656 ; wikibase:claim p:P4656 ; wikibase:statementProperty ps:P4656 ; wikibase:statementValue psv:P4656 ; wikibase:qualifier pq:P4656 ; wikibase:qualifierValue pqv:P4656 ; wikibase:reference pr:P4656 ; wikibase:referenceValue prv:P4656 ; wikibase:novalue wdno:P4656 . p:P4656 a owl:ObjectProperty . psv:P4656 a owl:ObjectProperty . pqv:P4656 a owl:ObjectProperty . prv:P4656 a owl:ObjectProperty . wdt:P4656 a owl:ObjectProperty . ps:P4656 a owl:ObjectProperty . pq:P4656 a owl:ObjectProperty . pr:P4656 a owl:ObjectProperty . wdno:P4656 a owl:Class ; owl:complementOf _:d0914856b623ca1dd09b1f31c8eea5fe . _:d0914856b623ca1dd09b1f31c8eea5fe a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty wdt:P4656 ; owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing . wd:Q66616679 a wikibase:Item ; rdfs:label "Catalog of 5268 standard stars for the equinox and epoch 1950.0 based on the Normal Star System N30"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Catalog of 5268 standard stars for the equinox and epoch 1950.0 based on the Normal Star System N30"@en ; schema:name "Catalog of 5268 standard stars for the equinox and epoch 1950.0 based on the Normal Star System N30"@en ; schema:description "scientific article published in January 1952"@en . wd:Q10891380 owl:sameAs wd:Q676940 . v:7c31ba3d76a72982d85e8ad309d0997f a wikibase:QuantityValue ; wikibase:quantityAmount "+4.10"^^xsd:decimal ; wikibase:quantityUnit . v:eb8588ffba170540b2b51e411cb62945 a wikibase:QuantityValue ; wikibase:quantityAmount "+4.00"^^xsd:decimal ; wikibase:quantityUnit . v:7586ca99cfbd75257c367382e97fd099 a wikibase:QuantityValue ; wikibase:quantityAmount "+3.67"^^xsd:decimal ; wikibase:quantityUnit . v:fbe9dfce5094e9ce443a7258d727a325 a wikibase:QuantityValue ; wikibase:quantityAmount "+3.33"^^xsd:decimal ; wikibase:quantityUnit . v:998817d62be79e0f8299fa8e5dfacefe a wikibase:QuantityValue ; wikibase:quantityAmount "+3.15"^^xsd:decimal ; wikibase:quantityUnit . v:7e5abb6a5c1f66cf4145f1f23135b520 a wikibase:QuantityValue ; wikibase:quantityAmount "+3.025"^^xsd:decimal ; 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