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For Earth, please note that only WGS84 coordinating system is supported at the moment" }, "propertyType": "http://wikiba.se/ontology#GlobeCoordinate", "directClaim": "wdt:P625", "claim": "p:P625", "statementProperty": "ps:P625", "statementValue": "psv:P625", "qualifier": "pq:P625", "qualifierValue": "pqv:P625", "reference": "pr:P625", "referenceValue": "prv:P625", "novalue": "wdno:P625" }, { "@id": "p:P625", "@type": "owl:ObjectProperty" }, { "@id": "psv:P625", "@type": "owl:ObjectProperty" }, { "@id": "pqv:P625", "@type": "owl:ObjectProperty" }, { "@id": "prv:P625", "@type": "owl:ObjectProperty" }, { "@id": "wdt:P625", "@type": "owl:DatatypeProperty" }, { "@id": "ps:P625", "@type": "owl:DatatypeProperty" }, { "@id": "pq:P625", "@type": "owl:DatatypeProperty" }, { "@id": "pr:P625", "@type": "owl:DatatypeProperty" }, { "@id": "wdno:P625", "@type": "owl:Class", "complementOf": "_:098a7705e988116e3a454eda03aef6ad" }, { "@id": "_:098a7705e988116e3a454eda03aef6ad", "@type": "owl:Restriction", "onProperty": "wdt:P625", "someValuesFrom": "owl:Thing" }, { "@id": "wd:Q508247", "@type": "wikibase:Item", "label": { "@language": "en", "@value": "Union County" }, "prefLabel": { "@language": "en", "@value": "Union County" }, "name": { "@language": "en", "@value": "Union County" }, "description": { "@language": "en", "@value": "county in North Carolina, United States" } }, { "@id": "wd:P131", "@type": "wikibase:Property", "label": { "@language": "en", "@value": "located in the administrative territorial entity" }, "prefLabel": { "@language": "en", "@value": "located in the administrative territorial entity" }, "name": { "@language": "en", "@value": "located in the administrative territorial entity" }, "description": { "@language": "en", "@value": "the item is located on the territory of the following administrative entity. Use P276 for specifying locations that are non-administrative places and for items about events. Use P1382 if the item falls only partially into the administrative entity." }, "propertyType": "http://wikiba.se/ontology#WikibaseItem", "directClaim": "wdt:P131", "claim": "p:P131", "statementProperty": "ps:P131", "statementValue": "psv:P131", "qualifier": "pq:P131", "qualifierValue": "pqv:P131", "reference": "pr:P131", "referenceValue": "prv:P131", "novalue": "wdno:P131" }, { "@id": "p:P131", "@type": "owl:ObjectProperty" }, { "@id": "psv:P131", "@type": "owl:ObjectProperty" }, { "@id": "pqv:P131", "@type": "owl:ObjectProperty" }, { "@id": "prv:P131", "@type": "owl:ObjectProperty" }, { "@id": "wdt:P131", "@type": "owl:ObjectProperty" }, { "@id": "ps:P131", "@type": "owl:ObjectProperty" }, { "@id": "pq:P131", "@type": "owl:ObjectProperty" }, { "@id": "pr:P131", "@type": "owl:ObjectProperty" }, { "@id": "wdno:P131", "@type": "owl:Class", "complementOf": "_:1d2a8f0c3b3451be4d4228f97153e08d" }, { "@id": "_:1d2a8f0c3b3451be4d4228f97153e08d", "@type": "owl:Restriction", "onProperty": "wdt:P131", "someValuesFrom": "owl:Thing" }, { "@id": "wd:P646", "@type": "wikibase:Property", "label": { "@language": "en", "@value": "Freebase ID" }, "prefLabel": { "@language": "en", "@value": "Freebase ID" }, "name": { "@language": "en", "@value": "Freebase ID" }, "description": { "@language": "en", "@value": "identifier for a page in the Freebase database. Format: \"/m/0\" followed by 2 to 7 characters. For IDs starting with \"/g/\", use Google Knowledge Graph ID (P2671)" }, "propertyType": "http://wikiba.se/ontology#ExternalId", "directClaim": "wdt:P646", "claim": "p:P646", "statementProperty": "ps:P646", "statementValue": "psv:P646", "qualifier": "pq:P646", "qualifierValue": "pqv:P646", "reference": "pr:P646", "referenceValue": "prv:P646", "novalue": "wdno:P646", "directClaimNormalized": "wdtn:P646", "statementValueNormalized": "psn:P646", "qualifierValueNormalized": "pqn:P646", "referenceValueNormalized": "prn:P646" }, { "@id": "p:P646", "@type": "owl:ObjectProperty" }, { "@id": "psv:P646", "@type": "owl:ObjectProperty" }, { "@id": "pqv:P646", "@type": "owl:ObjectProperty" }, { "@id": "prv:P646", "@type": "owl:ObjectProperty" }, { "@id": "wdt:P646", "@type": "owl:DatatypeProperty" }, { "@id": "ps:P646", "@type": "owl:DatatypeProperty" }, { "@id": "pq:P646", "@type": "owl:DatatypeProperty" }, { "@id": "pr:P646", "@type": "owl:DatatypeProperty" }, { "@id": "psn:P646", "@type": "owl:ObjectProperty" }, { "@id": "pqn:P646", "@type": "owl:ObjectProperty" }, { "@id": "prn:P646", "@type": "owl:ObjectProperty" }, { "@id": "wdtn:P646", "@type": "owl:ObjectProperty" }, { "@id": "wdno:P646", "@type": "owl:Class", "complementOf": "_:38db277a4b10d59fd38a3fd995cbe570" }, { "@id": "_:38db277a4b10d59fd38a3fd995cbe570", "@type": "owl:Restriction", "onProperty": "wdt:P646", "someValuesFrom": "owl:Thing" }, { "@id": "wd:Q486972", "@type": "wikibase:Item", "label": { "@language": "en", "@value": "human settlement" }, "prefLabel": { "@language": "en", "@value": "human settlement" }, "name": { "@language": "en", "@value": "human settlement" }, "description": { "@language": "en", "@value": "place of any size, in which people permanently live" } }, { "@id": "wd:P31", "@type": "wikibase:Property", "label": { "@language": "en", "@value": "instance of" }, "prefLabel": { "@language": "en", "@value": "instance of" }, "name": { "@language": "en", "@value": "instance of" }, "description": { "@language": "en", "@value": "that class of which this subject is a particular example and member; 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