1.0.0 2253157941 2024-09-26T11:19:17Z 57 24 20 ar كلية سانت جون، أوكسفورد wikipedia azb سنت جان، آکسفورد کالجی wikipedia ca Saint John's College (Oxford) wikipedia cy Coleg Sant Ioan, Rhydychen wikipedia de St John’s College (Oxford) wikipedia en St John's College, Oxford wikipedia eo St John's College (Oksfordo) wikipedia es Saint John's College (Oxford) wikipedia fi St John’s College (Oxford) wikipedia fr St John's College wikipedia hy Սենթ Ջոնս քոլեջ (Օքսֆորդ) wikipedia id St John's College, Oxford wikipedia it St John's College (Oxford) wikipedia ja セント・ジョンズ・カレッジ (オックスフォード大学) wikipedia ms Kolej St John, Oxford wikipedia pl St John’s College w Oksfordzie wikipedia pnb سینٹ جان کالج، آکسفورڈ wikipedia ru Сент-Джонс колледж (Оксфорд) wikipedia en-simple St John's College, Oxford wikipedia sv St John's College, Oxford wikipedia tr St. John's Kolej, Oxford wikipedia uk Коледж святого Івана (Оксфорд) wikipedia ur سینٹ جان کالج، اوکسفرڈ wikipedia zh 牛津大學聖約翰學院 wikipedia St John's College, Oxford /m/0ymcz 152441516 1555-01-01T00:00:00Z 3100 1139733 501100000719 0000000122966373 0000000406325885 n80073525 Point(-1.258605 51.75612) 61498 OX1 3JP 2115564-1 st_johns_college 297488 Q145115 stjohnscollege +3280000 +1435000 +4495000 +2135000 +1252000 +389 +405 +377 +27167000 +26509000 +24855000 +25363000 +23458000 987007268341505171 11325 st-johns-college-university-of-oxford-7537 1001103 901 Q49799 St John's College, Oxford /m/0ymcz 152441516 OX1 3JP Point(-1.25861111 51.75611111) St Giles 1555-01-01T00:00:00Z 3100 1139733 501100000719 0000000122966373 0000000406325885 n80073525 Point(-1.258605 51.75612) 61498 OX1 3JP 2115564-1 st_johns_college St John's College, Oxford 297488 St John's College Oxford Q145115 stjohnscollege St. John's College 2011-09-09T00:00:00Z 2023-05-23T00:00:00Z +3280000 2020-01-01T00:00:00Z +1435000 2019-01-01T00:00:00Z +4495000 2016-01-01T00:00:00Z +2135000 2018-01-01T00:00:00Z +1252000 2017-01-01T00:00:00Z +389 2020-01-01T00:00:00Z 2019-01-01T00:00:00Z 2018-01-01T00:00:00Z +405 2016-01-01T00:00:00Z +377 2017-01-01T00:00:00Z +27167000 2020-01-01T00:00:00Z +26509000 2019-01-01T00:00:00Z +24855000 2016-01-01T00:00:00Z +25363000 2018-01-01T00:00:00Z +23458000 2017-01-01T00:00:00Z 987007268341505171 11325 st-johns-college-university-of-oxford-7537 1984-06-01T00:00:00Z 1001103 1001103 ST JOHN'S COLLEGE 901 Q49799 Coleg Sant Ioan Coleg Sant Ioan Coleg Sant Ioan St John’s College St John’s College St John’s College St John's College St John's College St John's College St John's College w Oksfordzie St John's College w Oksfordzie St John's College w Oksfordzie Колледж Святого Иоанна Колледж Святого Иоанна Колледж Святого Иоанна St John's College St John's College St John's College St John's College St John's College St John's College St John's College St John's College St John's College سینٹ جان کالج، آکسفورڈ سینٹ جان کالج، آکسفورڈ سینٹ جان کالج، آکسفورڈ St John’s College St John’s College St John’s College St John's College St John's College St John's College 牛津大學聖約翰學院 牛津大學聖約翰學院 牛津大學聖約翰學院 St John's College, Oxford St John's College, Oxford St John's College, Oxford Saint John's College Saint John's College Saint John's College Kolej St John Kolej St John Kolej St John St John's College St John's College St John's College Սուրբ Հովհաննեսի քոլեջ Սուրբ Հովհաննեսի քոլեջ Սուրբ Հովհաննեսի քոլեջ Κολέγιο Σεντ Τζονς Κολέγιο Σεντ Τζονς Κολέγιο Σεντ Τζονς Kolej sv. 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Format: "/m/0" followed by 2 to 7 characters. For IDs starting with "/g/", use Google Knowledge Graph ID (P2671) image image image image of relevant illustration of the subject; if available, also use more specific properties (sample: coat of arms image, locator map, flag image, signature image, logo image, collage image) United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom country in north-west Europe country country country sovereign state that this item is in (not to be used for human beings) University of Oxford University of Oxford University of Oxford collegiate research university in Oxford, England part of part of part of object of which the subject is a part (if this subject is already part of object A which is a part of object B, then please only make the subject part of object A), inverse property of "has part" (P527, see also "has parts of the class" (P2670)) VIAF ID VIAF ID VIAF ID identifier for the Virtual International Authority File database [format: up to 22 digits] official website official website official website URL of the official page of an item (current or former). Usage: If a listed URL no longer points to the official website, do not remove it, but see the "Hijacked or dead websites" section of the Talk page Thomas White Thomas White Thomas White (1492-1567) English merchant founded by founded by founded by founder or co-founder of this organization, religion, place or entity Oxford Oxford Oxford Oxford Oxford Oxford city in Oxfordshire, England headquarters location headquarters location headquarters location city or town, where an organization's headquarters is or has been situated. Use P276 qualifier for specific building coat of arms image coat of arms image coat of arms image image of the item's coat of arms - for the shield part only use P4004 inception inception inception time when an entity begins to exist; for date of official opening use P1619 John the Baptist John the Baptist John the Baptist 1st-century Jewish itinerant preacher (Bible) named after named after named after entity or event that inspired the subject's name, or namesake (in at least one language). Qualifier "applies to name" (P5168) can be used to indicate which one Parks & Gardens UK record ID Parks & Gardens UK record ID Parks & Gardens UK record ID identifier for an open space, in the Parks & Gardens UK database IPv4 routing prefix IPv4 routing prefix IPv4 routing prefix range of IPv4 addresses Charity Commission no. Charity Commission no. Charity Commission no. official number of a charity registered with the Charity Commission of England and Wales Open Funder Registry funder ID Open Funder Registry funder ID Open Funder Registry funder ID identifier for an organisation that funds research, in the Crossref registry St Johns College, The Beehives St Johns College, The Beehives St Johns College, The Beehives hall of residence in Oxford, Oxfordshire, England, UK has part(s) has part(s) has part(s) part of this subject; inverse property of "part of" (P361). See also "has parts of the class" (P2670). Category:Alumni of St John's College, Oxford Category:Alumni of St John's College, Oxford Category:Alumni of St John's College, Oxford Wikimedia category category for alumni of educational institution category for alumni of educational institution category for alumni of educational institution category containing people who studied at this institution ISNI ISNI ISNI ISNI ISNI ISNI International Standard Name Identifier for an identity. Starting with 0000. Lamb & Flag Lamb & Flag Lamb & Flag pub owner of owner of owner of entities owned by the subject Library of Congress authority ID Library of Congress authority ID Library of Congress authority ID Library of Congress name authority (persons, families, corporate bodies, events, places, works and expressions) and subject authority identifier [Format: 1-2 specific letters followed by 8-10 digits (see regex). For manifestations, use P1144] university building university building university building building used by a higher education institution has part(s) of the class has part(s) of the class has part(s) of the class the subject has one or more parts of the object class coordinate location coordinate location coordinate location geocoordinates of the subject. For Earth, please note that only WGS84 coordinating system is supported at the moment Ringgold ID Ringgold ID Ringgold ID identifier for organisations in the publishing industry supply chain postal code postal code postal code identifier assigned by postal authorities for the subject area or building GND ID GND ID GND ID identifier from an international authority file of names, subjects, and organizations (please don't use type n = name, disambiguation) - Deutsche Nationalbibliothek WhatDoTheyKnow organisation ID WhatDoTheyKnow organisation ID WhatDoTheyKnow organisation ID identifier for a British public organisation in the WhatDoTheyKnow database UK Parliament thesaurus ID UK Parliament thesaurus ID UK Parliament thesaurus ID identifier in the thesaurus of subject headings maintained by the librarians in the House of Commons in the UK St John's College St John's College St John's College constituent college of the University of Cambridge different from different from different from item that is different from another item, with which it may be confused FactGrid item ID FactGrid item ID FactGrid item ID identifier for an item in FactGrid subreddit subreddit subreddit name of the Reddit forum associated to this subject donations donations donations sum of donations an organization receives employees employees employees total number of employees of a company at a given "point in time" (P585). Most recent data would generally have preferred rank; data for previous years normal rank (not deprecated rank). Add data for recent years, don't overwrite total revenue total revenue total revenue income gained by an organization during a given time frame. Not to be confused with fiscal revenue National Library of Israel J9U ID National Library of Israel J9U ID National Library of Israel J9U ID identifier used by the National Library of Israel Schoenberg Database of Manuscripts name ID Schoenberg Database of Manuscripts name ID Schoenberg Database of Manuscripts name ID identifier for an agent (person or corporate body) in the Schoenberg Database of Manuscripts Art UK venue ID Art UK venue ID Art UK venue ID authority control identifier for venues housing art, in the UK Grade II listed park and garden Grade II listed park and garden Grade II listed park and garden class of listed park in England and Wales heritage designation heritage designation heritage designation heritage designation of a cultural or natural site Oxford Oxford Oxford district in Oxfordshire, England located in the administrative territorial entity located in the administrative territorial entity located in the administrative territorial entity the item is located on the territory of the following administrative entity. Use P276 for specifying locations that are non-administrative places and for items about events. Use P1382 if the item falls only partially into the administrative entity. National Heritage List for England number National Heritage List for England number National Heritage List for England number number on the National Heritage List for England Oxfordshire Oxfordshire Oxfordshire historic county of England, UK historic county historic county historic county traditional, geographical division of Great Britain and Ireland Pinakes institution ID Pinakes institution ID Pinakes institution ID numeric identifier for an institution in the Pinakes database SNARC ID SNARC ID SNARC ID unique identifier for people, places and organisations represented in Welsh collections English Wikipedia English Wikipedia English Wikipedia English-language edition of Wikipedia imported from Wikimedia project imported from Wikimedia project imported from Wikimedia project source of this claim's value; used in references section by bots or humans importing data from Wikimedia projects Freebase Data Dumps Freebase Data Dumps Freebase Data Dumps dumps of the public part of Google's Knowledge Graph stated in stated in stated in to be used in the references field to refer to the information document or database in which a claim is made; for qualifiers use P805; for the type of document in which a claim is made use P3865 publication date publication date publication date date or point in time when a work was first published or released reference URL reference URL reference URL should be used for Internet URLs as references. Use "Wikimedia import URL" (P4656) for imports from WMF sites retrieved retrieved retrieved date or point in time that information was retrieved from a database or website (for use in online sources) Virtual International Authority File Virtual International Authority File Virtual International Authority File OCLC dataset and service that virtually combines multiple name authority files into a single name authority service street address street address street address full street address where subject is located. Include building number, city/locality, post code, but not country; use also P669 if the street has its own separate item Open Funder Registry Open Funder Registry Open Funder Registry taxonomy of international funder names Aligned ISNI and Ringgold identifiers for institutions Aligned ISNI and Ringgold identifiers for institutions Aligned ISNI and Ringgold identifiers for institutions dataset German Wikipedia German Wikipedia German Wikipedia German-language edition of Wikipedia Wikimedia import URL Wikimedia import URL Wikimedia import URL URL of source to indicate the page or revision of an import source from another Wikimedia project (except actual references, such as Wikisource source texts). Use instead of "reference URL" (P854). Permalinks are preferred. subject named as subject named as subject named as name by which a subject is recorded in a database, mentioned as a contributor of a work, or is referred to in a particular context start time start time start time time an entity begins to exist or a statement starts being valid English English English West Germanic language language of work or name language of work or name language of work or name language associated with this creative work (such as books, shows, songs, broadcasts or websites) or a name (for persons use "native language" (P103) and "languages spoken, written or signed" (P1412)) point in time point in time point in time date something took place, existed or a statement was true; for providing time use the "refine date" property (P4241) National Library of Israel Names and Subjects Authority File National Library of Israel Names and Subjects Authority File National Library of Israel Names and Subjects Authority File National Heritage List for England National Heritage List for England National Heritage List for England register of nationally protected historic buildings and sites in England unparished part of Oxford unparished part of Oxford unparished part of Oxford part(s) of Oxford local authority that are not covered by civil parishes statement is subject of statement is subject of statement is subject of (qualifying) item that describes the relation identified in this statement 51.75611111 -1.25861111 0.00027777777777778 51.75612 -1.258605 1.0E-6 +3280000 +1435000 +4495000 +2135000 +1252000 +389 +405 +377 +27167000 +26509000 +24855000 +25363000 +23458000 2013-10-28T00:00:00Z 11 0 2017-10-21T00:00:00Z 11 0 2015-08-04T00:00:00Z 11 0 1555-01-01T00:00:00Z 9 0 2017-12-07T00:00:00Z 11 0 2018-10-07T00:00:00Z 11 0 2019-05-29T00:00:00Z 11 0 2011-09-09T00:00:00Z 11 0 2023-05-23T00:00:00Z 11 0 2020-01-01T00:00:00Z 9 0 2022-02-14T00:00:00Z 11 0 2019-01-01T00:00:00Z 9 0 2016-01-01T00:00:00Z 9 0 2018-01-01T00:00:00Z 9 0 2017-01-01T00:00:00Z 9 0 1984-06-01T00:00:00Z 11 0 2013-10-28T00:00:00Z 2017-10-21T00:00:00Z 2015-08-04T00:00:00Z 2017-12-07T00:00:00Z 152441516 2018-10-07T00:00:00Z 2019-05-29T00:00:00Z 1139733 2022-02-14T00:00:00Z