Have you ever wanted to learn more about the men and women the Catholic Church officially recognize as saints? In these interviews, scripture scholars from the ...
Dr. Elizabeth Klein and Taylor Kemp discuss the life of St. Cuthbert of Lindisfarne from Northern England, a lesser-known saint in the Church today but a beloved bishop of his time. Known for his amiable personality and unique relationship with otters, St. Cuthbert radiated persistent cheerfulness to those he met and modeled holiness throughout the various stages of his life. His feast day is March 20.
See the work of Jesuit Refugee ServiceWatch Catholic Saints and other great content on Formed.Sign up for a 7-day free trial of Formed.Support this podcast and the Augustine Institute by becoming a member of the Mission Circle.
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St. Patrick
Dr. Elizabeth Klein and Taylor Kemp discuss the historical life of St. Patrick. Captured multiple times by pirates, St. Patrick escaped slavery and returned to his land of captivity to preach the Gospel to a pagan people. Living during a time of great plagues, St. Patrick preached the good news of a God who embraces suffering. His feast day is March 17.
See the work of Jesuit Refugee ServiceWatch Catholic Saints and other great content on Formed.Sign up for a 7-day free trial of Formed.Support this podcast and the Augustine Institute by becoming a member of the Mission Circle.
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Sts. Perpetua & Felicity
Dr. Elizabeth Klein and Taylor Kemp discuss the life and impact of two female martyrs from the third century, Sts. Perpetua and Felicity. Both were beheaded for refusing to renounce their Christian faith. Their feast day is March 7.
See the work of Jesuit Refugee ServiceWatch Catholic Saints and other great content on Formed.Sign up for a 7-day free trial of Formed.Support this podcast and the Augustine Institute by becoming a member of the Mission Circle.
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St. David
Mary McGeehan and Dr. James Prothro discuss King David and the proper veneration of Old Testament figures. David is a great example of a "man after God's own Heart" who, throughout his ups and downs, remains faithful, modeling repentance and forgiveness.
See the work of Jesuit Refugee ServiceWatch Catholic Saints and other great content on Formed.Sign up for a 7-day free trial of Formed.Support this podcast and the Augustine Institute by becoming a member of the Mission Circle.
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St. Polycarp
Join Dr. Ben Akers and Mary McGeehan as they dive into the life of St. Polycarp, a second century bishop and martyr. St. Polycarp was a student of St. John the Apostle, defended the faith against early heresies, and offered his life like Christ as a martyr.
See the work of Jesuit Refugee ServiceWatch Catholic Saints and other great content on Formed.Sign up for a 7-day free trial of Formed.Support this podcast and the Augustine Institute by becoming a member of the Mission Circle.
Have you ever wanted to learn more about the men and women the Catholic Church officially recognize as saints? In these interviews, scripture scholars from the Augustine Institute dive into the lives of the Saints to help all the faithful come to a deeper understanding of those heroic men and women who have been transformed by the love of God. In this Catholic podcast, learn about St. Augustine, St. Monica, St. Philip Neri, St. Catherine of Siena, and many more.
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