Ruby - Gems

Tailor Doorkeeper with Refresh Tokens, Views, and Strategies
Tailor Doorkeeper with Refresh Tokens, Views, and Strategies
Ilya Bodrov-Krukowski
The How and Why of Property-Based Testing in Ruby
The How and Why of Property-Based Testing in Ruby
Benjamin Tan Wei Hao
Getting Started with Doorkeeper and OAuth 2.0
Getting Started with Doorkeeper and OAuth 2.0
Ilya Bodrov-Krukowski
Hackable PDF Typesetting in Ruby with Prawn
Hackable PDF Typesetting in Ruby with Prawn
Robert Qualls
Authenticate All the Things with oPRO, the Basics
Authenticate All the Things with oPRO, the Basics
Ilya Bodrov-Krukowski
Max out Your TDD with Maxitest and Minitest
Max out Your TDD with Maxitest and Minitest
Jesse Herrick
Integrating Jade Templates into Rails for Cleaner Templates
Integrating Jade Templates into Rails for Cleaner Templates
Hendra Uzia
Fun and Practical Alfred Workflows in Ruby
Fun and Practical Alfred Workflows in Ruby
Robert Qualls
Up and Running with Camaleon CMS
Up and Running with Camaleon CMS
Kingsley Silas
Building a Slackbot with Ruby and Sinatra
Building a Slackbot with Ruby and Sinatra
Octopress 3 Arrives to Make Blog Generation Crazy Simple
Octopress 3 Arrives to Make Blog Generation Crazy Simple
Kingsley Silas
What’s in Your Wallet? Handling iOS Passbook with Ruby
What’s in Your Wallet? Handling iOS Passbook with Ruby
Fire up Your E-Commerce Site with Solidus
Fire up Your E-Commerce Site with Solidus
Kingsley Silas
Active Model Serializers, Rails, and JSON! OH MY!
Active Model Serializers, Rails, and JSON! OH MY!
Hendra Uzia
Straightforward Rails Authorization with Pundit
Straightforward Rails Authorization with Pundit
Ilya Bodrov-Krukowski
Super Easy Activity Feeds with Stream
Super Easy Activity Feeds with Stream
Ilya Bodrov-Krukowski
Simple Rails Authentication with Clearance
Simple Rails Authentication with Clearance
Ilya Bodrov-Krukowski
Build APIs with Napa
Build APIs with Napa
Devdatta Kane
Adapting RethinkDB For The Evented Web With Pusher
Adapting RethinkDB For The Evented Web With Pusher
Jamie Patel
JSON Validation by Committee
JSON Validation by Committee
Glenn Goodrich
Document Your JSON API Schema with PRMD
Document Your JSON API Schema with PRMD
Glenn Goodrich
Rails Authentication with Authlogic
Rails Authentication with Authlogic
Ilya Bodrov-Krukowski
Why You Should Use Neo4j in Your Next Ruby App
Why You Should Use Neo4j in Your Next Ruby App
Brian Underwood
Model Web Pages with the Page Object Pattern
Model Web Pages with the Page Object Pattern
Darko Gjorgjievski
Uploading Files with Paperclip
Uploading Files with Paperclip
Ilya Bodrov-Krukowski
Kiba: ETL Done Right
Kiba: ETL Done Right
Glenn Goodrich
Fully Functional Jekyll Blog
Fully Functional Jekyll Blog
Jesse Herrick
Nokogiri Fundamentals: Extract HTML from the Web
Nokogiri Fundamentals: Extract HTML from the Web
Darko Gjorgjievski
CanCanCan: The Rails Authorization Dance
CanCanCan: The Rails Authorization Dance
Ilya Bodrov-Krukowski
Authenticating with Google
Authenticating with Google
Jesse Herrick
Steam-Powered DOTA on Rails
Steam-Powered DOTA on Rails
Ilya Bodrov-Krukowski
Stripe Subscriptions in Rails
Stripe Subscriptions in Rails
Vasu K
Showing 64 of 153
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