4 Expert Tips For Traveling With Gifts This Holiday Season

Keep your presents looking pretty, whether you're driving or flying this season

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Christmas presents wrapped with brown paper and velvet ribbon and dried oranges

 Brie Williams; Stylist: Alya Hameedi

There's the Hallmark movie-esque fantasy of showing up at your holiday destination with a pile of beautifully wrapped gifts for all of your loved ones. But then there's the reality: overstuffed bags, manic airport environments, cramped plane bins and trunks, rushing, delays, and all the rest. It's a recipe for smashed and torn presents, hardly reflecting the amount of love (and the hard-earned cash) you poured into the effort.

So what's the best way to travel with holiday gifts so they arrive looking fresh and pretty, with no damage to the contents? Here are four top tips from Amber Kemp-Gerstel, Miami-based crafting connoisseur and Scotch Brand gift-wrapping expert.

Amber Kemp-Gerstel is the Miami-based crafting connoisseur behind Damask Love and a Scotch Brand gift-wrapping expert.

Plan for Packing Before You Shop

It's a lovely thought to snag a kid-operated sports car for the favorite little on your list. But is that something you can feasibly pack if you're flying to your destination? Of course not. So shop with the specifics of your journey in mind. "Plan your gifting so that items are small or fold flat to easily fit in a suitcase or carry-on bag," Kemp-Gerstel advises. "Items like tees, sweaters, board games, handbags, stocking stuffers, and gift cards are all great options and easy to travel with on a flight or car."

Alternatively, avoid packing headaches altogether and just ship that bulky gift ahead of time. "You can package your shipment creatively with labels, doodles, and other personalized touches," she advises. "Never travel with breakable items that are not protected. Way too risky! If you have gifts that are delicate and breakable, pack them in a shipping box."

Colorful hand painted wrapped gifts Julie Neill

Alison Gootee

Add Embellishments Upon Arrival

"Pre-wrap your gift to avoid traveling with sheets of wrapping paper that can easily get crumpled," Kemp-Gerstel advises. But then wait to add the finishing touches until you reach your destination. "Wait to add embellishments until you arrive," Kemp-Gerstel says. "You’re better off traveling with a spool or two of ribbon that you attach once you get to your destination and avoid the decor getting smashed in transit."

Stash Gifts In Your Carry-On When Possible…

You may be comfortable stashing some lower-value gifts in your checked luggage — but checked-bags fees can be pricey, and bags out of your sight are prone to mishandling or loss. So whenever possible, "be sure to carry on any high-value gifts, just for peace of mind," Kemp-Gerstel says. 

Of course, prepare to come back lighter on the way home: "Pack a collapsible travel bag filled with all your gifts," Kemp-Gerstel says. "On the way back, the collapsible bag can fit into one of your other luggage pieces."

southern food gifts

Robbie Caponetto

…But Be Mindful of TSA Rules

Do note, however, that carrying-on presents might not always be possible depending on the contents of the packages: TSA rules apply, and you'd hate to see your perfectly wrapped present be torn to shreds (and potentially tossed out) if it contains liquids over 3.4 ounces or other prohibited materials.

"If you’re gifting any beauty products or food products, be mindful about TSA rules around traveling with liquids," Kemp-Gerstel says. "Even items like jams and jellies may get pulled from your carry-on, so be prepared to check any questionable items."

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