Michael Rectenwald

Blog Posts

The Economic Coercion and ‘Repressive Tolerance’ of the Woke Regime

(September 2023)

Michael Rectenwald For President | Dave Smith | Part Of The Problem

(September 2023)

REKT interview with Paul Gottfried

(August 2023)

Resisting Totalitarianism: The Power of the Powerless – Dr. Michael Rectenwald

(August 2023)

REKT: Meet the Gadfather – Interview with Gad Saad

(July 2023)

REKT: Out of the Woods?

(July 2023)

REKT: A Chip off the Old Block

(July 2023)

REKT Episode #2: Heather Mac Donald

(July 2023)

Introducing Michael Rectenwald’s Podcast: REKT

(July 2023)

The Woke Cartel and Twitter’s New CEO

(May 2023)

The Putrid Underbelly of Woke Capitalism

(May 2023)

The Great Reset and the Grand Refusal

(May 2023)

Why Fox Fired Tucker: BlackRock, Replacement Theory, and the ADL

(April 2023)

The Maoist Rage of Woke Ideology

(April 2023)

Hacking Humanity: Transhumanism

(April 2023)

Reparations Are a Statist Cudgel for Bludgeoning Property Owners

(March 2023)

The Attack of the Subversive Elites

(March 2023)

Mastering the Future: The Megalomaniacal Ambitions of the WEF

(March 2023)

Notes from the Digital Gulag

(December 2022)

Who Really Owns Big Digital Tech?

(December 2022)

Changing of the Guard: Can Musk Deliver on His Promises for Free Speech and Information?

(November 2022)

Dan Bongino: The Globalist Push For Digital ID With Michael Rectenwald

(October 2022)

Myth versus Ideology: Why Free Market Thinking Is Nonideological

(October 2022)

Dr. Michael Rectenwald: The Grand Refusal vs. The Great Reset

(October 2022)

Regime Pseudoscientists Enforce Climate Change Narrative

(October 2022)

Dr. Michael Rectenwald Calls Out The Subversive Elites Poisoning Institutions Globally

(October 2022)

The Agenda Behind Climate Change Catastrophism

(August 2022)

Critical Race Theory: Academic Malfeasance and Fraudulence

(August 2022)

UpThinking Finance on The Not-So-Great Reset with Michael Rectenwald

(July 2022)

Tom Woods: The Great Reset and Woke Capitalism, with Michael Rectenwald

(July 2022)

The Failure of Liberalism and the Conservative Crisis of Faith

(July 2022)

Critical Race Theory: Academic Malfeasance and Fraudulence

(July 2022)

Like the Old McCarthyism, the New McCarthyism Targets Russia

(July 2022)

Is Google’s LaMDA Sentient?

(June 2022)

The Backstory of the Great Reset, or How to Destroy Classical Liberalism

(June 2022)

Elon Musk versus the Woke Cartel

(May 2022)

What Is the Great Reset?

(May 2022)

Michael Rectenwald: “An open avowed plan to bring about a global reset of the world’s economy”

(May 2022)

Do Conspiracies Really Exist? Murray Rothbard Thought So

(May 2022)

Deprogrammed – Understanding Corporate Wokeness with Dr. Michael Rectenwald

(May 2022)

Elon Musk’s Twitter Gambit and What It Means to the “Clique in Power”

(April 2022)

Michael Rectenwald and Angela McArdle with Michael Heise from the #RenoReset Money Bomb

(April 2022)

Do Conspiracies Really Exist? Murray Rothbard Thought So

(April 2022)

Canada and the West Become States of Unfreedom

(March 2022)

Who is Dr. EV-il?

(February 2022)

Woke Capitalism Is a Monopoly Game

(February 2022)

What Is the Great Reset?

(November 2021)

The Great Reset, Part VI: Plans of a Technocratic Elite

(November 2021)

How the Elites Are Using the Left – Michael Rectenwald

(October 2021)

Human Action in the Context of Covid Totalitarianism

(October 2021)

Michael Rectenwald: The Great Reset Would Create a Global Socialism

(September 2021)

Michael Rectenwald: The US Undergoing a ‘Soft Cultural Revolution’ Towards Socialism

(September 2021)

Philip Davies interviews Michael Rectenwald

(September 2021)

Social Justice and the Emergence of Covid Tyranny

(September 2021)

Living in the Age of Covid: ‘The Power of the Powerless’

(August 2021)

Interview: Corporate Socialism & The Great Reset

(July 2021)

How a Marxist of Twenty-Five Years Became a Misesian Libertarian

(July 2021)

The Tyranny of the Minority Is Just as Dangerous as the Tyranny of the Majority

(July 2021)

Podcast: Anti-PC Professor Michael Rectenwald on the New Woke Totalitarianism

(June 2021)

John Stuart Mill, "the Marketplace of Ideas," and Minority Opinion

(June 2021)

Scholars Line Up to Join Anti-Woke School; I was a Convicted ‘Thought Criminal’: Michael Rectenwald. My interview on The Wide Angle with Brendon Fallon:

(May 2021)

An Historical Juncture Demanding Human Action

(May 2021)

An Autoethnographic Account of the Free Market: My Father

(May 2021)

Vengeance and Sacrifice: Whiteness as Scapegoat in Critical Race Theory and Critical Whiteness Studies

(May 2021)

The State-Corporate Convergence in Our State of Emergency

(April 2021)

Why Postmodernism Is Incompatible with a Politics of Liberty

(April 2021)

The Lack of a Principled Immigration Policy in the US

(March 2021)

The Great Reset: Corporate Socialism, or ‘Capitalism’ with Chinese Characteristics

(March 2021)

Fighting Totalitarianism: Rothbard versus Monasticism

(March 2021)

Jodi Shaw’s battle with Smith College may be ending, but the war against Critical Race Theory has just begun

(March 2021)

The Great Reset, Part V: Woke Ideology

(March 2021)

The Great Reset, Part IV: ‘Stakeholder Capitalism’ vs. ‘Neoliberalism’

(February 2021)

Michael Rectenwald talks about the Left’s mainstream narrative about Jan. 6

(February 2021)

If, as the Buddhists suggest, we should ‘drive all blames into one,’ we may as well blame the Great Reset for our dystopia

(February 2021)

The American establishment has lost its mind in its obsession with trying to discredit Trumpism

(February 2021)

The American establishment has lost its mind in its obsession with trying to discredit Trumpism

(February 2021)

Reparations to descendants of slaves is right if it comes from the descendants of slaveholders, whether white or black

(February 2021)

If Black Lives Matter wins Nobel, it should be renamed to ‘Mostly Peaceful’ Prize

(February 2021)

The ‘democracy’ and ‘unity’ of Biden’s inaugural address have fine print: ‘After dissent is silenced’

(January 2021)

79% of Americans think the US is falling apart. That’s no surprise when one half of the country wants to crush the other

(January 2021)

Capitol riot spells the end for Trump with the Republicans. But he’s still a hero to many, so why not start a party of his own?

(January 2021)

Caged by lockdowns & curfews, flocks of people & businesses are fleeing California

(January 2021)

The Great Reset, Part III: Capitalism with Chinese Characteristics

(January 2021)

The Great Reset, Part II: Corporate Socialism

(December 2020)

What Is the Great Reset? Part I: Reduced Expectations and Bio-techno-feudalism

(December 2020)

Time for a divorce? The US is so bitterly divided between red & blue factions that some want it to split into two nations

(December 2020)

The Google Election

(November 2020)

Will Trump try to steal the election, or are Dems projecting? An artificially extended contest is sure to include violence

(November 2020)

After final debate, Biden’s campaign is left hanging on the ‘character’ of a high-stakes influence peddler

(October 2020)

The woke mob strikes again, with the phrase ‘sexual preference’ banned overnight. Or was it really so sudden?

(October 2020)

Who funds the riotous American left & why? The globalist billionaire class, which uses it to build corporate socialism

(October 2020)

As our (un)civil war escalates towards the real thing, America is in throes of unrest unlike any in our 244-year history

(October 2020)

Death by ‘diversity’: American academy falls hostage to social justice fanatics & prematurely slams shut the minds of the nation

(September 2020)

Death by ‘diversity’: American academy falls hostage to social justice fanatics & prematurely slams shut the minds of the nation

(September 2020)

Y’all show some respeck now! America gives up on teaching ‘standard English’ in favour of ‘Black language’ instead

(September 2020)

Michael Rectenwald discusses Cultural Marxism and the Frankfurt School

(August 2020)

Woke capitalism and corporate socialism: Or, why American corporations are funding socialism

(August 2020)

Woke Capitalism: Why Corporations and Wealthy Individuals Are Funding the Black Lives Matter Protests

(August 2020)

Rectenwald to Speak at Baylor University

(February 2020)

Hollywood actor Vince Vaughn has just been cancelled for shaking hands with Trump. Or has he?

(January 2020)

After Soleimani assassination Dems denounced & Reps cheered Trump. But he refused to start all-out war and everyone feels cheated

(January 2020)

Harvard hoisted by own petard as ‘diversity’ students protest decision to deny tenure to ‘grievance studies’ professor

(January 2020)

For celebs like Emma Watson it’s ‘self-partnering,’ for ordinary male divorcees like me, it’s Christmas alone

(December 2019)

‘Gender jackpot’ highlights absurdity of PC propaganda

(December 2019)

School Programs Mixed With Social Marxism Spread Through America

(November 2019)

The bias of bias-reducing methods – bias training, bias reporting, and bias warnings do more harm than good

(November 2019)

By chickening out & running from ‘anti-LGBTQ’ pressure, Chick-Fil-A has dealt a blow to rights of expression

(November 2019)

This is the BIG reason why corporate America has gone woke (plus 4 more)

(November 2019)

I was a liberal NY prof, but when I said the left was going too far, colleagues called me a NAZI & treated me like a RUSSIAN SPY

(November 2019)

Only thing clear about the new Transparency Act is that US senators are about to let Google keep manipulating your search results

(November 2019)

My response to the "author" of "Compendium of the Authoritarian Nationalist Right: Pt. 9, INDEX," on which my name appears

(July 2019)

Michael Rectenwald on Fox & Friends Saturday, March 30 8:50 AM EST

(March 2019)

‘Deplorable Prof’ Michael Rectenwald Speaks Out Against NYU Milo Ban, Suggests De Blasio Collusion

(November 2018)

New English Review Press is a priceless cultural institution.
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