David Solway


Valentines for Janice

(February 2025)

Eight poems from The Fault, a Work in Progress

(October 2024)

Reflections of a Philosophy Dropout

(September 2024)

An Interview with Andreas Karavis aboard his Caique

(August 2024)

A Pandemic of Fraudsters

(July 2024)

Grave Error: The Lie of Indian Residential School Deaths in Canada

(June 2024)

Sexual Friction, or Where Is Good Sense to Be Found?

(May 2024)

Coming Back

(April 2024)

Terror, Air Travel and Statistics

(March 2024)

The Portal

(February 2024)

The Death of God, or Everything Is Permitted

(January 2024)

On Jabberwocky and the Specifically Human

(December 2023)

With Friends like These: Why Too Many Israeli Artists Side with Israel’s Enemies

(November 2023)

A Confession

(October 2023)

Four Philosophers

(September 2023)

Deconstructing the State

(August 2023)

Seven poems from ‘New Wine, Old Bottles’ by Dov Ben-Zamir

(June 2023)

Islam Rides the Snake

(May 2023)

Carnival and Islam

(April 2023)

Islam’s War on the Past

(March 2023)

The Visitation

(February 2023)

Love Among the Runes

(January 2023)

Reading The Encyclopedia Dementica: James Joyce and the Critics

(December 2022)

Mind, Culture, Politics

(November 2022)

Four Poems

(October 2022)

Character and Characters: Edmund Keeley’s Inventing Paradise

(September 2022)

The Problem of Henry VIII (or, Giving Shakespeare a Break)

(August 2022)

The Problem of Forgiveness and the Genius of Christianity

(July 2022)

Five Poems from the Sommelier’s Notebook

(June 2022)

Eight Poems from Dov Ben-Zamir’s Yayin Hadash, Keilim Atikim (New Wine, Old Bottles)

(May 2022)

The Greek Experience

(February 2022)

Inductions Dangerous: Induce Rather than Compel Vaccine Compliancy

(January 2022)

The ‘No True Scotsman’ Argument for COVID Compliance

(December 2021)


(November 2021)

Six Sonnets

(September 2021)

On the Sonnet

(August 2021)

The Great Reset: A Four-Act Play

(June 2021)

The Red Man’s Revenge

(May 2021)

Three Poems

(April 2021)

Is Secession in the Cards? The Unfolding of an Historical Irony

(March 2021)

Three Poems

(February 2021)

Canadian Poets Play the Carbon Game

(January 2021)

Scrapping Green is Cool

(December 2020)

An Oasis in a World Gone Clinical

(October 2020)

Joachim Du Bellay: Antiquités III:

(September 2020)

Plutocrats of the Left

(August 2020)


(July 2020)


(June 2020)

Two Sonnets

(May 2020)

Two Sonnets

(April 2020)

An Apology for Smoking: A Politically Incorrect Reflection

(April 2020)

Wilted Laurels (or, A Sad Ballade to our Poets Inglorious)

(July 2019)

Canadian Poetry: A Long Way Down a Very Short Street

(April 2019)

An Open Letter to God

(March 2019)

Two Sonnets

(January 2019)

What Makes a Poem?

(December 2018)

For David Barber

(October 2018)


(September 2018)

Cutting Off the Head of the Snake

(July 2018)


(October 2016)

Niemöller Redux

(August 2016)

The Children of Sderot

(June 2016)

Portrait of an Orientalist

(May 2016)

A Sad Day in Heaven

(April 2016)

The Garden

(March 2016)

The Sparrow

(October 2015)


(September 2015)

Revisiting Hydra Post-Chernobyl

(September 2015)

Diesel Denson at the Podium

(August 2015)

Blog Posts

Does Canada Exist?

(February 2024)

Crossing the Jordan: Celebrating Israel’s Diamond Jubilee

(April 2023)

DeSantis 2024? Think Again.

(November 2022)

Canada’s Dilemma

(October 2022)

A Canadian to an American Friend: You Think You Have It Bad?

(June 2022)

Canada: the World’s Most Comfortable Gulag

(May 2022)

Canada: New Kid on the Totalitarian Block

(February 2022)

David Solway and Janice Fiamengo– The Couple of Many Talents

(March 2019)

Why I Am No Longer a Canadian Writer

(December 2018)

The Canadian Mind: A Culture So Open, Its ‘Brains Fall Out’

(October 2018)

OMG, She Cheered For White Men!

(September 2018)

Healing the World: Can We Safely Rescue Those Who Wish Us Harm?

(July 2018)

Thank the Lord Donald Trump Is Not an ‘Intellectual’

(July 2018)

Professor Dennis Gouws, A Case Study in Feminist Harassment – TFF 71

(July 2018)

Why Can’t We Hate Men – TFF episode 84

(June 2018)

‘Social Justice’ Is About Anything but Justice

(March 2018)

The Jordan Peterson Phenomenon

(February 2018)

The Dead Letter of Modern Education

(January 2018)

Fake Poetry

(April 2017)

Now It’s Malik’s Turn

(March 2017)

The Case against Obama

(February 2017)

The Orient

(February 2017)

Save Us from Social Justice – TFF Episode 54

(December 2016)

An Open Letter to Donald Trump

(November 2016)

Out-Rigging the Vote

(November 2016)

Why Academics Bow to the Mob – TFF Episode 48

(October 2016)

The Pleasures of Karaoke

(October 2016)

A Treason of the Intellectuals – TFF Episode 47

(October 2016)

The Unisex University – TFF Episode 46

(October 2016)

The Noble Art Is Not So Noble

(October 2016)

This Is Feminist Justice – TFF Episode 44

(September 2016)

Is Islam a Religion?

(August 2016)

Domesticating Donald

(July 2016)

Feminism Attacks at All Levels

(July 2016)

When a Culture Unmans Itself

(July 2016)

Shooting the Feminist Sheriff

(July 2016)

The Stanford ‘Rape’ Trial

(June 2016)

The Stanford Rape Case – TFF Special Edition

(June 2016)

Sons of Feminism – TFF Episode 40

(June 2016)

Climate Of Fear – TFF Episode 38

(May 2016)

Professors in Love – TFF Episode 37

(May 2016)

The Gender Equity Boondoggle – TFF Episode 36

(May 2016)

The Race Is Not Always to the Swift of Mind

(May 2016)

The Ghomeshi Verdict – TFF Episode 35

(April 2016)

How Smart Is Justin Trudeau?

(April 2016)

Cost of Gender Studies – TFF Episode 34

(April 2016)

Distrust Yourself before You Distrust the Candidate

(April 2016)

Interdisciplinarity, Another Word for Emptiness – TFF Episode 33

(April 2016)

Vote the Platform, Not the Man(ner)

(April 2016)

Women’s Studies Is Not Scholarship – TFF Episode 32

(April 2016)

Women’s Studies Must Die – TFF Episode 31

(April 2016)

Boarding the Right Train

(March 2016)

Women In Astronomy – TFF Episode 30

(March 2016)

Feminism, A Victim Mentality Disorder – TFF Episode 29

(March 2016)

Persecution at Kennesaw State University – TFF Episode 28

(March 2016)

Feminist Terminology 5: Microaggression – TFF Episode 27

(March 2016)

Feminist Terminology 4: Structural Violence – TFF Episode 26

(February 2016)

The Revolutionary Stupid Movement – TFF Episode 25

(February 2016)

A Republican Game Plan

(February 2016)

A Lesson to Republicans in Canada’s Conservative Party Defeat

(February 2016)

Feminist Terminology 2: Lived Experience – TFF Episode 23

(February 2016)

The Canadian Temper: A Warning to America

(January 2016)

In the Zone — and Out of It

(January 2016)

Feminist Terminology 1: Gender – The Fiamengo File Episode 22

(January 2016)

Female White Knights – The Fiamengo File Episode 21

(January 2016)

Islamic School Projects

(January 2016)

Father Christmas – The Fiamengo File Episode 20

(December 2015)

The Perfect Guitar

(December 2015)

SFU Feminists -The Fiamengo File Episode 19

(December 2015)

Dining Out With the Terrorists

(December 2015)

Because It’s 2015 – The Fiamengo File Episode 18

(December 2015)

The Myth Of Sexual Harassment – The Fiamengo File Episode 17

(December 2015)

Canada Awaits a Pair of Impending Catastrophes

(December 2015)

What About Our Sons?

(November 2015)

Fiamengo: Great Men Under Siege

(November 2015)

M-Day: The Invasion of the West

(November 2015)

Do Women Want Equality? — The Fiamengo File Episode 12

(October 2015)

The Socialist Republic of Canada

(October 2015)

The Man-Shaming Project – The Fiamengo File Episode 11

(October 2015)

Masculinity Studies by Michael Kimmel – The Fiamengo File

(October 2015)

Kampus Kangaroo Kourt – The Fiamengo File Episode 9

(October 2015)

The Fiamengo File: Feminism Wants You

(October 2015)

Fiamengo File Episode 7: The University of Toronto, a Feminist Campus

(September 2015)

The Monstrous Male Gaze

(September 2015)

The Safe Space Ploy – Fiamengo File Episode 5

(September 2015)

Small Town Anti-Zionism

(September 2015)

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