picture of protein molecule fold using bioimaging

Excited to announce npj Imaging's Paper of the Year!

Macrophage PET imaging in mouse models of cardiovascular disease and cancer with an apolipoprotein-inspired radiotracer

  • Yohana C. Toner
  • Geoffrey Prévot
  • Carlos Pérez-Medina


  • radiotheranostics

    This collection aims to serve as an introduction for the broader npj Imaging readership to radiopharmaceutical imaging and therapy, known as ‘radiotheranostics’. This field has undergone a renaissance, with keen and rapidly growing interest from both academia and industry. By pairing precision diagnostics with targeted therapy, radiotheranostics is set to open a new frontier in cancer treatment.

    Open for submissions
  • Close-up of a Mitochondria

    Metabolic imaging stands at the forefront of precision medicine, providing an unparalleled window into the biochemical and functional landscapes that define health and disease. This special npj Imaging collection will showcase groundbreaking advances in metabolic imaging technologies, methodologies, and applications that are shaping the future of diagnostics and therapy monitoring.

    Open for submissions
  • npj Imaging is an online, open-access journal dedicated to publishing impactful and high-quality content on all aspects of imaging research across scales and the translational pipeline.
