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Superconductivity at 18 K in potassium-doped C60


THE synthesis of macroscopic amounts of C60 and C70 (fullerenes)1 has stimulated a variety of studies on their chemical and physical properties2,3. We recently demonstrated that C60 and C70 become conductive when doped with alkali metals4. Here we describe low-temperature studies of potassium-doped C60 both as films and bulk samples, and demonstrate that this material becomes superconducting. Superconductivity is demonstrated by microwave, resistivity and Meissner-effect measurements. Both polycrystalline powders and thin-film samples were studied. A thin film showed a resistance transition with an onset temperature of 16 K and essentially zero resistance near 5 K. Bulk samples showed a well-defined Meissner effect and magnetic-field-dependent microwave absorption beginning at 18 K. The onset of superconductivity at 18 K is the highest yet observed for a molecular superconductor.

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Hebard, A., Rosseinsky, M., Haddon, R. et al. Superconductivity at 18 K in potassium-doped C60. Nature 350, 600–601 (1991).

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