by Change Tan and Jeffrey P. Tomkins
In Answers Research Journal 8 (2015): 143-162
Because bacteria, archaea, and eukarya contain unique mosaics of genetic features and biochemical similarities, it has been notoriously difficult for evolutionists to infer the molecular biological properties of a first or last eukaryotic common ancestor. Eukarya share similarities to both domains of prokaryotes (Bacteria and Archaea) while also exhibiting many innovative molecular features found in neither. Nevertheless, evolutionists postulate that some sort of mythical bacterial-archaeal precursor gave rise to the first eukaryotic cell. In a previous report, we showed that a vast chasm exists between archaea and eukarya in regard to basic molecular machines involved in DNA replication, RNA transcription, and protein translation. The differences in information processing mechanisms and systems are even greater between bacteria and eukarya, which we elaborate upon in this report. Based on differences in lineage-specific essential gene sets and in the vital molecular machines between bacteria and eukarya, we continue to demonstrate that the same unbridgeable evolutionary chasms exist—further invalidating the myth of eukaryogenesis.
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