
10 Reviews
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Tenet (2020)
A Quality from Christopher Nolan
9 December 2020
Watch it and you know! about its quality no doubt totally waste of time What more you want? thinking to watch it? its a BIG NO! poor storyline, what? can i say its nolan's it is a dump thought finally to know that this movie turns out crap fits together with splendid twist all the storyline then you'll see when the real deal kicks off it literally takes a while and feel bored i will never re-watch it for this movie you will need your mind to do anything else go sit back and relax avoid this this is what i think. Now read it from here invert. (bottom to top)
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Not that i like
23 November 2020
You will enjoy this movie if you are among the director's fan. Enjoyable and easy going movie. Original and new concept of movie making in Malaysia. (using disability people as an actor).

But for those who are not among the director's fans circle, you will find this movie is not that movie you are hoping to be. The movie lack of good storyline, and mostly using fast-cutting scene. It would look like the movie was made in a hurry (or assuming the audience to be one of the fans who have basic idea on the storyline based from the series in the youtube).

but i have to give good credit to the lead-actors. My opinion, they have surpass mediocre level.

I can say that this movie is a gift to the fans but not for foreign viewers. The scenery in the movie was a sight for sore eyes though.

If you are enjoying the director's videos collection, this movie is a masterpiece. Watch it.

If you are not, then avoid it.

To be fair, there are few movies out there who are using mentally handicap people as an actor and was directed and scripted from experience film-maker. Few movies turns out to be well-scripted. (eg Peanut Butter Falcon)
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Beautifully written movie
9 October 2020
True Story movie doesn't need any hype or intelligent unique story telling, It just need proven fact and a good quality acting. Unexceptional acting. The movie can give you the feel of mercy and compassion. On top of that Justice! it can make you hate Racism even more. Individual counts, not the race, not their religion etc.
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Nhóc Jojo (2019)
Unique and High-Scripting-Quality Movie
9 October 2020
Superb acting, Brilliant story line and an exceptional original plot making.

A. Must watch before you die B. You can enjoy it C. Don't waste your money and time.

This is 'A' type of movie.
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Mediocre Movie
9 October 2020
If you have absolutely free time or if you are having difficulty with sleep initiation, you can watch it. Totally not worth your free time. Rated 4 because I've seen much worse than this. 4 is fair for this movie. You close your eyes for 10 minutes and can still catch on to the story. Immature plot and story line. Sometimes the acting is just lame. Luckily the antagonist character played by Jean Reno and Aksel Hennie save the movie from crap to mediocre. 3 types of movie for me. A. Must Watch before you Die B. You Can enjoy it C. Don't Waste your money and time this movie is C type.
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True Story Or Fictional?
6 October 2020
From my opinion, this movie was inspired by several historian's true story. Watch this movie with this mindset. It is not fair for this movie to be rated so low just because of its inaccuracy towards the true story facts. It is a movie anyway. The plot was okay, story-line not too cliche, and well acted.

For me, some of the low rate reviews is 'helpful' not more than some of the high rate reviews. Both have their own good facts. there are 3 types of a movie for me.

A. You must watched before you die B. You can watch, just enjoy the movie C. Not worth your time. crap movie!

this movie i rated B.
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Friendship, Survival, Faith Become a movie
6 June 2020
This is not by far a great movie. But it is great worth watching movie. Based from real event movie. i don't understand why 'based from true event' gets low rate. Like what i want in any of survival movie, this movie makes you appreciate your daily 'goodnight' bed. The characters in this film were great, as if you see your own character in one of the characters. You will be able to experience my title in this movie.

p/s : I never watch below 7.0 rating unless if its 'True Story' movie. In this case i watch this movie (now rated 6.7) and found this movie should at least rated 7.1 or above. if you are my 'kind' then you should watch this movie.
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The rating suppose to be 7.0-7.5 (now 6.5)
6 June 2020
This is A TRUE STORY movie. All the low rating blaming on its storyline. Seriously? it might not be the best storyline u ever watched, u might feel some 'too much flashback' scene feeling (but somehow it was arranged nicely). For me its a good-worth watching movie. The 'twist' was so dramatic without ruining the 'True Story' element. You want a good written story or a good ending, watch fiction type of story, this is not for you. I wanted to rated it 7 (My genuinely rate for this movie) but i make it 10 because this movie should be put into 7.0-7.5 rating. for those who checks the review before seeing it, this movie consist of 50% surviving 'STORY' (surviving technique 10%), 50% romance or love emotion.
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A movie to (must) watch before you die
8 November 2019
If you come here to see the review. I think you are wasting your time! The Rate is genuine. So go and watch it. This movie plays you in your brain. And i can tell you that, just for this movie, do not trust your brain.. watch and understand every details. This is the movie that you may get a beautiful confusion. This is the kind of movie that you might get envied to those who haven't seen it just because you want to feel the confusion again (after you fully understand it). Beautiful written, Superb acting.
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The Lucky Man (2017)
Not even pass for 3.0, Why 6.0?
2 August 2018
Dont watch it.. Waste of time. Third party movie based page didn't update their IMDB rating, so i watched it expecting its IMDB rating was genuinely rated (7.1 was posted in the page) Watched it for exactly 32 minutes 20 sec (at the worst scene)... I cant stand it anymore. From the start, i have so much doubt already (acting and plot part). i know i'm not suppose to judge it so quickly but after 32 minutes, I check the rating back here and found out i was tricked by the outdated rating provide by the third party page..

p/s If its not because of the fake rating. This movie will not even hit 3.0 rate.
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