4 Reviews
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26 February 2021
I realize this happened a while ago. However, I am amazed as to the investigation in this case as well as others I see. I could not figure out why the investigation never went to the receipts of who did work for her. It took years for them to look at them. She owned a lot of property, and of course she would need work done on her property. Well, it wasn't until approximately five or so years that went by, they looked into receipts on people who did work for her at the time of her death.
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5 January 2021
I rarely write a review. I have been tempted many times. I have complained many, many times of the background noise. It is so annoying, that I literally will turn the station. I cannot turn the television down, and put on the sub-titles. People tend to talk too fast, and I don't like to watch movies that way. I should not have to. This background noise is in most movies. I think if people just did not tune in, you people who produce these shows might listen. I know I have heard many people complain. Now, for the movie. Well, the actors were fine. The movie without all of the many, many commercials could have been done in half an hour. I thought the premise for the movie wasn't bad, but I kept waiting for something. Then, all of a sudden it was over. Not one of your best.
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Swearing and too violent
18 December 2017
I honestly did not watch the whole movie. However, every time I went back to the channel, which was about four times or so, the same thing was happening. Running away from the same men. Fighting them off. At the end Logan dies. I wonder whose idea it was to make this? In my opinion, if you want to become a legion in movies, you always have to be the hero. For example, John Wayne, Clint Eastwood, Paul Newman, etc. To me, it was the worst way to go away from a series. Why would this be done so differently from the rest? It has shown me how classless all of you people who put this together are. Tell me, did your children see it? Were all of you proud that they could see it? Have all of you fallen down so far from normalcy, you can't see how far you have gone. I have no desire to see the whole move, so I won't.
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The Wrong Child (2016 TV Movie)
Just making an observation
29 July 2016
I don't think this is a spoiler. I have wanted to comment on many of the LMN movies for a while now. My problem with the majority of these movies is that they are made so quickly, and possibly cheaply. I believe, that there isn't a good amount of a beginning, a middle, and an end. I don't think it would be too hard to make an interesting movie. The background noise is so loud, you can't hear or understand what is being said. This movie wasn't too bad. However, so many are. I have actually turned the station, because of this annoyance. I remember talking to my 22 year old niece who also has noticed how loudly the background noise is in movies, and commercials. This seems deliberately done. I can think back to when this station started. The movies were good. I could watch them over and over again. Then, it might have been around 2009 to 2010, not quite sure, when they started changing. I am not saying some are not good, but not as many as there use to be.
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