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Enjoyed this movie! Filled with fast-paced adventure and laughable moments!
19 November 2023
Not sure why this movie is overlooked! It's actually a good movie! A very underrated and underappreciated gem of an animated movie. I don't remember what else was released at the same time in 2003 when this film was released to give this film such a bad reputation amongst critics and box office revenues.

The characters, narrative, animation, and action-adventure were all wonderful and evenly paced throughout!

The "villain" of the film, Eris, is overlooked as an animated film villain. I rate her as one of the top 10 antagonists in an animated film just for sheer strategy at how to cause chaos in societies. Highly overlooked and well-written character.
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Đường Cao Tốc (I) (2014)
Average, inconsistent
25 May 2022
The movie is okay. It doesn't leave a lasting impact. Acting is good by the leads, music is good by A. R. Rahman, and the visuals/cinematography is great.

The narrative lacks, and is inconsistent. The ending especially is really weird, and it felt as if the writers didn't know how to end it.

It's an average film overall, with no lasting impression.
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Dor (2006)
Excellent film!
11 February 2022
Well-made film with heart. Stays with viewer for long time. Actors all did very well, story was great, and at times when it seemed to drag, it picked up the pace again.
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The Associate (1996)
Underrated, smart movie.
16 February 2021
Watching the film in 2021 may not be as funny as it was when it was first released, but it was still enjoyable. It was still funny, and I liked the chemistry between Whoopi Goldberg and Dianne Wiest. Sure, it has some over-the-top moments (e.g. the whole Plaza Hotel sequence, but that's how comedy films were made in the mid to late 90s.

The entire premise of the film was smart and enjoyable for a comedy film with Whoopi Goldberg. It had the audience thinking about the workings of the financial world and Wall Street.

Overall, this film worked and was enjoyable. Aside from the sensuality scenes and the entire Plaza Hotel sequence, it was fun.
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Barbershop (2002)
Entertaining film. Heartfelt moments here and there, with a good message.
22 September 2020
I thought this was a funny, entertaining movie. The overall message of the film was good; The barbershop was more about community building than it was just another place to get a haircut.

Ice Cube was entertaining. Cedric the Entertainer was preachy, but had good moments. I like the overall feel of the main barbershop cast, how they supported each other, even argued with each other, but at the end of the day, they were a team.

The overall message of the film was a place like this provides people, no matter who they are, opportunity to start somewhere, and build community off of that.
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Painful to watch
19 September 2020
Just tried watching this movie on Netflix...Painful to watch. Wife and I could barely get through 30 minutes of it without cringing at Rachel McAdams' character and how it was portrayed on screen. Specifically in this film, the character of Becky Fuller is supposed to be a career-driven, passionate TV show producer who can make big decisions when needed. However, alongside that, why is she also portrayed as clumsy, careless, anti-social where all she can talk about it work and nothing else, and just plain silly. Why does career-driven have to mean you're constantly rustling around for files and papers, running into things, dropping your things, and not able to properly speak to people?

Perhaps. just perhaps, if we could have made it through the full movie, we would have seen a better character development, and possibly funnier script. Not going to waste anymore time with it though.
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X-Men: One Man's Worth Part II (1995)
Season 4, Episode 2
Perfect episode series
7 August 2020
"One Man's Worth: Part 2" is a perfect follow-up and ending to Part 1. The entire 2-part episode was fantastic and almost flawless. The ending had so much depth and emotion between the characters, especially when Wolverine and Storm are transitioning back to the normal "Present Day" once Xavier has been saved. The Wolverine and Storm friendship and love relationship through both parts of this episode had more depth than the Cyclops and Jean-Grey relationship throughout the series. The addition of Bishop and Chard was also well executed.

Overall, the "One Man's Worth" episodes are fantastic gems from the entire animated series.
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X-Men: One Man's Worth Part I (1995)
Season 4, Episode 1
Perfect 2-Part Episode Series.
7 August 2020
"One Man's Worth: Part 1" is a great episode from the entire X-Men animated series. It has so much depth and great character builds. Part 2 is even better.
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One of the best episodes
30 July 2020
This episode from Season 2 of The West Wing was, in my opinion, one of the best in the entire series. It had drama and humor, and was intelligently directed and written. I wish the character of Lionel Tribbey (John Larroquette) came back for just one more episode in the same season, but this was memorable enough.

This episode was such a memorable one in the entire series.
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Nhà Tù Đá (1996)
Good action with actual character development...
15 July 2020
This was probably a good peak for Michael Bay and Jerry Bruckheimer. After this film, the names just never sold me anymore.

The Rock was a decently executed and produced film. It was not the best action film ever, nor the best written action film, and not even close to the best directed action film, but on the whole, the film worked and had flow. The action scenes actually made a little sense, so the audience knew what was happening. Even the side characters in this film had more depth than any of the cast members from the Transformers films, and any other Michael Bay film for that matter.

Thank God, this was not littered with female sex objects throughout. Nicolas Cage's girlfriend was one of two main female characters in the film, and her screen time was quite short. The other female character was Claire Forlani, who played Sean Connery's daughter in the movie. Her scene was a nice soft touch to the movie...kind of like a halfway point of the movie as a whole.

Nicolas Cage and Sean Connery run with this film and actually look like they're having fun with their characters. Ed Harris has a decent performance. John Spencer was great in his role. William Forsythe was somewhat robotic, but still entertaining.

Music played really well in the movie, and had a few soft moments. Overall, well done.

The movie was memorable and just fun.
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Excellent James Bond film!
10 July 2020
Aside from Golden Eye, this was the next James Bond film I've watched more than once. It was such a fresh take on the character, and a new angle on the stereotypical "Bond girl". There was a little bit of realism in this, and it was very suspenseful and thrilling.

Daniel Craig was great as James Bond. I really wish they had not made the other Bond films that came after this one (e.g. Quantum of Solace, Skyfall, Spectre). I enjoyed the side characters as well. Eva Green as Vesper was a very good casting choice. I'm glad the script gave her character a little more depth/dimension than previous James Bond films. Judi Dench is great and dependable as always. Mads Mikkelsen was excellent as Le Chiffre...You almost felt sympathy for him in the film.

Overall, a great film with very good writing and very good directing.
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Fun, enjoyable, clean film.
6 July 2020
This film is good, clean fun. It is definitely not a perfect film (all films have flaws, even the seemingly 'perfect' ones), but it is enjoyable!

Of course the film doesn't match with the novel, however the film makers did get the main crux of the film right; imprisonment and revenge. The film is adequately paced, for how it's made. The acting performances are good; Jim Caviezel and Richard Harris were good. Guy Pearce looked like a miscast. Henry Cavill was okay. I think Dagmara Dominczyk as Mercédès gets overlooked; she did a good job in her character.

The film has good action, drama, and thrills throughout, making it a good entertainer. Read the novel too! Side note: The film's main poster graphic makes it look like Antonio Banderas is starring instead of Jim Caviezel.
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Khu chái Tây (1999–2006)
Great show, until...
29 June 2020
I enjoyed The West Wing's first 3.5 seasons. The latter half of season 4 and onward didn't hit the mark of intelligent and thoughtful writing and directing. Understanding the show's creator, Aaron Sorkin, as well as another writer (I think), left the show at the end of season 4. Aaron Sorkin wrote the teleplays of majority, if not all of the episodes through the first three seasons, so there was going to be a decline in the writing quality and stories of each episode. In the middle of season 4, the character Sam Seaborn (Rob Lowe) left, who was my favorite character. He brought the charm, and overall balance the show needed, and when he left, weaker characters were written in to try and replace him (e.g. Will Bailey played by Joshua Malina). Seasons 4 and 5 were just were just littered with episodes that were constantly promoting Middle East stereotypes and biases, Islamic/Muslim terrorism, and the writing and dialogue of some of the characters was deplorable related to those topics. This is all under the understanding that the show was aired in the early 2000s, no long after 9/11/2001, when everyone in the West jumped on the "invade Iraq" and "get rid of Islam and all of the Muslims" and "carpet bomb Mecca" hay wagons that were fed to us. There were sprinkles of this type of West's hate and bias in season 3 as well. None of the show should obviously be taken realistically, because after all, it's a television show made for entertainment, drama, and theater.

In any case, the show's initial decline began when Aaron Sorkin decided to create an episode entitled "Isaac and Ishmael" to start season 3. Within season 3, a fictitious country called "Qumar", which of course had to be in West Asia somewhere and had to be an Arabic speaking nation, did terrible things to it's own people and was constantly plotting against the U.S., yet the country also had diplomatic ties with the U.S. and the Bartlet administration sold this "country" weapons and military equipment in exchange for an air base on their soil. Subsequently, the same administration assassinated a foreign leader from that "country" and tried to hide it, and when that "country" tried to investigate, the Bartlet administration tried to cover it up. Then you had mentioned of Pakistan, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, basically a broad brush painted trying to show all of those countries are backward and the U.S., Israel, and perhaps Switzerland, are the only nations that are "peace brokers".

In my small opinion, all of the above contributed to the decline in quality of the show. I do agree, it was a show that far surpassed anything else that may have been on television at the time. However, if we just keep it compared to its own seasons, we'll see it started getting messy in the latter half of season 4, then tumbled when season 5 started, and just couldn't get back to par with its own prior seasons, characters, and story lines.
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Great action movie, with substance.
24 June 2020
I watched this movie again (2020) on Netflix, and I still enjoyed it. It was a crisp action movie with a good story, and adequate acting. I read some of the actor considerations that were thought of for Alejandro and Elena, and I'm glad the studio and director went with Antonio Banderas and Catherine Zeta-Jones. They did a great job. I also read that Robert Rodriguez wanted a more violet, R-rated film, which I'm glad they did not do. Overall, a very good film with repeat value.
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This is one of the best Star Wars films, just under Empire Strikes Back.
13 May 2020
This film was such a thrill ride! It had great character development, no over-the-top space battles, and a great story overall. I can't stand Disney, and perhaps they should have taken a lesson from how well this film did before ruining the rest of the franchise.

The cast members were great! Characters were all awesome! Director did a great job!
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Tensions rising throughout the film...Wonderful ending.
13 May 2020
The Two Towers is very well directed, written (minus some quotes from Legolas as their searching for Merry and Pippin), and overall, well-acted. The crux of the film is the country of Rohan and it's desperate situation. The entire buildup from the introduction of the Rohan characters to the exodus from their capital city of Edoras, and their journey to Helm's Deep, and the entire doom and gloom scenario surrounding the people while waiting for a merciless army to attack. This is what made The Two Towers really standout as the best of the best of the trilogy (my own opinion). The Battle of Helm's Deep was very well executed, and you could feel the emotions and tensions running high throughout. It wasn't just the visual effects that made this good, it was the actual acting through the battle that made it incredible and stay hooked until the end. I don't care for the Academy Awards/Oscars...I think it's all just a huge waste of time, money, resources, and a big distraction. Although all three films of the trilogy were nominated for Best Picture, and the third film won the award, I think The Two Towers is the film that should've won... But who cares. The entire trilogy was amazing!
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Rehashed, drawn out, and lack of story
10 May 2020
Peter Jackson should have stopped while he was ahead and not attempted The Hobbit films at all. This was no where near the caliber The Lord of the Rings trilogy was (still is). This trilogy is easily forgettable with it's drawn out, rehashed battle scenes, same old formula of what they used in the Return of the King battle scenes. More than the battle scenes, there was a severe lack of a strong story by the start of the third film. The scenes with finding the Necromancer/Sauron from both the second and third films should've been cut. It didn't help in any sort of way to look for the origins of a villain we already knew about.
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Tốc Độ (1994)
Great thrill ride, even in 2020!
4 May 2020
This film should be considered a milestone film in the "Action" genre. I watched this again online in 2020, and it's still such a great thrill ride to watch. Of course the acting isn't that great, but it's the authentic feel this film give is what makes it so great and a classic! Keanu Reeves was just great as the action hero here...but he didn't come off as the hero that fixes and knows everything. He was human, and played the role of an LAPD cop so well. He carried the character's cop job throughout the film, in an intense situation. As an audience, you begin to connect with "Jack Traven", and the fact that Keanu Reeves played him was a great choice. Sandra Bullock was great, and positive energy to have throughout the film. Her character's energy really came through, and you can see the acting chemistry between her and Reeves. Absolutely one of my favorite action films!
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Jackson Heights (2014– )
Wonderful drama!
10 February 2020
This is a very good Pakistani drama! Mehreen Jabbar does a great job at directing the unique cast and drawing the rawness of real life from each scene and every episode. Very well done!
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Dhobi Ghat (2010)
Failed to see the point of the film
16 October 2019
Acting was okay. Cinematography was good. Technically the film was good. The point of the film was a little lost. The only character that stood out to me as a viewer was Yasmin, through the video diaries. She did not end up interacting with half of the main cast, so I fail to see how her experience/situation intersected with that of Shai and Munna.

Also, I think Prateik was a miscast for this type of film. He was too chic for his role. Aamir Khan seemed confused on what his role was exactly.
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One of the best films produced from India!
4 August 2019
Lagaan, by far, is still one of the best films from India. This was the film that brought on some change in Bollywood, and quite possibly, inspired more film directors and producers to start thinking about what they're producing. Everything about the film was excellent!
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Payitaht Abdülhamid (2017–2021)
So far, very informative, sad in many instances.
1 April 2019
This is a great initiative from Turkey to tell of the last great khalifah of the Ottoman Empire. I have only gone through the first 2 episodes in the first season, however still hooked to the story.
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Hichki (2018)
Great job Rani Mukerji!
29 July 2018
My family and I enjoyed this film. At first I was thinking it was going to be very similar to "Front of the Class" (the film based on the true story), but it turned out to be a little different, mainly because the culture in India is different. The film was more about the students than the teacher's Tourrette's, although that was a consistent anchor in the film.
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Greatest X-Men Film
9 November 2016
X-Men: Days of Future Past was one of the most dramatic, emotionally driven, well-written, well-performed X-Men films. At just the right pacing throughout the film, the scene where James McAvoy's Charles Xavier and Patrick Stewart's Charles Xavier meet in their minds was just one of the best; well-written and well performed. Ian McKellan and Patrick Stewart made this film even more intriguing with their presence.

Special mention must go to the music composer John Ottman. The musical score of Days of Future Past was simply amazing! It not only captured each scene perfectly, but drove the film deeper into drama and deeper emotions. The music in the scene mentioned above, as well as the near-ending scene when Mystique had made up her mind finally, was top-notch, keeping the viewer intensely engaged!

Great job Bryan Singer, and the cast of Days of Future Past.
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Merlin (2008–2012)
Fairly good show from middle of season 2
8 November 2016
I caught glimpse of this show on Netflix a few weeks ago. I started to watch it from the beginning and was somewhat bothered by the low-rate visual effects and acting. However, I started getting into the show episode after episode. In the middle of season 2 for some reason is when I started to get hooked. By the time I reach season 3, I needed to finish the series. Seasons 4 and 5 were my absolute favorite. The acting, dialogue, story, and character developments were done fairly good from Season 3 onward. It was a bittersweet ending at the end of Season 5, just when the series was getting highly interesting, it ended. :(

Overall, I liked this series. It was fun and captivating, and a clean show. I will miss this show.
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