
8 Reviews
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One of the most hyped films of the last decade... It delivered!
27 May 2022
I've been waiting for this film my whole life. I was born in 1984 and saw Top Gun for the first time when I was around 10/11 years old in the mid 90's.

It instantly became my favourite movie of all time. Fast forward 25 years and nothing has changed since then. I've seen the original at least 20 times. I prayed this film would live up to my expectations. So many sequels fall short.

But within 10 minutes of this movie, I knew it was going to be exceptional and I wasn't disappointed. The action sequences blew me away! Tom Cruise was magnificent supported by a stellar supporting cast.

I know I'll watch this one at least 20 times again in the years to come! But the best thing this time round was I got to see this one at the cinema - the way it should and needs to be seen!

Believe the hype! It's even better than you imagine!
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Wanted to not like this but ended up loving it
3 November 2021
I write this after the third viewing in a week. I am the father of 4 children under the age of 8 and this is a permanent fixture on the tv right now at the kids request.

My first impressions were moderate, I wanted to hate it because it's so corny. But with more viewings I realised that, that is what is so great about the movie - it's a movie for kids/families!

It's just so wholesome and positive and uplifting and no matter how much I try to not like it... I really do like it! And the kids absolutely love it! Great soundtrack, likeable characters and uplifting vibe throughout.

If this wasn't a Christian film it would be a solid 7 stars. Don't let that put you off. The Christian vibe is present but wholesome, not overbearing and by no means shoved down your throat like a lot of Christian movies.

Sit down and watch this movie with your family! You'll love it!
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The Collateral Damage in this film is insane
23 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
One thing that struck me when rewatching this classic was the number of innocent bystanders or drivers that got shot or crashed into during the many epic shootouts or car chases in this film. I can't think of any other film with so much collateral damage caused by the cold and heartless perpetrators. It was messy, exhilarating and just as good this time round as 20-odd years after watching it the first time.
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The Night Of (2016)
It's a curve ball, but I'm so glad I give this show a chance
13 July 2016
This show has received mixed reviews. Some have loved it. Some have hated it. I don't often leave reviews however I do often read reviews when deciding whether to watch something. I decided to write this review based on the poor reviews because I felt very strongly about this that I just had to put my opinion across. This show is amazing. It's draws you in, puts you in the main characters position and never lets go. The acting is fantastic, the mood, the music the visuals are also great. I watch a lot of shows, most of them are entertaining enough but not very often do I come across a show like this that gets you completely enthralled and then has you screaming at the screen as the end credits role because you cant stand the thought of having to wait 7 days for the next episode. Like I said at the beginning. Some people are slamming this show for being "unoriginal" "boring" "stupid". My reply to these are as follows:

Unoriginal? OK, so the premise is nothing new, its not earth shattering but trust me, you've never seen it told like this before! Boring? Absolutely not, this person must have the attention span of a 3 year old because I couldn't get enough of the suspense and drama. I just could not wait to find out what happens next and you genuinely care about the characters! And finally stupid? I'm sorry but this is very narrow minded. This is a naive young man who makes some pretty silly decisions under the influence of alcohol and drugs. We've all been there. Which is what makes this show so great. It resonates with us all. It's very real.

In closing I would just like to say. Watch the first episode. I think you will absolutely love it.
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Rude, Crude and Hilarious
10 August 2013
What are all you moaners bitching about? Seriously what did you expect? Yes it's foul mouthed! It made that perfectly clear on the trailer! I am not dumb, nor am I a junior high student as stated from another negative review. But I got exactly what I wanted! Rude, crude and hilarious laughs a plenty! Yes it's cheap, yes it's not particularly intelligent but it is very funny! And the screening I went to was sold out and the entire auditorium were laughing their asses off just like me! And that's why it's been a hit at the box office! So all you haters go crawl back under your rocks and get a sense of humour and stop rating this movie a 1 when it does exactly what it set out to do! Make you laugh!
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I just don't understand the haters...
7 June 2013
I used to be a massive believer in checking the total film and IMDb reviews before choosing to go see a film. But in recent years, I've become less and less inclined to trust a single word anybody else has to say about anything! It just goes to show that film reviews are purely subjective and completely unreliable. How anybody can give this film a 1 star is ridiculous! In contrast, me and my wife both thoroughly enjoyed his film and we rarely agree on anything lol! Was it great? No, it wasn't, I doubt it will win any awards! But it was an enjoyable Friday night at the cinema none the less! So please, ignore the negative reviews. If you liked the look of the trailer then go see the film and decide for yourself! You may thoroughly enjoy it like we did!
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Vật Chủ (2013)
Open your mind and just go with it
19 April 2013
I actually really liked this film. Some clearly didn't judging by the low overall rating on here but I really urge you to give it a shot! I was sceptical after reading a few of the reviews but I decided I'd give it a shot and I was pleasantly surprised. Great leading performance from Saoirse Ronan, a very talented young actress and a whole bunch of pretty boys for the girls! Whats not to like?! So please, ignore the fools that have said its awful - it's certainly not awful! May not be your cup of tea but its nowhere near awful! I'd hate for anyone to miss out just cause somebody else said it was rubbish! So, watch this film, open your mind and just go with it and maybe, you'll be like me and really enjoy it!
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Con Chốt (I) (2013)
Low Budget Thrills
7 April 2013
Pawn is a low budget crime thriller set in a diner which is robbed. But the robbers have bitten off a little bit more than they can chew and events quickly spiral out of control as it turns out the diner they have robbed is owned by a mafia guy.

That's all I can tell you without spoiling the plot and that's the best way to go into this movie - knowing as little as possible.

The opening sequence sets the movie up nicely for what later unfolds to be a highly entertaining watch full of deception, conspiracy and twists aplenty. It's tense and keeps you hooked right through until the closing credits.

The best part of this film is the fact that just when you think you're getting to grips with what's happening, you're hit with another twist.

The cast is strong with quite a few recognizable faces putting in good performances to contribute to a solid and well constructed script. The majority of the movie takes place inside the diner but there is enough going on within those walls to mask this fact.

Overall, I enjoyed this film. I went in knowing very little and came out very impressed. I was entertained from start to finish which is all you can really ask for.

Pawn will not win any awards, but if a good entertaining thriller is your thing then you will not be disappointed 3.5/5
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