
53 Reviews
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Ma Sói (I) (2015)
A Howling Good Film
23 September 2024
I cannot believe some of the low ratings. This little gem is a lot better than some of the major release horror bombs I have seen. A typical story line, as most horror movies have. People trapped in a precarious situation, made worse by the introduction of the unknown. This movie has all the right elements. A decent plot to begin with and a well written story line. Add a good cross section of characters, all of whom are decent actors and turn in good performances. The setting in the wilds and in a train is very atmospheric and well played. The effects are pretty good and sparingly used, and that is a good thing. This movie builds suspense by relying on good character development and their interactions to advance the story, instead of cheesy jump scares and fakery. It even has a surprise at the end. A howling good movie.
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The Beyond (2017)
If "The Nothing" was a movie
22 September 2024
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If The Nothing from The Neverending Story was made into a movie, this would be it. Giving this bore-fest a 3 was being generous. It tries so very hard to be relevant and artsy, but simply puts you to sleep with mind-numbing narrative and pseudo science. The acting is tolerable but far from memorable. The effects are mostly computer generated Etch-A-Schetch pics, dressed up with pretty colors and warpy movement. The sets are cheesy and often silly. But, the worst part is the story line. It begins with a worm hole and then slowly worms its way through a non-story about going through one. I am in need of a time warp to get back the 90 or so minutes I wasted on this nothing.
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Trying so hard to be relevant
16 September 2024
This movie had all the makings of good science fiction. The acting was pretty good and main characters had you rooting for them. The speical effects were okay and sufficed. The sets and costuming were well done and believable. What it did not have is a good script. It was like they were making it up as they went along, trying to come up with things that could punch it up a bit, but failing. It seems they thought they could sell it with the ending, designed to inspire awe and all they did was to make us say, "what the heck was that?" It is the kind of movie that you keep watching, thinking it will get better, but it never does.
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No redeeming qualities
13 July 2024
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What if you wanted to make a movie about dinosaurs terrorizing people on a deserted island, but you just could not get over the fact that you really wanted to make a zombie apocalypse movie. This movie begins as all of these wastes of film do; with people running through a forrest, from "something." That is the clue that it is without any real imagination. Then you couple it with confusing stories intermingled involving dinosaurs, strange insects that take you over and turn you into blood-thirsty zombies. Then you couple it with poor actors, dreadful CGI, and maudlin music, and you have, this nearly unwatchable brew of inanity.
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King Kong (2005)
Dear Peter. This is not Kong of the Rings.
12 July 2024
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Peter Jackson is an amazing director. Of that there can be no doubt. But, the screenplay for this film, which he helped to write is sorely in need of major editing. The film runs a heafty 3 and a half hours, for a story that could easily have been done in under 2. Make no mistake, the effects and acting are top notch, but one begins to wish it was just over. There are gratuitous scenes designed to impress, excite and horrify. Encounters with dinosaurs. Encounters with giant bugs. Encounters with giant leeches. You name it. Jackson threw it in there, with little to actually advance the plot. The plot. Remember the plot. It is basically a love story, but that gets lost. About an hour of this film should have been left on the cutting room floor.
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Ignore the Scrooges who gave low ratings
30 March 2024
Yes, definitely ignore the Scrooges who gave low ratings to this delightful film. Twas the day before Easter, and I was searching for an appropriate Easter movie, when, for some reason, this popped up as a suggestion. I love Dickens' A Christmas Carol and the many variations, but have never seen this one. The title caught my eye and I spent the next 90 minutes just laughing and surprised at how clever and enjoyable this movie was. Bah, humbug, if you don't get it. This low budget gem covers all the bases and is ironically faithful to the Dickens classic. All the characters are there in a reworked and updated fashion, and there is no shortage of laughs. Give it a try. You will not be disappointed.
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2012: Doomsday (2008 Video)
What would you get ...
10 March 2024
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What would you get if you combined a few religious doubters, a few born agains, a vegan, two strangers who meet in the jungle, a golen cross found by an archaeologist, a black hole, the slowing of the earth's rotation, multiple natural disasters, a pregnant woman, the Mayan calendar, the End Times, and all trying to reach a pyramid in Chichinitza before doomsday arrives? You would get this preachy mess. I am not adverse to a science fiction disaster movie with a religious twist; but, good grief, the lord, himself would have turned this movie off. You have about 6 minutes of action and disaster footage, mingled with a big, old, dollop of maudlin, melodramatic, preachy dialogue. And, this from a few decent actors. As you are taking your mother to safety from an impending collapse of the west coast, the last thing you might say in the harrowing car trip is "when did you start believing in god?" Well, the vegan says it. So beware, this one really fails on so many levels.
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Barabbas (1961)
Good but lacking
15 February 2024
Barabbas is a good film as Biblical (or fictional Biblical) Epics go. It has spectacle, good direction, great acting, eye popping sets and costumes, and a good, if slow moving story line. I have seen a number of such movies, such as Ben Hur, The Ten Commandments, Quo Vadis, etc. And wondered why this one, somehow did not seem to compare favorably with them, even with all the right elements. Then as I watched, it dawned on me. It did not have the magic of an outstanding score. The triumphal music found in the other great epics, actually was epic. The composer for this one gave us little excitement and sound is a major element. There is more excitement in the opening credits of Ben Hur than in all of this movie. Sad, that it could be one of the great ones but misses the mark.
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White Sky (2021)
So many are missing the point
14 February 2024
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I get it. You came to see a science fiction movie about an alien invasion. In true bait and switch, it turned out to be, you guessed it, just another zombie movie. What you missed was the real bait and switch. This is not a science fiction movie, but only has a few of the trappings of one. This is not a zombie movie, but has the altered humans, as zombies, to add the thrills, of which there are not many. The real movie, and the real bait and switch, is that this is a Love Story. If you accept that premise, it is an okay film, with some decent acting and a lot was done for a little bit of money on a really low budget. There is potential here, and I hope it is realized with other films by this director.
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A Movie that stinks in the eyes and ears
18 January 2024
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How does one begin to describe such an assault on the visual and aural senses? The plot is basically any science fiction B movie you have ever seen. And, that is the highpoint. The action does not begin until over one third of the movie is over, with typical 1970's sexual teasers thrown in to "flesh out" a weak story line. Then there are the sad performances by once revered actors. Special effects are pathetic, as expected and overall sound quality is dreadful. But, as if that was not enough, the real star of this cess pool is the music score. The composer should not be allowed near another film, with his annoying, ear assults, he calls music. I wanted to give this a fair shake, so watched it to the end. The world did not end; but I was overjoyed that this film did.
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Croc is a Crock
9 November 2023
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String together every monster movie cliche you have ever witnessed and you might come close to this. Only, play them trough slowly. Get ready for spoilers. Let's overlook the poor CGI and get on to the poor acting. Stiff, cardboard gives better performances. Then the story line. Seriously? The things are killing right and left and someone wants to catch it while the minister wants to try to understand its motives. Where, oh where, have we seen this before? And, these crocs could literally sit in a lounge chair and get plenty of bodies. Every single person is clumsy and cannot run on a flat surface. Add to this, that those who manage to remain standing, do just that. They stand and look, wide eyed at the thing that is going to eat them, without any attempt to run and get away. When they do run, they manage to either join those who are clumsy and fall or get themselves into a corner for easy pickings. And, I still am unable to understand how someone who has literally been bitten in half only has deep scratch marks on his face. Well, you get the idea. Watch it for laughs and little more.
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Ghoul (2015)
Found footage that should have been lost
31 October 2023
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Words fail me to describe how completely lacking in any merit this movie is. I wanted to give it a fair shake, so I watched until the end. I could literally feel my IQ dwindling and the soul being sucked out of me as the movie progressed. Literally nothing happens in the first half of the movie and that was the good part. The last third is your usual found footage poor photography, people screaming and dropping cameras, like that is the thing to do. Then we begin the arguments with the spirit and the triumph of the witch and the cliche exorcist moves. If you want real scares, go out on any Halloween night and watch the costumes go by. What a complete waste of my time.
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Basically a B horror flick with a bigger budget.
24 October 2023
I have heard a lot of hype about "The Nun" and how scary it was and what a good movie it was. After watching it, I found myself thinking, what was that all about. I have seen low budget horror that provided more scares. The best thing that I can say is the acting was very good and the production values were very good. But, the story was adequate, at best. I does have one good surprise at the end, however. With that said, the rest of the movie seemed like a "hey, let's try this" fest. A disjointed story with lots of plot holes and characters on their own little trips around the castle. It's okay as a horror romp, but do not expect the movie that the hype promises.
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Bạn Quỷ (2020)
Friends can be dangerous
7 July 2023
I started watching this movie with the expectation that I could just let it run and do things on my computer. But, after a few minutes, I was hooked. No blood and gore; just eerie moments that make you stop and look. I highly recommend it as it has good production values, a tight script, and decent acting. The child actors were exceptional, while the parents could have been a tad more "with it." The last few minutes, blew me away and were a plot twist I was not expecting. I found myself getting involved with the characters and imagining what it would be like to experience what they experienced. Give it a try. You will not be disappointed.
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Portals (2019)
What did I just see?
27 June 2023
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Portals is a movie that begins with an interesting enough premise and then devolves into a hot mess of disjointed segments that the makers claim is an anthology. They miss the definition of an anthology by a mile. They start with a 2001esque monolith, except that it is like your 80 in high definition television turned on its side with lots of missing pixels. This, of course, after the unimaginative world-wide blackout. The plasma tv shows up in all the segments, so they think this somehow ties this mess together. Then, we have a hospital scene, with an eye implant. And, what creative effort would not be complete without zombies, or their version of zombies. Throw in some gratuitous head expolsions, eye gouging, and lots of girly hysterical screaming, and how could you go wrong? Trust me, the breaks for ads were more interesting.
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Will something PLEASE happen
18 June 2023
Am currently watching this bore fest. After over a third of the movie, I am contemplating doing what the main character tried to do in the bathtub. Will something please, please, happen. Endless near misses by one vehicle after another. Endless encounters with people who are not there. Endless talks with oneself. If this is anywhere near faithful to a Stephen King story, he should have relegated it to the circular file and started over. Good grief, the endless Draft King commercials are more interesting. As a die hard film buff, I will force myself to watch the entire thing, but I have seen 1950's black and white B movies with more excitement and story line.
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The Devil uses this movie to torture damned souls.
17 June 2023
The title is interesting, so even with a less than 5 star rating I decided to watch this hot mess. I made the mistake of watching it all the way through and will never get back the time I wasted. The story line had so much potential, but the execution was non-existent. The majority of the movie is shot in darkness, even when out in daylight, which, to me screams poor production values and even worse special effects. In these two things I was not disappointed. There were a few promising scenes with the encounter with the promised "devil" but they were brief and unrealised, almost feeling like they were included to justify making the thing to begin with. Please do not waste your time squinting at this. Your optometrist will thank you.
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Undefinable Filmed Oddity
9 June 2023
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Early in the movie, the two protagonists are out in nature. There is a glacier, with an amazing waterfall flowing down it. They sit with their backs to it, so that they can be in the picture with the scenery. It does not get any better. Of the 75 minute running time, one gets about 5 seconds of what was purported to be a flying saucer, which it is not. Add to this the voice-over narration by the main character, and the annoying, ever present sappy, sappy, sappy music which seems to play at any point where there is no dialogue. More of a travelogue than a movie. Turn off the sound and watch the scenery, which is the only thing this movie has going for it.
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Occupation (2018)
What's not to like...
27 May 2023
What's not to like about Aussies fighting aliens? The many low review scores are completely unfounded. Yes, it is long for what is has to say, and could use some major editing of its nearly 2 hour length. With that said, it gets off the ground pretty quickly, unlike other science fiction movies that make you wait through half the movie before there is any action or before you see the aliens. The action scenes are decent and the special effects work well with the story and budget. The acting is not bad for a low budget movie and the script works. Yes, the story is a familiar one of alien attack and human response, but it is done well enough to hold your attention. Don't let the low scores fool you. This is worth watching, at least once.
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Chú Hề Ma Quái (I) (2017)
High Expectations with Moderate Returns
22 April 2023
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I had high expectations for this film. After all, it was a big Hollywood remake of a television movie on one of Stephen Kings best books. Well, yes, the effects and production qualities are better, but I still prefer the Tim Curry character. Simply having a bigger budget and having more gruesome special effects, does not make the movie better. When I read the book, I was caught up in the relationships of the group of young characters, which came across in the tv movie much better than in the Hollywood version. They were all working and experiencing the horror and working to fight it. In the 2017 version they seem like individuals just thrown together, who are forced to help one another out of need and not out of friendship. Hollywood splits them up into neat little packages and tells their individual stories and does little to make them a cohesive force. And, moving the story to a literal haunted house and out of the barrens was a major blunder. How cliche.
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Shortcut (II) (2020)
Better than you might think
18 April 2023
Based on the reviews I read, I was not expecting much, but was pleasantly surprised as this was an engaging teen horror flick. It has an interesting plot, the teens put in a good performance, the creature is not cheesy, and it held my attention. And, by the way, listen to the music in the soundtrack. The music by Benjamin Kwasi Burrell is well above the norm that you hear in these low budget horror flicks and added much to the entire movie. I will look for that name in the future. Overall, it is a child of its genre, but nicely entertaining and you will not feel that you have wasted your time. Give it a watch.
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Killer Wave (2007– )
More ecological indoctrination
13 April 2023
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I watched until they met and, of course started with the climate change, fossil fuel demon, overpopulation, bovine droppings. Getting so sick of these disaster movies that have but one culprit and they keep beating it to death. The science used in the film is pure conjecture, and almost laughable, but, of course, follows the mantra of the times. When, oh when, will writers and directors get some real inspiration and stop using the same cliches to fuel their disaster scenarios. The acting is not bad, nor are the effects, but one tires of the same premise, over and over. So, with that said, watch at your own peril.
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The Relic (1997)
Save your eyes and don't watch
28 February 2023
This is a passable, even entertaining monster flick, what little of it I was actually able to see. Save your eyes, however, and find something else. The overall lightsource in this film is a candle from 50 feet away. I was actually getting a headache from squinting to see what was going on. Everything, even scenes in full daylight were darker. The indoor scenes were virtually unwatchabe. I checked to see if it was my tv, and set it to full brightness and everything was still dark. I hope that this was not the intention of the director and that somewhere along the way the light levels were messed up. But, if this is not the case, don't waste your time.
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Left wing movie making has reached the bottom.
26 February 2023
The brief story line "Some say right-wing media has no bottom. But ALIENS! REALLY??! This can't be real." tells it all. This is some snowflake infused rant against the right from people who do not see how completely laughable they, themselves are. Bad in so many ways. Script is a warped rip-off of War of the Worlds but ignoring any of the qualities that Wells put into that work. It replaces thought provoking premise of an alien attack with endless dialogue of people just talking and sometimes yelling, at one another. The acting is on the level of a middle-school production. If only the aliens had arrived and conquered the film crew before this was made.
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Collapse (2015)
Collapse of anything resembling a movie
26 February 2023
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I made the mistake of watching this all the way through, hoping at some point it would make a point. It did not. It begins with a protracted apology to the trees and plants and earth for all the evil we have done; if you can believe that. Then suddenly there are other people running from a fog. There are glimpses of what you assume will be the monsters that never again appear in the film, while everyone gets preachy about global warming, the end of the world, and other theories of what the heck is happening. Sadly, even the director did not know what was happening, and gave us a salad of bad acting, incessant posturing, dismal poetry, and unfulfilled expectations. Please don't make the mistake I made by watching this drivel.
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