
20 Reviews
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The Finder (2012)
26 September 2017
Why was this show get stopped? I really though it was unique and funny.

I thought the cast was excellent.

The main character were perfect.

Please let me know when you see this why was it ended?
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The Stray (2012)
For kindergarten to 5th graders only
11 September 2012
The best thing about this film is the dog...we only liked the film when the dog was on the screen.. .bad acting, bad directing, but kids would love it.

I picked it up at red box just because the cute puppy on the box...this dog is not in the movie.....the adults are lame and worse than the kids....but then kids would not care.

Too much lame dialog and not enough of the dog

This should stay on Saturday movie shows for kiddie shows.

Please send copies of this movie to schools so kids can see it. They will enjoy watching stupid teachers lame dialog.

Putting a said puppy as milked in the a cage to small or locker for torture.

Not for the dog but for adults watching this.
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You have got to be kidding me!!
6 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoyed the TV version with Costner I just wanted more of the story, so I rented this when I saw it at Redbox. Amanda B. has lost it and let herself go, though she and Fahey were the best actors in this joke of a release. Why bother with any facts, just rewrite stories, and condense the facts to shorten the movie This was not even as good as a local amateur play or locally shot movie made by high school or college drama club. The cast did a lot of shooting in the movie, but clearly never went to a shooting range to see how to hold a gun. The only visual effects I could detect was the terrible FIRE on the house. Just terrible and a waste of my time. The spoiler is if you read this before you rent it, you won't rent it....and I have done my job.
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Skyline (2010)
It kept me interested
12 November 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Well a lot has been said in a very negative vein on this movie....and I do not get that. I also don't get where you see your movies? I paid $7.50 as a senior, but the top price here is $10 in Fresno.

The acting and the CG VISUALS were very good to say the least. Transformers, Aliens, Predator, Matrix, etc. The plot or story was OK to, it got quickly to the reason we were see the alien invasion. Heck, in the first minutes they did that!!...the the 15 hour earlier sign came on.

The ending was interesting, and I saw the identification move coming a mile away, but I still like it. They showed it at least 3 times earlier in the movie so I figured they'd use it sooner or later, like a comedian setting up a joke line for the finish.

I look forward to the sequel and how they couple gets going on in the plot line. Especially since she looks a lot different that he does at the end.

I enjoyed a lot of the previous movies by these brothers....thats what drew me to this one. My last sci fi movie was District 9 and Avatar, so I do not see many.
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W. (I) (2008)
Stone is a MORON
16 February 2009
He fabricates, he generalizes, he changes facts regarding times and places, and he is just generally an ASS.

We tried to watch this with an open mind but it was like watching CNN or MSNBC....biased crap.

Stone made some good films over the years but his brain must have gone to mush for some reason. Is he on the sauce? Does he suffer from some disease like sif that has messed up his mind? This movie was terrible. The woman who played Rice was trying to do some impersonation like the typical bad Saturday Night Live skit. (by the way when was the last time that show had anything funny on it?). I wanted to turn this piece of crap off so many times but decided to watch it all.

A good thing I got it free on Monday Nights FREE GARBAGE.
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Same idea perhaps BUT NEW MOVIE not REMADE
2 January 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I don't get these 300+ reviews. I saw the movie a few days after seeing the original again. (Saw it in the 50s at a theater, but a few years after its original release at a special matinée)....I rented the DVD and enjoyed it. It was very minimal on FX and the acting by Neal and the kid and others like Hugh (?)the boyfriend were pretty lame. I LOVED MICHAEL RENNIE and Sam Jaffe. This new version had some key scenes of the Klattu changing the blackboard problem the professor had...the robot as protector of Klaatu...the woman and a kid...a boyfriend...the BAD GOVERNMENT who shoot the guy without a threat.....other than those and a few others.....I watched this movie as a new story and film. The FX and CG were great. The microscopic eating beings were great....the "ark" idea by Kathy Bates character was right on with all the animals going "about" the spheres. Klaatus turn around to see that humans were now at the "precipous" of possible change. I loved the scene with the lie detector expert going under the table. The bad humans and even the President insisting on using military force has been used soooooo many times in movies of the genre. The kid in this was very irritating though for his age a good actor. I had to laugh that the humans thought they could contain the robot. It was a good thing they had an elevator the same size of the robot to "house" him ending of the movie was not liked by many reviewers but it was just fine with me. All the destruction proved that these aliens mean business. We earthlings better get our act together regarding war, the environment, etc......or there will be no second change......I had a good time...its too bad this movie has made only $35 million and it had a budget of $80 million, so no thanks to reviewers who hate CG and redoing movies this will be considered a flop...well, not with me.
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These reviews I have read here are a STRAIN
27 May 2008
Negative poison dialog for a fine updated revised edition.

I would be curious to read or hear Michael C and his thoughts on the remake.

You writers who thought the original was so good...need to rent it or break it out of your "top 50" cabinet and watch it.

It was good but with todays advances it was boring from fx to story to acting.

Hokey is the word that comes to mind.

I liked this version, granted it there were holes (worm holes?).

....but better than most TV movies in the FX genre.
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Edison (2005)
What movie were most of you watching?
10 February 2008
Warning: Spoilers
My wife and I thought this movie was well done from the get go...McDermot plays an over the top bad guy as does John Heard...but thats a good thing for this movie. LL Cool J former rapper thank God...Hate very good in this movie...Timberlake had my respect after seeing this, since I never followed his music career and only heard about his life thru tabloids...Kevin Spacey was good but that black hair piece has to go...Morgan Freeman was as good as he has ever been...I thought the direction and setups for scenes and photography were right for the mood of the film. Going back to Serpico, I think there is always corruption in police departments, especially with all the money "available" in drug busts. TVs The Shield comes to mind with the cops working both sides. I really liked this movie that went straight to DVD. I have seen a lot of bad films that get release to movie houses. This, to me should have been promoted simply because of the actors involved.
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I saw the cast and rented the glad I did...
4 January 2008
I knew nothing about this movie. Never saw it at the theater and after reading some of the previous comments I never saw it on TNT...I rarely watch movies on commerical TV because the ads break the mood and ruin the movies pace. This movie started slow, and picked up as soon as Pierce jumped into his first scene. It was great to see Maria again, since seeing her look not so great (her character) in the COOLER a few years back...and Gerard big as life in 300....WELL MY WIFE AND I WERE IN FOR A GREAT RIDE...this movie had twists and turns and exciting moments and I must admit I usually guess the future in plots and their holes but this one surprised may seem frustrating at times, but stick with it and you will see a FULL and fulfilling movie. I think this movie could be big at the box office if it had been advertised well and not show too much of the plot in the trailer. Well done by the cast, I just home more people see it....spread the word if you see it and think I am right...have a blast...we did.
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Dead Lenny (2006 Video)
Who are these people reviewing? fake names for the actors or relatives
1 January 2008
This is one of the worse movies I have ever seen. Sure there are others but not with people I have heard of...John Heard, Armand Assante, Steven god this was bad. The acting by those two blonds made me want to heave my lunch AND dinner. The one married to DEAD LENNY was especially worse than the other blonds a REAL BAD NAME....the composite explosions...the decal for a bullet in the back window of a car....the writing and directing....WAS THIS ALL A JOKE....DID someone owe someone some money or something? If there was a great lower than ONE I would use it for this....a big I am out 99 cents with my rental from the local REDBOX.....
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John has the ROLE of his life with this show
23 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers
So far so can say DOG can say the one with Denzel...but this is IRAQ vets who have been shafted by the government...and I am sure it happens a lot.......good show...I hope they keep it up at this level. I am amazed that the producers and the writers filled the show with so many characters (actors). Everyone contributing to the flow and ebb of the show, to the climax of the first two hours. I just can't wait until Sunday and more shows after that to get into this....the NINE tried and it was'nt bad....I hear its coming back too, so I will still watch...We have seen bank robberies going back to those back to Jesse James, Bonnie and Clyde, Dillinger, etc....its a genre that keeps showing there is an audience. The 4 guys who in previews look like they are coming back to help will continue the IRAQ SOLDIER team....maybe we will find about about the men who died under WOLF back in the war.
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I liked it and will watch it again....
6 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
My wife did not like it so I guess we will watch in separate rooms....I thought it was honest and right on, and VERY FUNNY. Yes, there was a lot to follow and keep up with but that is a many shows just PLOG along and get slower before faster...this has a fast pace and I cannot wait for the next twist...Grandpa Bishop with RX drug Ms. Bishop while looney tunes is keeping the deed to the house...hilarious. Aideen Quinn (producer) has assembled a great cast. All members play their given parts exactly. The gays son did have a lot of people asking about the g word, not let it go, he will go on a date with a girl....a play about what people trying to hide the fact that they are gay. Hey, its a gay year in movies with Breakback or is it bareback mountain...brings a new meaning to cowpoke...BUT I am off the subject...I will be there on Friday nights at 10pm...or at least tape it.
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Who gives a sith?.....I DO...I HAD A BLAST...SPOILERs
22 May 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Overall, I enjoyed myself. The movie was the first or second best in the series of 6. The FX were flawless. The habitats, and cavedwellings, and new planets and world were very interesting to look at throughout the movie. I have to go again just to look closer at the art rather than the actors. I think some of the name actors were lame this time around. Seeing this movie and its resolved plots makes me want to rent the series "in order". The final results of the fight with Vader were well done, I just wished Lucas would have added more time to the process of the rebuilding of Darth Vader. They could have made the funeral a bit longer too, and shorten some of the light saber fighting. How were they able to fight in that volcanic planet anyway...should have explained how the heat didn't effect the humans. I think the voice of Vader was a computer controlled voice of Hayden not that of James Earl Jones (or just an impersonator of Jones). Yoda had the most laffs with his abilities, especially regarding guards. There was applause at the sight of George Lucas' name at the beginning and the end. Unlike other episodes, no applause during the movie. For the most part a very quiet, tentative audience. (A few of my "shhh's" helped at the least I hope I contributed to many under 10 year olds in our show....SO MUCH FOR PARENTAL Guidance.)....Have fun...I did...and will see it again to look closer at the backgrounds.
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Ray (I) (2004)
Jamie Foxx has it down to a GENIUS LEVEL
15 February 2005
I was blown away by his portrayal of the GENIUS that was RAY of the first record I bought, right after a Chuck Berry record was a RAY CHARLES RECORD....this was well done, not 100% accurate but well done. I especially liked the scenes where Ray remembered the days before he went blind and the year he went blind. The music of course was the best favorite scene was AHMET singing MESS AROUND....SEE THE DVD with the extended scenes, and used the prompts on the DVD to set them. Its a bit to get used too...but you see the outtakes AS YOU WATCH THE you see what was cut out...and to should have been left IN.
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Peters Sellers at his WORST
20 December 2004
I wish I never saw this movie. Oh, the acting by Mr. Rush was great, as was his various tour de force personality changes. BUT....the Peter Sellers I think of is the one who made me laff and brag to people how funny a movie was or "you gotta see...THE PARTY....just remember HOWDY PARDONER, AND BIRDY NUM NUMs.."....but if this movie is based on TRUTH and I don't know much about the facts here....PETER WAS A MEAN, SELF CENTERED, MOMMYS BOY. He treated people like crap and then some. I think so much less of him now that I saw this movie. One thing it has made me do research on his life to see how truthful this movie was about him. The movie skipped his 3rd wife entirely, and his 4th life got all his money in the will, even though it was known he was going to leave her out of the will but he died before he could change it....oh my what a bad dude this guy is still sad that he died at the age of 54 (I am 58 so I relate)....
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The Over-the-Hill Gang (1969 TV Movie)
Rick Nelson and his wife Kris...and Gypsy Rose Lee WOW!!
2 June 2004
Made for TV and it looks it...they musta used the Gunsmoke lot...lots of great classic old grandpa Andy Devine as a villain...Jack Elam...which eye do you look at?....and Ricky...It was also GYPSY ROSE LEES final film...she died within a never woulda thought by seeing her here...she looked pretty good. Pat O'Brien...Chill Wills...Edgar (clear your throat)Buchanan and GRANPA McCOY himself WALTER BRENNAN....the villains were really funny. Its fun and nostalgic...and that fight scene with Ricky dodging those fake stunt man hits was the best scene for laffs. Available now on Ebay for one cent plus shipping or pick one up a DOLLAR TREE or 99 cent store near you....
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Power of Pathos
26 February 2004
Pathos is the true definition of this word Passion...aka...Pain....The theater I went to was full of church going people and and the end...SILENCE...and some sniffles...I didnt want to look around to make people be uncomfortable. This movie was brutal, but Mel Gibson said in an interview in Readers Digest...Psalmists say that Jesus was beaten so badly he did not look we were spared THAT...the actor separated his shoulder and was struck by lightning while filming but the Christians believe in the reserection and that is the POINT of this order to get to that miracle...Jesus endured the pain for THE SINS OF MANKIND....the movie was graphic but HAD TO BE...I loved Jeffrey Hunter and Max Von Sydow....but this was REALISTIC...I just wish that Mel gave us more information about WHY HE HAD SO MANY FOLLOWERS AND SHOW SOME MIRACLES in the flashbacks...and maybe a bit more of the "glorius ending"....I gave it a 9....LOVE is the message...HE LOVED US.
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Sam was Sam and John was John AND I LIKE THAT.
31 March 2003
The movie was good fun and I loved the ending(s)....I liked the various scenarios...just like I like BOOMTOWN on TV...the flashbacks are differently filmed and it keeps me into the movie. I was born in Panama and the Army base sure looked Pedro Miguel or Curundoo...but its been almost 50 years...If you like a good mystery and surprise endings you will like this.
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29 December 2002
I did not see the movie in the theaters because I thought the previews for it were STUPID....and of course like Hollywood has been known to gave away the whole movie anyway. THIS WAS BORING, SLOW, AND STUPID...grown women with stupid hats and ceremony....and all those years of hatred and the girl never knew her mother was looney tunes...DUMB GIRL...I just hope I can get this crappy movie out of MY MEMORY BANK so I dont go looney grade is "F"....NOT ONE POINT....ZERO.
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Check this out if you can find it.
3 February 1999
I saw this movie in Panama, where I was born, at the movie theater when I was 8 years old. The images of the movie and its message has stayed with me all these years. Other people can be cruel if you are different. Being different is NOT a

bad thing. Live with it and use it to your advantage. See this movie if you can. It is hard to find.
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