

3 Reviews
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Excellent film, but should not have used such foul language.
23 September 2000
This is a film that could have been an important film if it had not stooped to the use of repeated use of the 'f' word and other foul language. The people depicted in this film would not ordinarily use such language. I am acquainted with many Holocaust survivors and I have never heard such language pass their lips.

Although the Holocaust was used as the starting point of the film, and as a background for the most important character, there was no attempt to explain how that experience molded the character to make him what he is in the film.

Also it was never shown how the children of the Holocaust survivor were affected by their father's experience as it was with most children of Holocaust survivors.

It should have been a strong family drama, and it was to a point. But the foul language ruined it.
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Genocide (1982)
'Genocide' is one of the finest of many documents...
5 September 1998
'Genocide' is one of the finest of many documents on the Holocaust. It richly deserves the Academy Award and all the other accolades it has received.
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One of the finest documentaries on the Holacaust.
17 August 1998
This documentary captures the true essence of the Holcaust tragedy as it pertains to children. I, as an interviewer of Holocaust survivors for the Holocaust Documentation and Education Center in Miami, have seen this film in the company of many children of high school age. It never fails to elicit feelings from these children that they have never felt before. It is truly a documentary of epic proportions. As a former actor, I feel that Keanu Reeves and the children narrating are so realistic and touching, it breaks your heart.
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