Mortal Kombat 1 (Video Game 2023) Poster

(2023 Video Game)

Vic Chao: Kenshi, Goro



  • Kenshi : I am not betting Sento on this fight!

    [Johnny Cage does chicken clucking] 

  • Kenshi : You ever talk to Cristina?

    Johnny Cage : I can't. It's too damned hard.

  • Kenshi : If Rain's a nickname, what's your real one?

    Rain : My parents named me Zeffeero.

  • Kenshi : I learned your real name. No wonder you don't use it.

    Rain : Do not mock what you don't understand.

  • Geras : You will meet others like Jackson Briggs.

    Kenshi : Now I'm intrigued, Geras.

  • Kenshi : Jax and the OIA want us to cooperate.

    Li Mei : Only with the Empress's blessing.

  • Geras : You have been warned about the Black Dragon.

    Kenshi : Don't worry. I know what I'm doing.

  • Li Mei : You? Work for me undercover?

    Kenshi : How else will you infiltrated the Black Dragon?

  • Kenshi : Kuai Liang says I shouldn't trust the Black Dragon.

    Liu Kang : In this, as in all timelines, they are scoundrels.

  • Kenshi : I wasn't looking for allies against the Yakuza, but I found one in Special Agent Jackson Briggs. He'd heard gangsters plotting to kill me on a wiretap and came calling, hoping I'd be his informant. We planned to part ways when we got the job done. but then Shang Tsung showed up to steal Sento. Needless to say, Jackson had questions. It blew his mind to hear the stories in Johnny's movies were real. Once the shock wore off, Jackson quickly sized up the threats Earthrealm faced. To deal with them, he got his bosses at the FBI to form the Outworld Investigation Agency. When he asked me to sign on, I hesitated. After all, me? A government agent? But it's an important job. And, more importantly to me, an honest living.

  • General Shao : A blind swordsman? Is this a joke?

    Kenshi : No, General. It is dead serious.

  • Kenshi : [Kenshi 1]  Who's Keeper of Time where you're from?

    Kenshi : [Kenshi 2]  Until recently, it was Kano.

  • Kenshi : [Kenshi 1]  Is you Cage as bad as mine?

    Kenshi : [Kenshi 2]  As bad? He's worse.

  • Rain : If you had no magic, you have no chance.

    Kenshi : Then it's a good thing I have Sento.

  • Reiko : An Earthrealm cripple challenges me?

    Kenshi : My blindness is no handicap, Reiko.

  • Kenshi : Liu Kang's revelation stunned me too.

    Scorpion : I fear there are other truths he's hidden.

  • Nitara : Why should I fear a blind swordsman?

    Kenshi : You're about to find out.

  • Kenshi : Your mind is diseased, Shang Tsung.

    Shang Tsung : Like many great artists, I'm so misunderstood.

  • Kenshi : Suchin wants me back?

    Liu Kang : You made as strong an impression as she did.

  • Kenshi : My war on the Yakuza has a new ally.

    Scorpion : You cannot trust the Black Dragon, Kenshi.

  • Kenshi : Today, you lose to another Earthrealm champion.

    General Shao : Today, I'll crush your skull in my hands.

  • Kenshi : You'd be right at home in the Yakuza.

    Shang Tsung : Who are they? And how might I find them?

  • Kenshi : Outworld has... . organized crime?

    Li Mei : It's curse isn't unique to Earthrealm

  • Omni-Man : Highly doubt a blind swordsman can kill me.

    Kenshi : Sento and I are more than meets the eye.

  • Kenshi : [Kenshi 1]  I can't believe you're still Yakuza.

    Kenshi : [Kenshi 2]  Without them, I'd be nothing.

  • Kenshi : Ever tire of ending fights with one punch?

    Omni-Man : Maybe I'll draw this one out.

  • Kenshi : Are you from Johnny's new superhero movie?

    Omni-Man : I'm here to save you all from yourselves.

  • Omni-Man : Even with sight, you'd never see me coming.

    Kenshi : So what? I can feel you stirring the air.

  • Kenshi : Why couldn't you stay locked up?

    Quan Chi : What would be the fun in that?

  • Kenshi : I don't want to see you in Earthrealm or near it.

    Quan Chi : [chuckle]  You can't see me at all.

  • Johnny Cage : You're coming to Outworld for the shoot, right?

    Kenshi : Wouldn't miss it for the world.

  • Reiko : My body is a lethal weapon.

    Kenshi : Cage'll be ticked off you're stealing his line.

  • Kenshi : Your Black Hawks are down.

    Reiko : That was just the first wave, Earthrealmer.

  • Nitara : I'm here to feed, Earthrealmer.

    Kenshi : Looks like tonight's Fright Night.

  • Havik : If you're Liu Kang's ally, you're my enemy.

    Kenshi : Then we're enemies, Havik.

  • [Custom AI Intros] 

    Kenshi : Are capes the new trend in Mortal Kombat now?

    Omni-Man : This cape is more than just a trend, it's a symbol of strength.

  • [Custom AI Intros] 

    Kenshi : Name one of your favorite movie quotes, Johnny.

    Johnny Cage : Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.

  • [Custom AI Intros] 

    Kenshi : I am glad that you have Tanya by your side, Empress.

    Mileena : You and Suchin are welcome within the palace anytime, Kenshi.

  • [after Johhny Cage beats Kenshi] 

    Johnny Cage : My house, my rules. So. You have a name or what?

    Kenshi : Kenshi Takahashi.

    Johnny Cage : Ha! I knew you weren't Taira clan.

    Kenshi : You know nothing, Cage.

    Johnny Cage : Four hundred years ago, the Taira clan were one of Japan's first families. They lost Sento after getting slaughtered at the Siege of Aomori.

    Kenshi : There were survivors. They hid themselves by shedding the name Taira for Takahashi. They joined the Bakuto for its protection.

    Johnny Cage : The Yakuza's predecessors... From first family to crime family.

    Kenshi : I will break us free of the Yakuza's corruption. Reclaim our name and our position. But my clan won't follow me unless I prove that I can lead. That's why I need Sento.

    [doorbell rings] 

    Johnny Cage : And that's Malibu's Finest. It's a great story. Bullshit... but great. You should seriously consider becoming a screenwriter.

    [Johnny opens the door, revealing Liu Kang, Sub-Zero, and Scorpion behind the door] 

    Johnny Cage : What in the actual fu...

    Liu Kang : Good evening, Johnny Cage. I am Liu Kang, Protector of Earthrealm. May we enter?

    Johnny Cage : Uh.. Nothing's being shot here tonight, You sure you're in the right place?

    Liu Kang : Yes. We come on a matter of grave importance. We must speak to you and your guest.

    Johnny Cage : What? How do you know about him?

    Liu Kang : Because I am the God of Fire.

    Johnny Cage : Cris, you vixen. Nicely done. Sure. Come right in. Glowing eyes are a nice touch.

    Liu Kang : Kenshi Takahashi. A tragic figure with a noble cause. Your actions this evening do you no credit.

    Kenshi : Who are these people?

    Johnny Cage : You tell me. They're your scene partners.

    Liu Kang : I also know of your struggles, Johnny Cage. I am here to offer you both a path forward.

    Johnny Cage : Dun, dun, duuuun.


    Johnny Cage : C'mon guys. Let's call this. Cris was a doll to set this up, but... As pranks go this one's... eh... a bit obvious.

    Liu Kang : This is no prank. Bi-Han, Kuai Liang. If you please?

    Johnny Cage : All right, all right.


    Johnny Cage : I'll play my part in this martial arts LARP. The missus ought to get what she paid for. *Aahh.*

    [clearing throat] 

    Johnny Cage : Ok. *Ahem* *Ahh... * Hey you- Wait, wait... Hey, you! Get your damn hands off him. I said... Get your hands off...

    Scorpion : Was that necessary, brother?

    Sub-Zero : To put him in his place.

    Johnny Cage : [in disbelief]  That was a Hichuli! One of the kind! All right, I don't care if this a damned prank. You crossed the line!

  • [Custom AI Intros] 

    Kung Lao : I was told that you have a son from another timeline and he is dating Jackson Briggs' daughter?

    Kenshi : From what Geras told me, yes. Takeda and Jacqui are together.

  • Kenshi : You really thought it was a gag, didn't you?

    Johnny Cage : Two ninjas and a fire god showed up at my door.

  • Kenshi : Sorry you had to sell the mansion.

    Johnny Cage : Yeah, divorce is expensive, my friend.

  • Kenshi : C'mon, Johnny. Forty takes is enough.

    Johnny Cage : We don't wrap until it's perfect.

  • Kenshi : Ever fight a blind swordsman?

    Kitana : You aren't the first, Takahashi.

  • Johnny Cage : [in a villainous voice]  Well, if it isn't Special Agent Takahashi of the F.B.I.

    Kenshi : It's not funny anymore, Cage!

  • [Custom AI intros] 

    Kenshi : The most powerful battles are fought not with fists, but with love and guidance.

    Johnny Cage : Well if love is the secret weapon, then I've got plenty of that to give.

  • Shang Tsung : You will tell me how to find Liu Kang.

    Kenshi : Actually, I'll take you to him -- in chains.

  • Shang Tsung : If you'd listened to me, you'd still have your sight.

    Kenshi : What I lost, Sento's given back to me ten times over.

  • [Kriss reacting] 

    Ashrah : Quan Chi is close. The emanations of his evil grow stronger.

    Baraka : That is a powerful weapon.

    Ashrah : And my perfect ally. As I smite the evil it finds, I am further purified.

    Johnny Cage : Now I've down steps, so I'm all for self-help. But since when does a demoness want to be less evil?

    Ashrah : I had spent eternity damned to the Netherrealm. I had assumed that's all there was to existence. But when I saw Earthrealm, saw Outworld. Saw there was a better way to live. And that to have it, I needed to cleanse my soul. My sister demons were furious at my change of heart. Kia and Jataaka were the first to hunt me.

    Reptile : Quan Chi is also a demon?

    Ashrah : Actually, he's an Outworlder. But he mastered the dark magic needed for unfettered travel to my realm.

    [insect buzzing. Reptile's tongue snaps. Crunching sounds] 

    Johnny Cage : Any idea how he buddled up with Shang Tsung?

    Ashrah : They share a common benefactor. She plucked them both from obscurity, taught them everything they know. I've never met her, but there's no question that she is a sorcererss beyond compare.

    [Kriss reacting] 

    Ashrah : Quan Chi is near.

    Quan Chi : I am ready for your contributions. Execellent, Nitara. I need yours as well.

    Havik : Darrius and I have been thinking, sorcerer...

    Quan Chi : Do not try to renegotiate, Havik.

    Havik : We need proof that you'll deliver.

    Sareena : That he's delivered for Nitara's Vaeternians is all the proof you need.

    Nitara : Sareena's right. But of Quan Chi's magic, my realm's people are no longer poisoned by sunlight. We have finally escaped the shadows.

    Quan Chi : Rest assured. The spells you will receive will bring down Orderrealm's government.

    Havik : When will we have them, Quan Chi?

    Quan Chi : After the attack on Earthrealm... which could be called off if the soul stealer's efficacy isn't demonstrated promptly.

    [Quan Chi chanting in the distance] 

    Johnny Cage : Well this plot just got thicker.

    Ashrah : Earthrealm is in grave danger. Just one soul stealer can kill hundreds of thousands. If he unleashes a battery of them...

    Baraka : Millions will die.

    Kung Lao : He must be stopped.

    Ashrah : I will deal with Quan Chi. The four of you subdue the others.

    Johnny Cage : Whoa there, big fella. This stop's where you get off.

    Kenshi : You heard her! Millions could die.

  • [Custom AI Intro Dialogues from Chai Tea] 

    Johnny Cage : My cocktails were great, gotta give some to the other Maserati.

    Tanya : Always got to have the spotlight, huh theater boy?


    Johnny Cage : STOP IT!

    Goro : I prefer Ferraris instead.

    Tanya : Shut your mouth, Goro!

    Sub-Zero (Kuai Lang) : I will freeze your mouth shut, Cage.

    Johnny Cage : If you don't want them, shut yourself Ducati.

    Tanya : I will slash your tires, bitch!

  • [Custom AI Intro Dialogues from Chai Tea] 

    Nitara : How does to feel to be blind, Earthrealmer?

    Kenshi : How does to feel to lack good voice acting?


    Stryker : That was the sickest burn I've ever heard!

    Kenshi : I've got a whole lot more than that.

    Sareena : You have to admit, that was a great comeback.

    Nitara : Fuck you, Sareena!

  • [Custom AI Intro Dialogues from Chai Tea] 

    Johnny Cage : I just made one of my best movies ever!

    Kenshi : And I saw your ex-wife in the theater it was airing at.


    Jax Briggs : Wait a sec, I thought you were blind Kenshi.

    Kenshi : Sento's magic comes in handy.

    Kano : Talk about getting blindsided, mate.

    Johnny Cage : Shut up, Cyclops.

  • Peacemaker : Y'know my usual m.o. is to kill gangsters.

    Kenshi : Good thing I'm not one anymore.

  • Peacemaker : Are you sure about this? I mean, you are a cripple.

    Kenshi : Don't you *ever* call me that again.

  • Peacemaker : What the fuck? I can't fight a blind guy.

    Kenshi : Worried you'll lose?

  • [Custom AI Dialogues from Chhai Tea] 

    Johnny Cage : Wait I think I got it! You guys are biscotti!

    Tanya : Were you dropped on your head as a child?


    Goro : I'm getting quite hungry.

    Tanya : Nobody cares, Goro!

    Sub-Zero (Kuai Lang) : Try some of my delicious ice cream, Tanya.

    Johnny Cage : It's a great frozone treat, Ms. Umthotty

    Tanya : Shut Up!

    Sub-Zero (Kuai Lang) : SHUT UP!

  • [Custom AI Dialogues from Chhai Tea] 

    Sindel : What in the realms does "Rizz" mean?

    Kenshi : Why do you keep asking me what words mean, empress?


    Johnny Cage : Johnny shot his mouth off again, didn't he?

    Kenshi : Every. Single. DAY!

    Motaro : Can't you just...

    Sindel : I need to you now!

  • [Custom AI Dialogues from Chhai Tea] 

    Li Mei : I see why Cage gets on everyone's nerves, Tanya.

    Tanya : The Earthrealmer has the IQ of a 5 years old.


    Goro : I just find it hilarious.

    Tanya : You better not say another word, Goro!

    Sub-Zero (Kuai Lang) : Cage acts like a spoiled child.

    Li Mei : I see that.

  • [Custom AI Intro Dialogues from Chhai Tea] 

    Kitana : [Japanese speaking]  Suchin taught me how to speak Japanese fluently.

    Kenshi : [Japanese speaking]  You never cease to amaze, Kitana?


    Jax Briggs : Are you two speaking Japanese?

    Kenshi : That is my native language after all.

    Sonya Blade : Edenians are full of surprises.

    Kitana : I like to learn languages for fun.

    Sonya Blade : Alright then.

  • [Custom AI Intro Dialogues from Chhai Tea] 

    Kenshi : Something tells me you were a model in another life, princess.

    Kitana : I recall owning a dog named Tommy.


    Jax Briggs : You broke the fourth wall again?

    Kitana : Yes, and I will gladly do it again!

    Darrius : This script seriously makes no sense.

    Kenshi : Neither do you baldy.

  • Ermac : Outworld souls cannot live in an Earthrealm blade.

    Kenshi : They seem to be doing just fine.

  • Ermac : You are one. We are many...

    Kenshi : Wait. Doesn't that go the other way around?

  • Kenshi : I'd rather not repeat our first fight.

    Ermac : Then why are you here?

  • Kenshi : I would rather we remain allies.

    Ermac : First prove worthy of our fellowship.

  • Kenshi : Without you, I wouldn't have unlocked Sento's power.

    Ermac : You are glad We tried taking your life?

  • Kenshi : So many minds. So many voices.

    Ermac : You hear our thoughts?

See also

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