Quý Ông Thế Giới Ngầm (TV Series 2024) Poster

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Sex & Nudity

  • A man's penis is briefly seen from a distance.
  • A man's rear is shown nude laying on his stomach for an extended period of time.
  • No female nudity observed.
  • Many sexual references.
  • Cleavage shown from a few of the women, a few low cut tops.
  • Lots of mention of genitals and sex talk. Quite a bit of cleavage as well.

Violence & Gore

  • Bloody violence and disturbing situations throughout including torture.
  • A man is hacked to death with a machete by a woman who laughs maniacally as she does it. She has blood and guts all over her face from bending over the man to hack him up. It is gruesome and gory.
  • A scene shows two men in a brawl where brutal punches are thrown, a dart is repeatedly stabbed into a man and eventually his head, the same man then gets choked with a cord and then shot in the mouth with blood spray. And finally the same man gets his head blown off by a shotgun.
  • A man is killed by a truck where blood is shown and he also had his finger chopped off (offscreen).
  • A man is blasted with a shot gun. He screams in terror right before he is shot. We see chunky blood on the wall, but we never see the bloody body. Then the character who shot him sings about blowing a man's head off with a gun.
  • A man is beaten offscreen (not heard or pictured) and we see his face drenched in blood and him exhaustedly asking for it to stop.
  • Fight scenes are seen throughout the show at a boxing ring with some realistic brutal punches and kicks leaving blood and injury.
  • We briefly see a severed finger in a drawer. It is a surprise. It's not bloody and not focused on for long.
  • A man's testicle preserved in a glass jar becomes the focus for several minutes. We see the testicle up close. It doesn't look like much, but since we hear what it is, it can certainly make one feel squeamish.
  • Characters are shot in the head at point blank with a pistol, seen from a distance. The wounds look like red welts. There is small blood spray.


  • 14 uses of "cunt", several uses of "fuck", "shit", "bitch", "twat", "whore" and other offensive UK slang throughout SEASON ONE.

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking

  • The series is about a drug empire so drugs is part of every single episode.
  • Weed is smoked by several characters throughout the series.
  • Heavy drug content including marijuana smoked, unnamed pills, and cocaine use throughout.

Frightening & Intense Scenes

  • Although this show is a comedy, there is still disturbing brutal violence and scenes of torture.

See also

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