3 of 4 found this mild
The MegaTen series surely has some mild sexual themes aswell as a handful of "sexual themes" being defined by the ESRB as " References to sex or sexuality " and this is evident by some of the designs of the demons.
Some female demons have suggestive designs, some are even topless (breasts always obscured by hair).
2 of 4 found this severe
While violence is a staple of the Shin Megami Tensei series, and Nocturne certainly isn't innocent, it is not nearly as prominent as one might think.
Some dungeons have blood droplets on the ground and blood stains on the walls.
3 of 4 found this moderate
There's almost no profanity on the main story, but there are uses of "ass, damn and shit" on the demon negotiation lines.
Not much swearing honestly, the game is rated M for other reasons
2 of 3 found this to have none
The character Nyx owns a bar. Some drinks can be seen on the counter.
3 of 4 found this severe
The tone of Nocturne is very dark & gritty, filled with an oppressive atmosphere & demons lurking at every corner.