Biohazard 4 (Video Game 2005) Poster

(2005 Video Game)

Paul Mercier: Leon S. Kennedy, Merchant



  • Leon S. Kennedy : [the villagers who until a second ago were trying to kill him have all just upped and left at the sound of a bell]  Where's everyone going? Bingo?

  • Ashley Graham : So when you take me back to my place, how about we do some 'overtime'?

    Leon S. Kennedy : Uh, sorry.

    Ashley Graham : Somehow I knew you'd say that, but it doesn't hurt to ask you know. So, who was that woman anyway?

    Leon S. Kennedy : Why do you ask?

    Ashley Graham : Come on, tell me!

    Leon S. Kennedy : She's like a part of me I can't let go. Let's leave it at that.

  • Leon S. Kennedy : Used to be a cop myself, only for a day though.

    Luis Sera : I thought I was bad...

    Leon S. Kennedy : Somehow I managed to get myself involved with the incident in Raccoon City, on my first day in the force.

    Luis Sera : That is the incident with the viral outbreak, right? I think I might have seen a sample of the virus in the lab at my department.

  • Ramon Salazar : I've sent my right hand to dispose of you.

    Leon S. Kennedy : Your right hand comes off?

  • Luis Sera : [slams the door open and looks at Leon]  Leon! I got it!

    [a parasite digs in his back and Luis drops the sample as his wounds became fatal, the parasite slams Luis' body to the floor] 

    Osmund Saddler : [gets the Sample that Luis drops]  Now that I have the sample you serve me no purpose!

    [Leon became angry] 

    Leon S. Kennedy : Saddler!

    Osmund Saddler : My boy Salazar will make sure you follow the same fate.

    [Saddler left the scene] 

    Leon S. Kennedy : Stay with me Luis!

    Luis Sera : [to Leon, while he's on the floor bleeding heavily]  I am a researcher, hired by Saddler. He found out what I was up to... he he... ugh.

    Leon S. Kennedy : Don't talk...

    Luis Sera : [takes Leon's arm off his wound]  Here... it should suppress growth of the parasite. The sample Saddler took it... you have to get it back...

    [Luis dies from his wounds] 

    Leon S. Kennedy : Luis! LUIIIISSSS!

  • Ashley Graham : [after saving Leon from the parasite]  So... How do you feel?

    Leon S. Kennedy : [Gasping for Air]  Like a Million Bucks

  • [Leon managed to save himself from falling into the pit trap leading to impalement by throwing his grappling hook at the wall] 

    Ramon Salazar : [listening to the macrophone]  Hmm... Where's the satisfying sound of one's impalement?

    Leon S. Kennedy : [holding the grappling hook's rope and aiming his handgun]  Won't fall for this old trick.

    [Leon shoots at the bell] 

    Ramon Salazar : [heard the bell ring loudly in his ears]  Ehh! How dare you! No more games!

    [to his subordinates] 

    Ramon Salazar : Kill him! KILL!

  • [Leon receives a final radio transmission from Hunnigan] 

    Leon S. Kennedy : Hunnigan is that you?

    Ingrid Hunnigan : Finally... The line's jack free.

    Leon S. Kennedy : [noticed Hunnigan not wearing glasses]  Hey Hunnigan, no glasses...

    Ingrid Hunnigan : Forget the glasses. What's the status of the mission?

    Leon S. Kennedy : I've rescued the subject. We're returning home.

    Ingrid Hunnigan : You did it Leon!

    Leon S. Kennedy : Thanks. You know you're kinda cute without those glasses. Gimme your number when I get back?

    Ingrid Hunnigan : [a little jealous]  May I remind you that you're still on duty.

    Leon S. Kennedy : [sighs]  Story of my life...

  • Leon S. Kennedy : [showing the villager a photo of Ashley]  I was wondering if you might recognize the girl in this photograph?

    Villager : ¿Qué carajo estás haciendo aquí? ¡Lárgate, cabrón!

    Leon S. Kennedy : Sorry to have bothered you.

  • Ada Wong : Put your hands where I can see them.

    Leon S. Kennedy : Sorry, but following a ladies lead just isn't my style.

  • Ashley Graham : [looking into a garbage chute]  It stinks!

    Leon S. Kennedy : Sure does.

    [looks at Ashley and smiles] 

    Ashley Graham : Uh-uh! No Way, Leon!

    Leon S. Kennedy : Way!

    [grabs her and both jump down] 

  • Passenger Policia : Yo, who are you, really? Come on and tell us. You are a long way from home cowboy, you have my sympathies.

    Leon S. Kennedy : Guess that's a locals way of breaking the ice. Anyway, you know what this is all about, my assignment is to search for the president's missing daughter.

    Passenger Policia : What? All by yourself?

    Leon S. Kennedy : I'm sure you boys didn't just tag along so we could sing Kumbiya together at some boyscout bonfire, then again, maybe you did.

    Passenger Policia : Ha! Oh you crazy American, it's a direct order from the chief himself, I tell you it's no picnic.

  • Osmund Saddler : [Saddler tries to control Leon by the controlling the plagas inside of him, but it doesn't work]  Hmm?

    Leon S. Kennedy : [points his knife at Saddler]  Better try a new trick, cause that one's getting old.

    [cuts Ada Wong down from where she was being held] 

    Leon S. Kennedy : You okay?

    Ada Wong : I've been better.

    Osmund Saddler : Hm, hm, hm, hm, hm, hm.

    Leon S. Kennedy : [puzzled]  What's so funny?

    Osmund Saddler : Oh, I think you know. The "American prevailing" is a cliche that only happens in your Hollywood movies. Oh Mr. Kennedy, you entertain me. To show my appreciation, I will help you awaken from your world of clichés.

    [Saddler turns into a giant spider-like creature] 

    Leon S. Kennedy : Ada, stand back.

    [he and Saddler start fighting] 

  • Ramon Salazar : I was starting to wonder when you might notice us us...

    Leon S. Kennedy : Who're you?

    Ramon Salazar : Me llamo Ramon Salazar, the eighth castilian of this magnificent architecture. I have been honored with the prodigious power, from the great Lord Saddler. I've been expecting you my brethrens.

    Leon S. Kennedy : No thanks, bro.

    Ramon Salazar : My, my, we've got a feisty one. If you care for your own well being, I suggest you surrender yourself and simply... become our hostage. Or Mr.Scott, you can give us the girl, because you're not worth a penny I am afraid. You can Die.

    [He Leaves] 

    Ashley Graham : [Looks at Leon]  I'm never turning into one of them! Never!

    Leon S. Kennedy : You got that right, we'll find a cure.

  • [Leon and Ashley boards the jet ski] 

    Leon S. Kennedy : Hang on, sweetheart!

    [Leon begins escaping the collapsing island by driving the jet ski out of the tunnel] 

  • Osmund Saddler : Ah! I have an idea! Since you're here, why don't I introduce you to 'It'? 'It' should keep you busy.

    Leon S. Kennedy : Can't remember the name huh? A senior moment perhaps?

  • Leon S. Kennedy : [Every time Ashley dies]  OH Nooo!

  • Jack Krauser : What is it that you fight for, comrade?

    Leon S. Kennedy : My past I suppose.

    Jack Krauser : I see you've honed your skills.

  • Leon S. Kennedy : [after Leon arrives on Saddler's island, Saddler calls him]  I hate to break it out to you, but Salazar's dead.

    Osmund Saddler : Yes, it seems that way.

    Leon S. Kennedy : Saddler why don't you give up and let Ashley go home?

    Osmund Saddler : Perhaps you are disillusioned with overconfidence, just because you killed my small-time subordinate?

    Leon S. Kennedy : Saddler, you're small time.

    Osmund Saddler : [laughs]  Writhe in my cage of torment, my friend.

  • [Leon takes the elevator down to the first floor and approaches Ashley as the island is set to blow up from Ada's detonator] 

    Ashley Graham : Leon!

    Leon S. Kennedy : We have to get off this island now! It's gonna blow any minute.

    Ashley Graham : [wrist grabbed by Leon]  It's gonna what?

    [Leon who grabs Ashley's wrist rushes into the cave that leads to the ski jet] 

  • Ramon Salazar : [as Salazar has Ashley in his grip, he is on the phone with Leon]  I wonder if you can see me, Mr. Kennedy?

    Leon S. Kennedy : [angry]  If you even scratch her, I'll break your bones.

    Ramon Salazar : First we shall see if you can make it this far. I'll be waiting.

  • Leon S. Kennedy : [after witnessing his rescue helicopter get shot down]  Miiiiiike!

  • Ashley Graham : [the pair have just leapt down a garbage chute, much to Ashley's consternation]  Are you out of your mind?

    Leon S. Kennedy : I knew you'd be fine if you landed on your butt.

  • Leon S. Kennedy : [after unconsciously strangling Ada]  ... Sorry.

  • [Bitores Mendez throws Leon and then Leon kicks one of the gasoline barrel, making it leak gasoline towards Mendez as Leon aims his handgun at the gasoline puddle] 

    Leon S. Kennedy : Hasta luego.

    [Leon fires his handgun at the gasoline puddle and explodes towards Mendez] 

  • Leon S. Kennedy : Sadler, you bastard!

  • Leon S. Kennedy : [Leon asks Luis why he is willing to help them]  Why're you-?

    Luis Sera : It... makes me feel better. Let's just leave it at that.

  • Jack Krauser : All for Umbrella's sake...

    Leon S. Kennedy : Umbrella?

    Jack Krauser : Almost let it slip... Die, comrade!

  • [Saddler tries to control Leon's body which Saddler is unaware that the parasite is no longer in Leon's body] 

    Leon S. Kennedy : [pulls out his dagger]  Better try a new trick 'cause that one's getting old!

  • [repeated line] 

    Leon S. Kennedy : Shit!

  • Leon S. Kennedy : Don't worry Ashley! I'm coming for ya'!

  • Leon S. Kennedy : Rain or shine, you're going down!

  • Ada Wong : [waiting in motor boat]  Need a ride hansome?

    Leon S. Kennedy : Okay.

  • Leon S. Kennedy : [after Ada grables up and motor boat goes out of control briefly]  Women!

  • Ramon Salazar : What a pleasant surprise. But I'm afraid it's Ashley we need, not you, Mr. Kennedy.

    Leon S. Kennedy : If you don't need me, then get off my back, old man!

    Ramon Salazar : [mock gasps]  Did you say "old man", Mr. Kennedy? It might come as a surprise, but I'm only twenty years old.

  • Leon S. Kennedy : So you're just like all the others, a puppet of the Parasites?

    Ramon Salazar : Surely you don't think I'm the same as those diminutive Ganados? The Parasites, Las Plagas are slaves to my will, I have absolute control.

    Leon S. Kennedy : Well, I really don't give a damn; rain or shine, you're going down.

  • Ramon Salazar : I let our miserable insects out for some exercise down in the sewer.

    Leon S. Kennedy : Thanks. That should keep my company. Cuz boredom kills me.

  • Luis Sera : Okay, I have only one, very important question: You got a smoke?

    Leon S. Kennedy : Got gum.

  • Leon S. Kennedy : Ashley, go hide!

  • Leon S. Kennedy : [to Osmund Saddler]  What did you do to her?

  • Leon S. Kennedy : I came here looking for this girl. You seen her?

    Luis Sera : What, you supposed to be a cop or something? Nah, you don't look the type.

    Leon S. Kennedy : Maybe.

    Luis Sera : Okay... Let me guess. She's the President's daughter?

    Leon S. Kennedy : That's too good for a guess. Wanna start explaining?

    Luis Sera : Psychic powers... Nah, just kidding with you, amigo.

See also

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