Tiếng Thét 2 (1997) Poster

Courteney Cox: Gale Weathers



  • Dewey : When did she start smoking?

    Randy : Ever since those nude pictures on the internet.

    Gale : It was just my head, it was Jennifer Aniston's body!

  • Gale : Hey, you'd better check your conscience at the door sweetie. I'm not here to be loved.

  • Joel : Look, granted, I should've read your book before I took this job, but I'm reading it now and, whoa! I just read what happened to your last camera man. The guy got gutted. Now I'm gonna do what any rational human being would do and that is to get the fuck outta here.

    Gale : First of all, he wasn't gutted; I made that part up... his throat was slashed.

    Joel : Gale, gutted, slashed, the guy ain't in the union no more.

  • [Sidney, Gale and Cotton look at the body of Mrs. Loomis, after being shot down by Cotton] 

    Gale : Is she dead?

    Sidney Prescott : I don't know. They always come back.

    [as if to confirm what Sidney just said, Mickey leaps to his feet screaming, despite his injuries. Gale and Sidney turn to him and spray him with bullets. Mickey is knocked backwards and collapses, dead] 

    Cotton : Woah!

    [Sidney approaches the body of Mrs. Loomis and shoots at her forehead. The body twitches a bit, then is still again. Gale and Cotton stare at Sidney, shocked] 

    Sidney Prescott : [shrugs]  Just in case.

    [Sidney drop the gun and walks away] 

  • Gale : I feel bad Dewey, I feel really bad! I never say that cause I never feel bad about anything, but I feel bad now.

    Dewey : Is this just another brilliant Gale Weathers performance?

    Gale : There are no cameras here. I just wanna find this fucker! I really do.

  • Sidney Prescott : [referring to who the killer is]  Mrs. Loomis?

    Gale : [shocked]  What?

    Mickey : BILLY'S MOTHER!

    [Gale turns around and sees Mickey] 

    Mickey : Nice twist huh? Didn't see it coming, did you?


    Gale : [still shocked]  Jesus. It can't be, I've seen pictures of you.

    Sidney Prescott : Yeah this is 60 pounds and a lot of work later.

    Debbie : [takes off her trench coat]  It's called a makeover. You should try it. Look a little tired yourself there, Gale!

  • Debbie : Please Miss Weathers, it would just be such an honor if I could get a quote from you for my story.

    Gale : All right. Begin quote.

    Debbie : Great.

    Gale : Your flattering remarks are both desperate and obvious. End quote!

  • Gale : Look, local woman! I know you hold me up as your career template and that it gives you some sort of charge to challenge me, but give it a rest.

  • Gale : It's happening again, isn't it?

    Dewey : You'd love that, wouldn't you? Better hurry Gale, might get scooped.

  • Gale : So what do you want to do, bonehead? Just sit around and wait to see who drops next?

    Dewey : I don't know.

    [Gale's phone rings] 

    Dewey : Phonehead!

  • Gale : So I am heading down to Admissions to do some legwork, you game?

    Dewey : I'm not here to write a book Miss Weathers, I'm here to help Syd.

    Gale : I wanna help her too, and help myself, of course. Come on Dewey, smile for me once, please!

    Dewey : I'll smile when I catch the killer.

  • Dewey : When did she started smoking?

    Randy : Ever since those nude pictures on the internet.

    Gale : It was just my head, it was Jennifer Aniston's body!

  • Sidney Prescott : [Entering the theater auditorium as "Cassandra's Theme" plays on speakers]  Hello! Gus! Hello! Hello!

    Sidney Prescott : [the music is cut off, the spotlight hits Sidney]  Hello!

    Sidney Prescott : [as the back walls are dropped down to the stage and Derek is dropped down to the stage, tied up]  Oh, God.

    [Removing the tape from Derek's mouth] 

    Sidney Prescott : Derek

    [No response] 

    Sidney Prescott : Derek!

    [She slaps him to wake him up] 

    Sidney Prescott : Oh, God.

    Derek : [Waking up, as Sidney tries to untie him]  Thank you. Thank God, Sid. I thought I was gonna be up there till opening night.

    Sidney Prescott : Shit! Who tied these? God, we've gotta get out outta here.

    Derek : Brothers got me, Sid.

    Sidney Prescott : Derek, he's out there. He killed Hallie.

    Derek : What are you talking about?

    Sidney Prescott : The killer! He's here!

    Derek : Where?

    Ghostface : [Walking up to the stage]  Right here. You're fast, Sid.

    Derek : [to Sidney]  Get me down, now.

    Ghostface : [as Sidney continues to try and untie Derek]  I wouldn't do that if I were you. You really wanna trust your boyfriend.

    Mickey : [Taking off the voice changer]  Don't you know history repeats itself? Hmm, Sid

    Sidney Prescott : [Sidney turns around as the killer reveals himself to be Mickey]  Mickey.

    Mickey : [Using the voice changer]  Surprise, Sidney.

    Derek : What the fuck?

    Mickey : Since Derek here disappeared on my ass, I've been on my own all fucking night. Thanks a lot, partner.

    Derek : You, motherfucker! Sid, he's crazy! You know me better than that!

    Mickey : Come on, Sid. I've got to have a partner. I couldn't have possibly done this alone.

    Sidney Prescott : [Shocked]  God. Derek.

    Derek : Sid. Oh, Sid. Sid. No, no, no, no.

    Mickey : It's okay, Derek. We got her.

    Derek : Sid, he's lying! Sid! Sid! Untie me! Untie me.

    Mickey : Boyfriend. Killer. Boyfriend. Killer.

    Derek : Sid, the man is lying! Sid, untie me. Sid, untie me.

    Mickey : What do you think, Derek? Sidney experiencing some déjà vu?

    Derek : No. No. I am gonna fucking kill you! Fucking kill you! You are dead! Dead!

    [Mickey shoots him] 

    Sidney Prescott : [Crying]  I'm sorry.

    Derek : I never... would've... hurt you. Never.

    [He dies] 

    Mickey : You should really deal with your trust issues, Sid. I mean, poor Derek. He's completely innocent. He's such a nice boy, too. He's bright and funny and handsome. Decent singing voice and he was going to be a doctor. This was just the kind of boy you'd like to take home to Mom if you had a Mom.

    Sidney Prescott : Fuck you!

    Mickey : Oh! So vulgar! Did Billy let you talk to him this way?

    Gale : Billy was a sick fuck just like you!

    Mickey : No. Billy was a sick fuck, who tried to get away with it. Mickey is a sick fuck, who wants to get caught! Yeah! See, I got my whole defense planned out. I'm gonna blame the movies. It's pretty cool, huh? It hasn't been done before. You see, this is just the beginning, a prelude to the trial. That's where the real fun is because, these days, it's all about the trial. Can't you see it? The effects of cinema violence on society. I'll get Dershowitz or Cochran to represent me. Bob Dole on the witness stand in my defense. Hell, a Christian coalition will pay my legal fees.

    [Sidney tries to run away, but Mickey stops her] 

    Mickey : It's air tight, Sid. I'm an innocent victim.

    Sidney Prescott : [Whispering]  You're a psychotic.

    Mickey : Yeah, well...


    Mickey : That'll be our little secret. Because people love a good trial. It's like theater, they're dying it and I've worked hard to give the audience what they want. See, that's what Billy was good at. He knew. It's all about execution.

    Sidney Prescott : Yeah? Well, you're forgetting one thing about Billy Loomis.

    Mickey : What's that?

    Sidney Prescott : I fucking killed him.

    [She slaps her chain across his face] 

    Sidney Prescott : You piece of shit!

  • Mickey : [Holding Sidney at gunpoint after their fight]  Sid, you got a Linda Hamilton thing going. No, no. It's nice. I like it.

    Mickey : [as Derek's dead body is brought up above the stage]  Now, who's doing that? Could that be a mystery guest waiting in the wing? Told you I had a partner, Sid. Surprise cameo just for you.

    Sidney Prescott : [as Gale comes out from backstage]  Gale.

    Sidney Prescott : [as gale shakes her head, No, Debbie Salt comes out after Gale, holding Gale at gunpoint, revealing herself as Mrs. Nancy Loomis, the 2nd killer]  Mrs. Loomis!

    Gale : What?

    Mickey : Billy's Mother! Nice twist, huh? Didn't see it coming, did ya?

    Gale : Jesus. It can't be. I've, I've, I've seen pictures of you.

    Sidney Prescott : So, this is 60 pounds and a lot of work later.

    Debbie : It's called a makeover. You should try it. Looking a little tired yourself there, Gale.

    Gale : So, you two are in on this together?

    Mickey : Yeah, well, had to have financing. Tuition's expensive. And Deb there, my backer. We met on the internet, psycho website, classifieds.

    Debbie : There's only an estimated 97 active serial killers in the country today and Mickey here was quite a find. Definitely one the way up. All he needed was a little guidance and nurturing.

    Sidney Prescott : It was only a Mother can do.

    Mickey : Told you it was gonna work. Wait till the trial! It is gonna rock!

    Debbie : Oh, Mickey. There's not going to be a trial.

    [She shoots Mickey twice] 

    Gale : [Mickey shoots Gale in the ribs before he falls]  Gale!

    Debbie : [Gale falls below the stage, as Mickey falls, as well]  To birds, one stone. Mickey was a good boy, but, my God, that old blame the movies motive. Did you buy that for one second? Poor boy was completely out of his mind.

    Sidney Prescott : And you're not?

    Debbie : No. I'm very sane. My motive isn't as 90's as Mickey's. Mine is just good old fashioned revenge. You killed my son! And now I kill you and I can't think of anything more rational.

    Sidney Prescott : You're never gonna get away with this.

    Debbie : Oh, of course, I will. Everything's traceable back to Mickey, including the cop gun he used to kill everybody. But let's just say that you had gotten hold of the other cop's gun and chased Mickey and there was a big shoot-out and a big scuffle and you shot Mickey. Killed Mickey dead. But not before he got off one shot at you. Okay. So, have I covered everything? Are there any questions? Any comments? You know what, though? Who gives a flying fuck, anyway? Let them try and track down the second possible killer. Debbie Salt doesn't exist.

    Sidney Prescott : You're as crazy as your son was.

    Debbie : [Angry]  What did you just say? Was that a negative, disparaging remark about my son? About my Billy?

    Sidney Prescott : No, Billy was a good boy. Billy was perfect. You did a bang-up job, Mrs. Loomis.

    Debbie : Not wise to patronize a woman with a gun, Sidney. Randy spoke poorly of Billy and I got a little knife happy.


    Debbie : I was a good Mother.


    Debbie : You know what makes me sick? I am sick to death of people saying that it's all the parents' fault, that it all starts with the family. Wanna blame someone? Why don't you blame your Mother? She was the one who stole my husband and broke up my family and then you took my son. You don't know what it is to be a Mother, to raise a child and teach him and guide him...

    Sidney Prescott : --And abandon him? Isn't Mickey supposed to be dead?

    [She turns around as Sidney smashes a glass over her head] 

    Cotton : [Sidney runs backstage and locks herself in; She uses an axe to cause all the stage effects to land on Mrs. Loomis, finally using large bricks to crash down on to Mrs. Loomis; Sidney runs back out to the stage, where Mrs. Loomis tries attacking her with knife, but is stopped by Cotton, firing a gun]  Don't you fucking move!

    [Mrs. Loomis pulls Sidney to her feet and holds the knife to her throat] 

    Cotton : Goddamn it!

    Sidney Prescott : Hey, Cotton.

    Cotton : Okay. Okay. Everybody calm down now. I've had a very, very bad day and I'd like to know exactly what the fuck is going here! Sidney?

    Sidney Prescott : Cotton, meet Billy Loomis's Mother. She's the killer.

    Cotton : What?

    [He backs up and hits Mickey's body] 

    Cotton : Then who's that?

    Sidney Prescott : The other killer: Mickey.

    [Cotton chuckles] 

    Sidney Prescott : Look, Cotton...

    Cotton : --Shut up.

    [to Mrs. Loomis] 

    Cotton : Hi. You're not Debbie Salt, are you? You're not with the Post Telegraph.

    Debbie : No, but I can still help you, Cotton.

    Cotton : Ah ah ah ah!

    Debbie : You don't need her. Let me kill her. As long as she's alive, you'll never be the lead story, if that's what you want, Cotton. If you really want this moment in the spotlight, just let me kill her. Then, you're the only survivor, you're the star!

    [Cotton hesitates] 

    Debbie : She sent you to prison for a year! Personally, I think it's a little poetic!

    Sidney Prescott : [Cotton considers it]  No. No, Cotton! Don't you listen to her!

    Cotton : Whoa! Whoa! What a predicament you're in, Sid.

    Sidney Prescott : Cotton.

    Cotton : I mean she makes a good point. Let me think about this. Maybe you should, too. I'll bet you that Diane Sawyer interview is looking real good about now.

    [Sidney thinks on it] 

    Cotton : Hmm?

  • Debbie : How you holding up, Gale? It must be scary knowing somebody's out there waiting and watching, enjoying all this. How does that make you...

    Gale : Look, local woman! I know that you hold me up as your career template, and it gives you some sort of charge to challenge me, but give it a rest!

    Debbie : You're right, I'm sorry. It's my- it was the wrong time. I'm sorry.

See also

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