Tribes of Europa (TV Series 2021) Poster

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Starts clichéd but ends with a bang and wanting more.
scrcssocialmedia20 February 2021
A blend of the 100, revolution, the cinematography from children of men and a sense that mad max could be happening in Australia and it wouldn't be out of place in the world that has been created.

Solid first season I would have preferred an extra 2 episodes, it did not feel rushed or like anything was cut out. Just enjoyed the series enough that it left me wanting more.

The first three episodes are very predictable and each character fit mould, the second three episodes more than compensate for this short coming.

Near infinite possibilities for season 2, very hopeful this one gets renewed to finish the story.
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Starts weakly but really improves episode by episode
tonytangney13 June 2021
This really is a show aimed at the teen/young adult demographic so allowances should be made by the oldies. In fact, there is hardly anyone over 30 in it. It's only 6 episodes long and doesn't really get into its stride until episode 2 so be patient with the first episode which is the weakest. It certainly grows on you after you accept the general premise and ignore that the world will not look like this after a collapse. Mad Max ish with fashion (Check out the shoes), suitable but not gratuitous violence, and the subtle depiction of sex that Hollywood could learn a lesson from. The mix of German and English really works. The writers took their time with the triple strand narrative. Moses and the young lad being the most interesting. Wokism is present but not in your face so that's a plus. This will go from strength to strength.
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Not for the kids.
MrNeurosis23 February 2021
I don't know why some people are calling it a kids show. It's full of blood, nudity and violence. Not something you will show your kids.

First three episodes are little slow. But last two episodes really kick things up several notch. The final episode is the best one no doubt so if you stick by it the final pay off is worth it. It's from the same guys who brought us "Dark" so even when it's average its still better than most science fiction shows i have seen this year.
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Cringeworthy at first but it grew on me.
fheinzelmann20 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The first episodes are cringeworthy (ein wenig zum Fremdschaemen) and full of stereotypes where I though wow what a trash....the Crows a tribe from Berlin...reminded me of the Nihilists from "Big Lebowski" but being a totally serious non ironical version. However, if you can accept that it is a bit trashy, you are out for easy entertainment, the story around the 3 young protagonists becomes interesting enough to care and at least I want to know more. Especially, the relation and dialogues between Elija the youngest of the siblings and the scoundrel character Moses have some funny, quirky moments and are enjoyable.
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Better Than Expected
chrisbrooks-1925920 February 2021
Some if the reviews here are way too low. I guess people don't really know what a movie that is a 1 or a 2 actually is and watch a half of an episode then write a review.

It is an excellent post apocalyptic series with a good storyline. The only real knock I would give it is that many times the background music is to loud for me to hear what the actors are saying. That made me knock it down from an 8 to a 7 to be honest. Otherwise a good SyFy show for sure. If this is your genre then don't miss this well made series.

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Germany with their 6 episodes
djkaine21 February 2021
Germany needs to get with it and make shows that are more than 6 episodes, that's my only gripe... Great show and Netflix better not hose this after one season, that's getting super old, shows should get two seasons no matter what just in case they have to end the story if it gets cancelled. It's like 6 out of 10 shows never have a chance and then stupid shows get 4 seasons, like that God awful Sabrina show.
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Slow to start but 8/10 from episode 3
hanaahbraan24 February 2021
After a sloppy, boring, seen-it-all-before first two episodes, this show really gets into its groove from the third episode, so stick with it. The story develops, as do the interpersonal relationships between characters which are thoughtful and well acted. There are lots of familiar themes that come out, but all very enjoyable and well produced. Can't wait for season 2!
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Not bad, not great
Mladenex19 February 2021
I have watched 3ep till now... Nothing special. Not to bad, just good and watchable. Recommendations from 1-10 = 6
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Didn't expect it to be this much fun
the_real_smile11 April 2021
Sort of The 100 meets SEE, this series has bits and pieces of everything, but in a good manner. It has action, adventure, nice settings, unlimited supply of fuel and bullets, but it all comes together very nice. Only problem is, why did they only make 6 episodes? Where has the time gone that series aired with at least 21 episodes?
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Just Middle-Class
MiauzGenau23 February 2021
Tribes of Europa is caught somewhere between trying to build up a dark and brutal atmosphere, but at the same time it uses anime clichés and a plot that could be the story of a "Star Gate Two Episodes Special". The acting is mediocre, even when it is seen in German (I'm German.), so some scenes feel a bit off and awkward. But often the problem is actually the bad script and hollow scenery. Most of the protagonists' actions seem exaggerated, and they try to tell a story too fast, introduce a setting too fast, and provide the information about the world too soon. In addition, there are a lot of logic problems in the plot and the world setting. However, prople who like the "end time setting" (is there such a word?) might enjoy a few hours getting light (and shallow) entertainment. That being said, it's definitely not the next Dark.
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Meine damen und meine herren who wrote that utter scheiße?
that_random_guy21 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This thing was written by a seven years old sci-fi fan or an algorithm; it's just a bunch of overplayed clichés put together randomly. There's nothing original up to 3rd episode. Then, there are incredibly violent scenes on top of an utterly childish plot, including castration and beheadings. Something that could be expected when an actual adult would be tasked with spicing up a story written by the kid to turn it into "entertainment" somewhat palatable for grownups.

Most of the fun comes from counting plotholes, goofs, anachronisms, and outright stupidity of the writers.

Remember that the story happens DECADES after reverting to the pre-industrial era. It's clearly stated in the exposition at the beginning that sometime in the mid-2020s, civilization as we know it ceased to exist within a short period and never came back.

Clothing. Almost all characters wear 100% factory-made, slightly worn-out clothing and shoes in all sizes, styles, and colors. Everybody is rocking forty-ish-year-old clothes and footwear, like Walmart, just closed its door for business a few weeks ago.

Electricity. There are batteries for flashlights. There's enough electricity to run fancy neon lights inside the buildings. In fact, there are so many lights everywhere; it looks like the current grows on trees or something.

Gas. There are still cars in use, and they run on gasoline. It's a common misconception in the post-apocalyptic genre. The gas you buy at a gas station has a concise shelf life of about six months at most. Military uses enriched fuel, and it can last up to two, maybe three years top if stored properly. A few years after the last refinery goes down, there won't be any viable fuel left. Somebody could probably drill oil and refine it to the point it would work in a gravity-fed carburetor. Still, I doubt it would allow driving a modern military vehicle that makes 10 miles on a gallon and requires high-quality fuel that won't clog injectors.

Societal structure. For some reason, in this tribal society of constant warfare, everybody still treats women on equal footing. Females and teenagers are valuable assets in war parties; they successfully fight brutal, hand-to-hand combat with enemies twice their size.

Lastly, one of the protagonists got stabbed and fell on her back from the cliff 12 feet down into a stone creek bed. She just laid down there unconscious, wet and cold until the following day, then she just woke up, took a deep breath, and walked away.

That should do, I believe. Now, go do something useful.
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Really like it.
january11pv520 February 2021
I'm up to episode 3 and I'm enjoying it. The acting is not bad at all - not sure why other reviews say so. I just switched to original German and English sub. I don't mind the occasional German to English switch, I actually like it. The storyline so far is good. I thought this would be another cliche boring TV shows but the story got me in. I hope the remaining episodes will be good but so far I'd say it's worth watching if you are into post apocalyptic genre
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Ton of Potential
bbevis-4795426 February 2021
  • Good performances with the exception of David Ali Rashed as Elja.
  • Balance of tone throughout.
  • World building is excellent. Especially when following Kiano's storyline.
  • Dark and weird. Some bloody action.
  • Moses
  • Sets itself up for an excellent second season.
  • The fast pacing of the show means you may never be bored but it hurts some things as well.

  • Frustratingly short. Six episodes was too little and I was left wanting more. I wish it didn't feel so rushed at times.
  • Limited character development for a lot of the side characters because of it's length.
  • Predictable. It's easy to guess where things are going once the stories macguffin is introduced. Kianos storyline however is always interesting and has the only moment in the story that caught me off guard.
  • Elja. The performance is boring and so is the characters plight.

Overall: Tribes of Europa was entertaining and I was left wanting more. The world-building is excellent and a few of the performances are great. If you think you may be interested in the show after watching the trailer Tribes of Europa will provide a few hours of solid entertainment. I can only hope that next season takes a few more risks and has more time to spend with the characters. A very solid 7/10.
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I have a dream that one day humans will once again recognize trash when they see it
russellk-6175821 February 2021
The product of recent film school grads that have no realistic conception of physics, economics, human nature, or general natural phenomenon.

How can a society be living in harmony with nature isolated off in the forests, yet clearly show the trappings of modern industrial society everywhere? You know how difficult modern clothing, zippers, and crossbows are to make? How about gas fed lanterns and dwellings made of advanced composites? The supply chains for this stuff requires industrial society. And just to completely destroy any realism, let's have them dance in ritualistic celebration to studio produced auto tuned musical trash.

Perfect representation of modern society claiming the mantel of altruistic environmental socialism while everybody is video blogging on their iPhones in a Tesla.

Delusional shallow uninteresting disingenuous hypocrisy is the foundation of modern culture and this show lives up to the worst of it.

You know what apocalypse isn't? It's not sexy and fun. Risk gets you killed. Behaviors adapt to harsh realities. Whereas the characters in this show have the survival sense of teenagers that grew up with daily hot showers, climate control, and a full fridge.
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Worth the time
sir_paulsen20 February 2021
It's entertaining. It's a story in the making. Nothing revolutionary about it, but it works. I binged all 6 episodes. It was fun and exciting. Thumbs up for keeping it real with some headchopping and hard action.

I am ready for a new season, Now. !
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After first sesons. Hope it will be next
misko-mozolik20 February 2021
This 6, relatively short episodes, brings only interesting introduction to original world with lot of potential to season 2. Acting is solid. (some actors are great, some are not) Effects are more then good. Good gradation of the plot (it has only 240 min +-) ... and cos of shorter screen time, characters development is faster. As a guys write, that it is children's show, its not. Characters are acting according to age.

If you have problem with DE/EN switch, its not for you.
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German here
thempk24 February 2021
We're not known for a lot of good actors, series or at the very least, movies. Netflix Series DARK is one of the first German series in a long time I've seen and can say: job well done. More of that, please!

Tribes of Europe picked my interest. If you're from the US, it would not work if you're not slightly knowledgeable about the history and structure of our beautiful continent. Where you come from, by the way.

If you are European, imagine what could happen in a post apocalyptic scenario where we have a total blackout, permanently. And then fast forward a few decades. 50 or so.

We had tribes before. It took thousands of years to form what we have now and it's still always a bit fragile. This series takes onto what happens if it breaks apart. Imagines how different countries and tribes might survive. Act. Move. Teach. Survive.

Think The 100, just in the opposite direction instead of leaving a planet behind.

First episode and I like it so far. Acting is good. Scenes, including the combat, good. Gritty, too.

Give it a chance and stop rating series after a few minutes.
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so many fake positive reviews by people whose only activity on IMDB is giving this junk an 8 to 10 star
random-7077819 February 2021
Lol, the marketing company must have been desperate. There are a lot of glowing reviews, almost all by people whose only activity is giving this junk a eight to ten. Sort by prolific reviewer (people who have reviewed more than one show on IMDB) and you see this series has abysmal ratings from legit reviewers.

Now onto the review. I agree with the critics in Germany who re mocking and panning this show, and the reviewers here in a verdict of this series as mind numbingly awful.

This is the golden age of television and this German TV offering is proving to be in the stone age. Even the angst, which Germans generally do well, is so melodramatic as to be unbearable in "Tribes." Skip this cringeworthy offering.
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I don't understand negative reviews
halithanakbulut20 February 2021
I have read nearly all of the negative reviews, and reasons of people whose didn't like this show are nosense, this is a great show.
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English Speakers Please Watch in Original German!
tvdefrancesco3 March 2021
I only speak English and some Spanish. I've watched this show twice all the way through. The 2nd time in it's original German form. Half of the show is in English already so when it's dubbed English in the Netflix version they are dubbing English scenes with English voice over actors. It doesn't make sense.

Go to the Netflix subtitles section and switch the audio to German 5.1 (Original). Subtitles English. I can't stress this enough. Half of the show is already in English. It flows so much better this way.
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Not again?!
jamessmithurst20 February 2021
This thing kept on popping up on Netflix. Because Netflix doesn't show high quality new movies, I was bored enough to give it a go. Boy, oh boy. Bad post-apocalyptic story, bad script, bad acting, bad props, bad fight scenes and the whole feel of it...well...alone the Kapitan in fur, dudes in make-up, civilization goes to hell and pretty much everyone is a murderer or out for themselves. This coupled with really bad English. Why the hell, if this all evolves in a small area in Germany, does everyone assume every one speaks English first? If I got a knife stuck in my guts, I wouldn't get up and fight after a bit of compression on the bleeding wound. How unrealistic. Unless everyone is a moron in this show, and they probably are, you wouldn't ball every time someone holds a knife against your throat. Anyway, boring, boring and more boring. Boring, more boring the boringest? And the music...boy, what can I say? Nonsense. Really, is this all German entertainment can offer?
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Got better and better with Each Episode
johnaskew24 April 2022
Bit slow at first but definitely got better by the episode, The characters started to establish themselves too which made it even more interesting.

I hope there is a season 2 or 3 at least in the pipeline.
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Violent version of The100
Johannes-Siemers19 February 2021
The production quality is very good. They invested a decent amount of money.

I wouldn't call it dark, but there is a lot of violence and death. It seems like a The100 with a little less teen drama and more beheadings.

The acting is okay. Here and there a little over the top. The story is very mysterious.

They made a few questionable decisions. Like what kind of technology the Origines really reject and that wasn't music at all that would be played by a tribe of technology haters ...

Six episodes for a bit of escapism ...
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Netflix bs bingo deluxe - nice for a drinking game though
atouchoftragedy20 February 2021
Just another dystopian show with teenaged heroes, let's take some of "The Tribe", another bit from "The 100", a landscape of "I am Legend". Also let's throw in some Sci-Fi elements, a bit of teen romance, diversity of course. And black eyeliner. We need more eyeliner! Since we already have a million US versions of this, just set the storyline to Europe. What you'll get is Germany's (or Europe's?) imitation of Hollywood's average dystopian "classics". Tbh I can't take it seriously, it might be a nice watch for when you get the laundry done and stuff, a little entertainment if you don't want to watch a show you have to use your brains for. It's also great for bs bingo combined with a drinking game, every time the show gives you a stereotype or cliche/trope and the typical Netflix bs, drink and you'll be crocked in no time!
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Not a bad idea
pablo_moriano26 February 2021
The idea is okay. Actually, I like it. The problem, as with other German shows, is that I miss something. Maybe the actors, the budget is short, the script is not consistent,.. They always fail at some point and this is not an exception!
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