Seriously I don't know why I watched this movie fully. After the first 10-15 minutes itself I was quite sure this movie is just going to waste my time. The message of the film was good but couldn't execute it well enough to entertain the audience or couldn't give any kind of an emotional attachment. There were a lot of meaningless and boring comedies throughout the movie and a few audience started leaving theatre after first half itself. I didn't find any standout performance from any of it's cast. It's one of the most horrible Lalettan's movie I've ever watched.
Watched it just because of the good reviews I saw online (mostly from the fans I believe), there were a lot of positive reviews saying it's much better than "Love Action Drama", but frankly 'Love Action Drama' was an entertaining movie and a lot better than this movie. I won't recommend this to anyone. If you still need to waste your time, I prefer watching it in any good theatre, so you can have a good sleep at least.