Good Omens (2019–2025)
Are you demons or zombies? Choose one!!
2 August 2024
A hybrid of all the unharmonious and unmixable. Writers keep adding things in the bowl, and every element repels one another and overflows the cup.

Episode 1.1 -1.4. Solid eight. The foundation of the story is strong, and the motif itself is such a genius idea. An angel and a demon working together and building friendship, solidarity, and love. You know? It's most romantic when it's subtly romantic. Aziraphale and Crowly against the world or the whole universe. It's such a great adventure and romantic as heck. Of course, Sheen, Tennant, and Hamm's acting is fabulous.

Episode 1.5 - 2.6. Everything is so easy and convenient that the audience feels belittled. EVERYTHING happens by luck. There isn't any logic and steps to the problem-solving process. Especially toward the Armageddon, climax of the whole season, it ends so ridiculously in all parts: Adam's friends fighting four horsemen, Aziraphale and Crowly, our two protagonists, standing there doing nothing, Anathema and Pulsifier ending missile launch by just touching the computer. One or two conicidents are comical and can be such a laugh, but when eighty percent of the whole plots, especially with the ones that need most tension and meticulousness, lack effort, the audience should be pissed.

Season 2 is such a mess. The whole plot arc is incoherent and spreads all over the place. It lacks organization and branches out without any direction. Writers bring Zombies, Jane Austen, and memory loss just to fill up sixty minutes of one episode. They are so random, easy, and trite tropes. Writers really need to put even just a spoonful of passion to their writings. It looks as if they are just doing what they are paid to do and then go home. If you don't want to write this show, give it to people who really want it.
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