How To Kill The Franchise 9 Years Later
20 July 2024
So, Rocksteady was a famous gaming studio for developing our childhood games from early 2010's era? Let's break it down, shall we?

In late 2009, Arkham Asylum became a huge and critical success and considered as one of the greatest superhero games of all time. 2 years later, Arkham City has improved so much than Asylum, it has the best gameplay, open world, side missions, characters, soundtrack, jaw dropping plot twist, and ending. It was perfect, it won lots of GOTY awards and critics considered that City is the best in the series. Back-to-back masterpieces, Rocksteady is on fire, and they decided to make a final installment, Arkham Knight. Knight was a critical success, despite the predictable story and overuse of the Batmobile.

9 years later, Rocksteady, or I should say, "Lamesteady," screws everything up. When we saw the trailer and the gameplay of SSKTJL, this is not exact same as the previous installments. I thought we're going to play as Batman, but the game forces you to play one of the SS members. And basically, you can simply take down the JL superheroes by spamming bullets. This is not what we ask for, I'm not going to play a copy and paste game from Fortnite to shoot nothing but enemies and bosses to win. And they say this game is canon and takes place 5 years later after the events of Knight. Oh, really? The last 3 games were stealth and combat genre and this "looter shooter" game is canon after the events of Knight? Yeah, I don't think so.

Now the whole world hates Lamesteady because they had the gall to take a piss on Batman's corpse/Kevin Conroy's grave and disrespected Conroy's legacy for 30 years. How pathetic, Batman lost to the Suicide Squad. Nobody can take out the World's Greatest Detective. And that, my friends, is a giant middle finger from Lamesteady and an insult to the Arkham fans or Batman fanboys.

I guarantee this game isn't canon. Deadshot was a white guy back in Arkham Origins and City, but how is he black in this game? And we all thought Joker died in City, but he's alive somehow in this game. None of this makes any sense and this makes me laugh my lungs out. Besides, Lamesteady could have brought back Mark Hamil (voice of Arkham Joker), but they decided not to. The new voice actor for Joker had an abysmal performance. You're telling me that you brought back Conroy, but not Hamil for this final trainwreck installment? Uh... wow. I'm not surprised, but I'm a little disappointed.

If I were you, I would pretend this didn't exist and it's not part of the Arkham universe. They made 3 games with successful sales wise and SSKTJL killed the franchise. Go back and play the Arkham Trilogy just like the good old days and I promised it will make you feel better.

If you think my review isn't that helpful, then something's wrong with you. This is the end of the era, ladies and gents. Ciao!
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