Play Dead (2022)
Far fetched yet entertaining
13 September 2023
This was a mixed bag for sure, however there were definitely some aspects I was pleasantly surprised with.

Most of all I think a lot of this movie's successes were saved by the lead girl's performance. She felt like she was really on another level than the rest and overall did a great job. The coroner and little brother did a good job as well.

The story was predictable yet decent. There is most certainly a hearty helping of suspension of disbelieve required to enjoy this one as well. I think where it suffered the most was the pacing and the length. It was plainly too long and it started to become drawn out and repetitive. Also the score ended up being such a weird and distracting choice. It sounded like it was pulled from a 90s made for TV movie.

I think with some editing and maybe a dash of originality and down to earth-ness this could have been something great. But as is, it was still pretty successful and I would generally recommend.
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