The Alternate (2021)
Not bad
15 September 2022
Here's a low budget Sci-Fi, that never manages to amaze but is also not terrible. The story is about a man that (in rather sketchy circumstances), creates a portal to an alternate reality, but once he sees how different it is, things get complicated and morals are tested. This is an engaging and thought provoking storyline, even though it never is pushed to it's full potential.

The acting is OK, if a little rusty in places, but i have to say, i really didn't like the female lead at all. It felt like she was trying too hard to differentiate between the 2 personalities of her characters.

The script was a little ropey too. That being said, the story develops well and with a sensible running time, it doesn't drag at all, unlike some similar movies.

I did enjoy this movie, but i must confess, i think that could be mostly because i like this type of film, because after all, when i think about it back, this didn't really add anything exciting to the genre. So if you are like me and like the idea of mysterious psuedo-science, then you'll probably like this too, if not, then you may feel like passing this one by.
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