Whimsical take on a serious coming of age story.
17 May 2021
So the premise here is a 13-ish boy was born with a condition that results in excess hair all over his body. His face is so hairy that he resembles a Werewolf. When asked if he could shave it off he replies that it just grows back thicker. Naturally he gets a lot of taunting from his classmates and wicked looks from strangers. As a result he usually wore a type of ski mask allowing him to see and eat.

When he discovers something he decides to take a road trip and find his mother who apparently abandoned him when he was very young. Part of his trip is a brief stint with a small circus, as a curiosity. He hooks up with a 12-ish girl from his neighborhood and a girl old enough to drive. Lots of mischief ensues.

The whole movie is whimsical and for me that works very well. I enjoyed the movie and the characters, it deals with the serious subject of accepting who you are but in an entertaining manner. I watched it at home on Amazon streaming.

MILD SPOILERS: When he eventually does find his mom he also finds her dad, his grandfather and in meeting him better understands his own heritage. He also gains a new outlook regarding his own personal issues. They have a good visit, the boy will mend.
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