SPOILERS. The most ridiculous LHOTP episode ever!
3 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I'm a huge LHOTP fan, but have never seen made for TV movie-episode. I was bored this weekend and stumbled across it. It was so terrible that it was more of a comedy than drama. And full of WTF moments.

  • First scene is of Colorado or something. Which clearly isn't MN. Sigh...

  • It's supposed to be Christmas time but all the trees are green and there are flowers everywhere. Don't' worry, they mentions many many many times in the episode who it's Christmas time because, we the audience will soon forget.

  • Cut to a random women who is in the hospital. She just gave birth, but lost her baby. Her husband isn't there. Why? Who knows.

  • The Wilders and best bud Mr Edwards go to Mankato to buy Christmas presents AND I forgot already it was Christmas because it seems like it's summer in the scene.

  • Random woman (who has approx 22 inch waist after giving birth) is discharged complete with doctor prescribed drugs for her tea. Nice, move Doc.

  • Almanzo and Laura are irresponsible parents and leave Rose on a bench while they shop. Actually, Almanzo was supposed to be watching her. He leaves her there to help Mr Edward's in a bar fight. Priorities.

  • Random woman lures Rose with a doll and they leave on a train headed for the border. That seems like a feasible kidnapping plan.

  • The Wilders and Mr Edward's head out to search for Rose. Showing Rose's portrait to anyone that will listen. At this point I'm wondering why they go out for a day of shopping with her portrait.

  • A kid from the town orphanage stows away in the wagon. Because, they will need someone for the kidnapping family to adopt at the end.

  • Back in walnut grove, we, the audience are reminded again that it's Christmas because everyone is preoccupied with getting a tree. The Walnut Grove storyline is boring. But Santa Claus shows up at the end so all is well.

  • The search party eventually finds the home of the random woman and her husband. There last name is Norris.

  • Mr Norris threatens to shoot the search party. But within a few seconds Mrs Norris confesses and all is forgiven. Time to go home.

  • But wait! Stowaway kid is missing from the wagon! Way to go Almanzo! Lost another kid!

  • Mr Norris, Mr. Edward's and Almanzo search for the kid in he woods. The CHRISTMAS STAR leads them to the boy sleeping in a manger like thing. Come on! Lol!

  • They stay and celebrate Christmas with the Norris's. A reminder in case you forgot it was Christmas. I hope someone is watching the kids while they sleep.

  • Next morning everyone is happy, Mrs Norris gives Laura a towel full of biscuits. Which I would have thrown away in fear of being poisoned. But nope, they are now BFFs

  • They leave isn't he wagon to take the kid back to the orphanage. The end.

  • But wait! The Norris's realize THEY need a kid and can adopt him. So they chase after the wagon.

  • The kid joins the Norris's and Almanzo says he'll let the orphanage know the plan. What could go wrong?
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