Not for Me; Others May Love It
23 February 2021
When my daughter wanted to watch this I said, "You mean Four Weddings and a Funeral? That's a great film!"

But alas....

I must confess that I may be the wrong audience for this movie. (I'm an older Dad).

If you have sisters or you're a mom with daughters this might be right for you: "Look! She's just like our Susan! I had that same fight once with MY sister!"

Otherwise the sisters complete hackneyed stereotypes: the overachiever, the underachiever, the stay-at-home "old maid" (kinda young and a bit offensive to be labeled an old maid, but that's how they play it...). Add in the gauche prospective in-laws, and the plot lines write themselves: this one will make up with that one; these two will eventually fall in love.... Oh yeah... and a prospective stepdaughter so annoying that even my 11-year-old daughter wanted to drown her.

In the end (no spoilers!) there is one giant scene were everyone reconciles with everyone --- a scene that possibly has no end to it. (I could have gone out for a pizza and come back and it would still be going on...) The credits claim that the film has an editor, but you couldn't prove it by me:

"I love you!"

"No; I'm the one who loves YOU!"

"I never realized!"

"And we all love Mom!"

Not funny enough to be a comedy; not dramatic enough to be a drama, not romantic enough to be a rom-com.

Hey, if you dig this who am I to complain? But next time I'll hold out for Hugh Grand and Andie MacDowell.
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