Review of Ema

Ema (2016)
After it was over, I wanted to see it again
10 June 2017
I saw this little gem of a movie at a EU film festival in Kyoto. It had a lot of twists and turns, all built upon the various people who visited the comatose young teacher who (we learn early in the movie) had withdrawn a lot of money from his bank account shortly before being shot. It seems like the parade of visitors, all of whom seem sympathetic to his plight, also have an inordinate interest in the money that was withdrawn and still unaccounted for. When the mystery was revealed, I immediately wished I could watch it over again to see everything again through the new prism.

I agree with the previous reviewer, but wanted to add a few notes based on the comments after the film by the producer, the vivacious Aet Laigu and the excellent lead actress, Tiina Mälberg, who attended the screening. Ms. Laigu, who conceived the story and co-wrote the screenplay, said that the movie was shot on location in 16 days and that the whole production only took 7 months. Knowing that, I have to say the ensemble cast did a great job. They all seemed like real people who knew each other. She also mentioned that the production team was going for an 80's Estonian/Russian TV look where the colors are all a bit washed out, except for the bright flowers in the garden and bouquets that play a big role in the story.

This is a movie that will stick with you.
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