Public Defender: Open Season (1954)
Season 2, Episode 15
Not one of the better ones...
4 February 2017
This episode of "The Public Defender" is far from one of the better ones--mostly because the man on trial is such a broadly played and unrealistic character.

When the show begins, a man and some friends are out deer hunting when they are chased off the land at gunpoint. The problem is that they were NOT trespassing and the man who chased them off no longer owned the land! He turns out to be a slightly addle-brained and grouchy old coot...and an unbelievable one at that. Later, when he is out shooting at a bobcat, he apparently missed and shot a man who is his bitter rival. However, instead of getting help, he goes home and pretends nothing happened! When he is later arrested, Bart Mathews has a difficult time defending him because the guy is a loopy old guy and either lies or throws up his hands and will admit to anything. What really happened?

In addition to the old man being overplayed, the episode never really addresses that he IS a potential danger to others whether or not he shot the other man. An odd and difficult to love episode.
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