Whoopee! (1930)
the most incredible near nude costumes
11 January 2017
My attention was drawn to this movie sometime over Christmas and it recently arrived from the US. Wondering if I really wanted to watch a 1930s musical featuring someone I'd never seen before, it wasn't until last night that I popped it in the player. Immediately I was surprised to see that it was in colour, primitive two strip colour but a beautiful, barely real representation giving the lovely ladies an unearthly look. Early sketch and dance routine only okay but before my eyes had a chance to begin to glaze over the film took off and blossomed into a splendid, surreal treat with a fantastic performance from Eddie Cantor (I'm now a fan and have ordered more!). The dance routines are sensational if slightly ragged but I guess the new boy Busby Berkeley was finding his feet. The girls certainly find theirs and by the time the final and most amazing set up with a whole parade of ladies in the most incredible near nude costumes and on horseback(!) we are panting for more rather than the end. For a film this early to retain its magic AND effective humour is amazing. I should also mention that I couldn't help but notice numerous similarities between the way Cantor, moved, spoke and gesticulated to the surprisingly similar actions of Woody Allen in his films. All in all a very pleasant surprise and highly recommended.
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