Apocalypse 101 (2013– )
Good, sensible advice
14 May 2013
This is a MUCH better program than things like Doomsday Preppers. While the show does not have the 'Hoarders-Effect' of a show like DP (which really shows the nuts side of preppers) this show has good advice, reasonable guys who have real training in the kind of environment people are most likely to face. For example, (spoiler alert) when a customer comes to the team with the oft-half-baked idea of making an international shipping container into an underground bunker, they debunk the plan by actually having them experience staying in a shipping container for half a day. They have practical information about real scenarios, real needs, and the tactical reality of going it alone versus working with your community. A common sense show for a common sense issue. P.S. (spoiler alert) they make fun of zombie-nuts.
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