Good Story, Bad Main Actor.
1 March 2013
I was curious about the movie when I saw a trailer and saw that Stone and Zane were in it. As I watched the movie I was put off by Stones' acting? Talk about a buzz kill? The story was based on true events that I found very interesting even though it was way off on many areas. The characters that popped up as the story unfolded kept me from turning it off. All these unknown actors were much better actors then Stone and they were the reason that I watched the whole movie. Maybe Stone thought she didn't get paid enough to give it her best but it was annoying to watch her pretend to whine and cry at every turn when she was supposed to portray some experienced investigative reporter who acts tough and cry's at every turn. But if you have a couple of hrs to kill and want to see some interesting actors help Stone earn her money then try to enjoy...
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