Thundercats (2011–2012)
A good and underrated remake
20 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I think that it's a shame that some viewers dismiss this series only for the art style (Which in my opinion is pretty well done) because this is a very good remake, which keeps the essence of the original cartoon, adapting to the modern sensibilities, without dumbing it down. This new series kept all the fun of the original cartoon, with the classic conflict of good against evil, but adding more shades of gray to the story in order to make it more complex and ambitious, being at the same time pretty entertaining and easy to follow.

The animation is quite good, having a high level of quality through the whole series, I like very much the new designs, which, despite the superficial differences, have the essence of their original counterparts.

The personalities of the characters are now a bit complex, though in many ways, the dynamic between the heroes is basically the same. Some elements of romance and familiar conflicts were added, but that doesn't affect negatively the development of the story. If anything, those elements made it more interesting and much less predictable. This first season of this new version of the "Thundercats" is worth-watching, having many virtues to be taken in consideration. I hope the next season keep this same level of quality. I highly recommend it.
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