The worst is assuming what this documentary is about and never giving yourself a chance to watch it at least once, beginning to end.
31 January 2012
After reading so many negative reviews, it got to be disheartening. When I come back down to earth, that 66% rating is actually quiet high. The materials can be of a stretch for the non-initiated but over time, your heart will begin to resonate once you remove everything you once believe in, what is possible and not possible and watch it with an open mind. We're program to think the FDA, EPA, WHO and CDC are some authority to certify scientific research with proof, etc - but it's actually the other way around. Within YOU and you alone has the ability to discern and AUTHORITY to authenticate the information resonate with truth or not. This is a COMPLETELY different paradigm shift of awareness that we must all go through at this time. This documentary contains information similar to what you're telling a friend who is blinded in love, clearly love the wrong person, you told him/her a million times, they're just so blind and refuse to see the glaring evidences right before their eyes?! Although you may not agree or think everything presented is impossible but just like your friend, chances are they'll eventually see the truth over time. Not all recovers, just like some will never accept glaring obvious truth and THAT IS OKAY.

The entire world once hold sacred to the truth that the world is flat and the sun/moon/planets revolve around Earth; it was at one time the indisputable fact (if you challenge it, you will never receive your PhD equivalent in those days).

One thing I will say is LOVE. Genuine love is empowerment of free will (non-violation); not submission by force/fear (violation). Use your heart to "feel" and "resonate" with the truth. Never be afraid or succumb to any "fear-based" motivation, regardless of what pretext or excuse. "Know" that you are not meat or this human body shell that decays. "Know" that you are a sentient and indestructible consciousness that survives lifetimes. On the path to the final destination of endless joy, peace and victory requires one to walk the dark path of truth (the more you know, the more pain you carry - that type of thing). In the end, if you walk the path of Service-To-Others, there will be nothing but goodness awaiting you.

Thank you for being human because Within You contains infinite wisdom and potential. You have access Within You to all problems once you begin to accept all of world's problems belong to ALL OF US.

Remembrance of WHO YOU ARE.


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