Thundercats (2011–2012)
In response to the last review...
3 September 2011
Warning: Spoilers
The other characters and creatures of Third Earth are coming. in the Thundercats fourms, there is a review with one of the animators discussing how he redesigned Jackalman from elements of the original series.

The writing and animation is clearly the best of any reboot of a series that I have seen. I just hope Cartoon Network doesn't start worrying about production costs and decide to cheapen it or cut it altogether for financial reasons. Cartoon Network NEEDS to keep a few top name series on their schedule. They killed off He-man, Transformers (My favorite being Beast Wars), and they only seem to be able to handle a single series or two of a popular third party show before they kill it with some in house material nobody really wants to watch.

Enjoy it while it lasts because Cartoon Network is really only about the numbers, so you might want to try to get people to watch.
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