Blue Eyes (2007 Video)
How did this travesty make it on to DVD?
1 August 2010
This is the worst film that I have ever seen. The script, acting, photography, sound, sets and direction are all appalling.The DVD cover shows a train being held up, when does this happen? The previous reviewer seems to have liked the film, I can only think that he was related to the director or on strong medication. Firstly the photography,was it filmed on Super 8 with a wind up camera? The frames do not flow but are jerky and the lighting quality varies between shots. The sound is tinny and distant. The Sheriff is the only person in the film who can act,the baddie shows a glimmer of talent and the rest are pathetic, although the dialogue and direction don't give them much of a chance.I can only think this film was made by students having a bit of fun, but how did it make it on to DVD.
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