Review of Warriors

Warriors (2008– )
While not terrible there is nothing special or new here either.
28 April 2009
I am basing this review as someone who had never seen any previews and only found it by channel surfing, seeing the title, reading the description and then watching it. In other words I did not know about the show beforehand and went in expecting a documentary on a particular battle and warrior from history.

Another nouveau-documentary series which almost seems to focus more about the host (in this series) or crew than the actual subject. This seems to be the new style, at least in America.

Each episode is supposed to be about a particular warrior and/or battle in history. Yet, most of it is spent with the host showing you how cool the weapons were and how they were used with very little time actually spent on the battle or warrior in question. It all seems a bit misleading.

The host seems like he is having fun and is energetic but treats the viewers as if they were school kids with his dialogue and constant use of the word, "cool". It feels as if he is trying to make history seem, for lack of a better word, cool for today's kids. There is nothing wrong with that but there is also nothing really meaty here and you won't walk away learning much about history. The weapon info is interesting but too much time is spent on them.

At the end of the show you get a brief historical lesson on the subject battle or warrior. Which begs the question...

Shouldn't the title have been, "Look at me playing with all these cool weapons from history" instead?
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