Death Wish Prequel
13 August 2007
After doing the horrific Duel of the Champions in Europe, film offers were not inundating Alan Ladd any more. He was probably lucky to get this one which in fact he produced for himself.

13 West Street is an unpretentious drama about a 40 something man, a successful guy, an aerospace engineer in fact, who takes a wrong turn on the way home and runs into a gang of punks led by Michael Callan. They beat him up, really without any reason or provocation as punks are wont to do.

Alan Ladd is our victim and Rod Steiger is the detective from the juvenile division assigned to his case. Like Charles Bronson in Death Wish, Ladd is not real happy with the progress and starts investigating on his own. It leads to two deaths as byproducts in his pursuit of vengeance.

Dolores Dorn is good as Ladd's wife who doesn't like the changes in her husband. Ladd does give a good account of himself as the middle-aged man he was. Possibly he and Sue Carol realized finally he was no longer believable as an action hero.

Sad that the realization came too late because there was only one more film left in the career of Alan Ladd.
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