Worst Movie Ever? It Just Might Be.
9 October 2024
"The worst movie ever made" is a term that gets overused on this platform, but this might really be it. It's like something a few kids wrote, directed and shot on a camcorder in an afternoon for a class project. The acting is wooden and atrocious, as if none of the performers have ever rehearsed or been on camera before. The script is clunky and expositional; the attempted humor is cringeworthy. This isn't even competent enough to qualify as so-bad-it's-good entertainment; it's more like being forced by pushy parents to watch a 70-minute home video of their kid's lousy dance recital or something.

The only mysteries are: how this ever got released, even as free content on a free streaming service; and whether the cover art cost more than the rest of the production combined.
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