Riders (2002)
Almost a Good Action Movie
30 June 2004
A group of four young and daring thieves leaded by Slim (Stephen Dorff) commit heist against a bank and an armored truck without any shooting. Their problems begin when they steal some possessions that belonged to a bad guy and they are blackmailed by the dangerous bandit and by the dirty Lt. Macgruder (Bruce Payne). Karen (Natasha Henstridge) is a detective who has just been transferred to the jurisdiction and command of Lt. Macgruder and has an affair with Slim. After many plot points, the conclusion of this amoral story is very reasonable. This flick is almost a good action movie. There are many good elements, such as the action scenes themselves, the soundtrack (on DTS, it is great!), the beauty of Natasha Henstridge, who looks like wine and some funny situations. However, Bruce Payne is horrible and ridiculous as usual, the character of Steven Berkoff is boring and not funny, and the story, full of clichés, has many flaws. The `actress' who performs a policewoman in the scene on the bridge is showed a couple of minutes on the screen and has an amazingly bad short performance. Further, Natasha Henstridge is `too much sand for the truck' of Stephen Dorff, isn't she? This 1.78 m very good-looking and perfect body Canadian woman does not fit well with this 1.77 m evil face actor in a romantic couple. Anyway, a watchable and forgettable entertainment especially on DVD, recommended for killing time. My vote is six.

Title (Brazil): `Steal – Fuga Alucinada' (`Steal – Crazy Getaway')
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