Fairuza Shines
5 May 2002
Being a big fan of Fairuza Balk's this movie done earlier in her career shows how talented she really is. It seems Fairuza is not a well known actress unless you mention The Craft or The Waterboy and people will say "oh her, she has done alot of movies?" Fairuza and Harvey Keitel play off one another so well as father and daughter. This movie is well written, well casted and well acted out. Sure there are a few boring parts but that goes with a drama type movie. Watch for a younger Amber Benson who is on Buffy The Vampire Slayer now as Tara. Also Vincent D'Onofrio plays a really good part as well. Crimes is a bit of a tear jerker and I have to say this movie Solidifies that Fairuza Balk is talented and that she deserves more credit than she gets. Christopher Penn has a small role in this as well. A few known faces in this one. But this sleeper hit is worth the time to rent. Chicks will like it for sure.
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